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Why Diversity & Inclusion Matter?

Written by: Tugce Ozdeger, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Diversity and Inclusion is clearly a hot topic nowadays, especially in the workplace, but the question is how much do we really consider these two interconnected concepts when we form organizations and teams, and how much do we dare to surround ourselves with people who might challenge us and breakthrough our “limits”?

Diversity isn’t just about gender or race, but it’s also about background, culture, and mindset.

Let’s face it; we all humans have “limiting beliefs,” a.k.a.thoughts, opinions that we believe to be the truth on different levels no matter where we were born or how we were brought up, and that’s why diversity is actually not a threat instead it’s an opportunity to grow by getting acquainted with different perspectives, approaches, and energies.

Building an inclusive culture where everyone freely expresses themselves will not only allow them to thrive and tap into their full potential, but also it will bring the success and sustainability to the organization in the long run.

People who have a different background, passion, and mindset will bring a different dynamic to the team, which will make a huge difference in both team and individual achievements. It’s because the more we feel valued and respected, the more creative we will be in what we do.

We all have a tendency to avoid things and people that we do not feel familiar with, but the real growth starts when we are open-minded enough to keep the balance and harmony by considering these concepts and giving an opportunity to people who have diverse backgrounds not only allow them to bring their own diverse gifts but also allow everyone to broaden their horizons.

To consider diversity & inclusion and apply it in the community is not only one man's job. We all need to be willing to be open to accept diversity. The more we are able to contribute with our uniqueness, the more we can enrich the lives of others. Therefore, it’s vital that we not only talk about how important these concepts are but also make them a reality.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Tugce Ozdeger, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tugce Ozdeger is a Senior Software Engineer and a Career Acceleration Mentor for Women in Tech. After a long corporate career, Tugce created strategies to level up her tech career on her own terms. She has since dedicated her life to helping women to unleash their full potential by defining a lucrative career that allows them to experience the life of their dreams in tech. She is the founder of Heart-Centric Tech Mentoring, an online tech career mentoring academy with students from many different countries. Tugce was featured in various digital publications and podcasts. She was a speaker at SweTugg, which is one of the prestigious tech conferences in Stockholm. Tugce was also the project leader for one of the most appreciated IT-Conferences for Women in Tech in Sweden, which was arranged completely digital. Her mission: More women in tech.


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