Written by Hayden Flohr, Business & Energy Coach
Hayden has been dubbed by her clients and community as the "energy witch". Combining years of business success, neuroenergetics, EFT, human design, gene keys (& more), her unique coaching style challenges entrepreneurs to think bigger, create deeper & get more illogical results.

Your business can only get as hot as you can. When you’re not in energetic integrity with how you were meant to create, coach & evolve, then you’ll ultimately bottom out or plateau because what you’re doing lacks efficiency. You built this business to get illogical results, feel incredible, & lead from the front. So, let’s melt some pressure and get your power back.

Do you have an energy problem or a strategy problem?
After working with hundreds of coaches, online service providers, & small business owners there’s an easy way to diagnose if your power problem is of the strategy or energy flavor.
Energy problems always feel charged. They come with an adverse emotion, an icky story, or a burst of energy (pressure, guilt, or shame) which is often misinterpreted as inspiration. Strategy problems feel neutral. More clear and relaxed. They don’t come with a story about what you’re worth or deserve.
You’ll have plenty of past experiences confusing one for the other. Do you have a business investment you’ve made recently where you left the partnership feeling more confused and emotional, with 10x more work on your plate, and a fraction of the results? That’s because you bought a solution to the wrong problem. And now you’re left secretly rejecting the work and trying to find yourself again.
Where did your power go?
Confidence. Sanity. Peace. Intuition. Courage. Moxy. Spaciousness. Unfuck with ability. Power means something different to everyone. Power is what you have when you’re feeling the greatest and moving the best. Yours didn’t go anywhere, you just can’t find it because your stress is too loud. And the more stressed action you take, the further that aligned solutions get.
For example, a lower sales month doesn’t mean your strategy stopped working or your content stinks. It’s likely a reflection of how you spent more time second-guessing yourself this month and your community felt it. If you overhaul your strategy because what you had was an energy problem, you might find yourself in a bigger pickle than before.
What character trait of yours is easily expressed when your business is the hottest and when you feel the most confident?
Your problem is not the decrease in sales or the ever-changing algorithm. It’s that your most favorite trait is hard to access in this current season. Good news! I can help you clean out the energy crusties that are blocking the flow of this power (and your results) because of it.
9 shifts to turn down stress, turn up satisfaction, and get your power back
1. Melt pressure before moving
Emotions make you fast…but dumb.
When you feel pressure or stress, your body releases a surge of adrenaline that redirects blood to your muscles and speeds up unconscious thinking so that you can leap into action, move fast, and escape that pressure.
This works well when your kid brother is about to snap you with a rubber band, but it doesn’t work so well when you have a big business, thousands of eyes on you, and hundreds of paying clients that depend on you.
Your nervous system thinks like a toddler. Everything is huge to them. When a toddler smells smoke, their brain says that the house is on fire. When you can learn to parent that pressure (instead of letting a toddler be your CEO), you won’t always feel the threat of burning to the ground.
When my private clients feel pressure, I use a combination of EFT Tapping (emotional freedom technique), Human Design, and neuro energetics to dissolve the pressure and bring them into a problem-solving state.
As a Manifesting Generator with Channel 35-36 and my unconscious sun in Gate 22, I am uniquely designed to help my clients think & move differently so that they can create new experiences, more energy & illogical results. Fun!
2. Replace obligation with desire
Don’t let complacency disguise itself as obligation. You are not required to do things that suck the life out of you. And you aren’t required to do necessary things in ways that suck the life out of you.
Continuing to do things the same way because “that’s how you’ve always gotten results” or “that’s the way it’s always been done” is a sneaky way to strip you of the jet fuel needed to hit your next level.
In 2022, I realized that my income was capped because I was spending just as much time every week on sales calls as I was on coaching calls. As an INFJ with a limited battery, that wasn’t going to work for me. I felt obligated to take sales calls because that’s what was always done in this industry.
I removed them, sold high ticket all via DMs, and had my first multi 5 figure month less than thirty days later. Desire keeps you in your Zone of Genius while providing energy instead of depleting it.
Find anywhere in your business where you’re experiencing obligation instead of raw desire. Can you do that task differently to change the energy of it? Can you outsource it? Or can you remove it entirely? If you make any moves that free up energy, I’d love for you to share them with me. You can send me a DM on X and I’ll celebrate you!
3. Learn your human design
You are uniquely designed to create, coach, & evolve. Most emotional stressors in business are a sign that you’re not leading with your strengths or your body. So in moments where a normal business coach’s advice would be to “change your thinking” or “add a layer to your funnel,” it’s time to approach things differently. Find where you’re not applying your unique energy effectively so that you can think less and move better.
Human Design is the study of your unique energy efficiencies and how you’re designed to use them to communicate, move, & impact the world.. I’ve been using this coaching modality for years to help coaches, OSPs and small business owners decondition from their greatest blocks and scale in only the way that they can. The better you feel in your business…the better your results get.
And if you’re thinking, “Hayden, I’m running a big business here, and I don’t have time to learn a whole new coaching modality by myself” that’s why you lock arms with me in 1:1. I know what’s relevant to your business and what’s going to be confusing depending on the season you’re in. You can skip months of learning alone, experimenting, and frustration by letting me direct you to what’s most important.
4. Raise your receiving setpoint
You’ll free up so much power when you can receive as much as you create. Your receiving setpoint is the lowest end of your nervous system’s comfort zone. Essentially, it’s the bare minimum of what you allow yourself to receive and how you allow yourself to feel or be supported.
Imagine that setting a big, hairy, audacious goal is like putting your bed on 10-foot stilts. You can run, jump, and pull yourself up into bed every night. That’s what you’ve been doing in your business for years. But let’s say you twisted your ankle chasing the dog today…are you a little more timid to jump? Are you protecting your injury? Playing defense? Will you let anyone help you?
Your emotions are the twisted ankle. When we incrementally increase what our nervous system can handle (aka get us a step ladder) it becomes infinitely easier to hit your goals.
For more on this, my brand new program, Sold Out Setpoint, is going to transform your sales energy & expand your receiving capacity without adding a whole bunch of unnecessary sh*t to your strategy.. You can check out the program here!
5. Load up your creativity ATM card
Do you know what creativity is? It’s information and inspiration. And both of those things are just – you guessed it – energy. You can tap into the bottomless nature of creativity by prioritizing your own satisfaction. Your energy is to creativity what money is to an ATM card.
If creative anxiety is a current source of your stress, start loading up on life force before hitting a blank page to create. For example, stop writing content first thing in the morning when you have no life force to pull from. Instead, start scheduling content blocks after your 9 am Pilates class or after your last Mastermind coaching call of the day.
Work smarter, not harder. I guarantee you’ll pump out more potent content, with higher conversion in half the time.
6. Reprogram limitations, stressors, or blocks while you sleep
Regardless of whether you’re spiritual or totally practical, studies show that you have a personal assistant who works on your business while you’re catching z’s. Right before you doze off, file a work order for your brain. It can be one of two requests: 1) what you’d like to experience when you wake up or 2) what problem you’d like a solution to.
Here’s what that might look like:
“When I wake up tomorrow, I’m going to have an answer to X problem.” “When I wake up tomorrow, I’m going to feel total relief around X.”
“When I wake up tomorrow, I’ll know exactly what to do.”
Fall asleep to the feeling you’ll feel when that work order is fulfilled. Hang around me long enough and I’ll show you how to get better results by just straight up working more efficiently than most people do.
7. Make a decision that floods your body with power
This vs. That. Intuition vs. Deadline. Pressure vs. Desire. You have to make tough decisions in business without getting distracted by pressure, shame, or guilt. Use this as your million-dollar-decision-making qualifier:
“When I think about doing X thing, does it flood me with power or energy? If so, how can I accomplish this in a way that is fun and expansive?”
Don’t imagine the result of the action. The end results are always exciting (and distracting). Instead, imagine being immersed in bringing that thing to life. Does it flood your body with power to create this thing? When you imagine bringing it to life does it flood you with excitement and energy? Go back to my sales call example in number 2 if you want to see how I used this same qualifier to make a huge strategy change in my business that paid off 10-fold.
8. Do something insane
The second you stop taking the “this is batshit crazy but I’m going to do it anyways” type of action is the second your power stops flowing. Playing to win and playing not to lose are two different energies that produce two different emotional experiences.
Think back to your last big quantum leap. What batshit crazy moves were you making? Where were you free and flowing instead of scared and contracted? Are there any areas in your business where you’ve stopped doing that? I’m going to need you to pull out the big guns because to score you have to play offense.
9. Don’t just fix the problem
You are never going to have an integration problem. You work too hard and are too passionate about what you do. So if you want to: feel better with bigger results, make your brand energy recession-proof, or work in ways that make you feel more alive, then it’s time to change how you invest in your business.
The conditions that you create results in are the conditions that you experience results in. When you compromise your sanity, satisfaction, emotional security, & excitement to get a result…you bring that with you when you achieve it. That’s why your stress feels louder than your satisfaction in this season.
This is a sign that it’s time to lock arms with someone who can help you get to the energetic root of your problems – even when they’re always evolving to the next level – stay in energetic integrity for longer periods, and hold you in your power when you are normally unable to do it yourself.
Take your business to the spa
Things are good, but you want them to be fucking mind blowing. This means you need someone who can see these energetic discrepancies in your business better than you can, while also holding you in your power for longer. The Spa is my exclusive 1:1 partnership where we’ll spend 4 weeks together cleaning out all the energy crusties in your business, so that you can stress less, enjoy more, & yes…make more, too. If you’d like to hear more, feel free to click here and check out what my clients are saying about our work! There are 4 spots available every month, only accessible through the application.
Visit my website for more info!
Hayden Flohr, Business & Energy Coach
Hayden Flohr is the Red Bull that gives your business new wings. By combining her years of successful solo + agency entrepreneruship with EFT, neuroenergetics, quantum sales, human design, conventional manifestation & gene keys, she has a unique ability to lead clients at all income levels to illogical results by getting beyond their logical programming. She's devoted years to helping OSPs, coaches & entreprenerus become iconic leaders, run massive businesses that make them feel alive, & squeeze every ounce of juice from their brilliant brain.