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Tapping Into Your Intuitive Power

Written by: Deniz Mustard, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Deniz Mustard

Do you wish to enhance your intuition for coaching or improve your intuitive abilities in business? If so, keep reading...

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Intuition is one of nature's greatest gifts, allowing us to transcend our basic senses and trust in something greater than ourselves. It exists to help us navigate a world beyond our conscious minds, where a vast amount of information remains untapped. Using your intuition means tuning out the noise to see what lies beyond your immediate thoughts. It's about dropping in and tuning into a different frequency to discover what's there. To access this intuitive information, you must master the following areas:

1. Going beyond your ego

When seeking to use your intuition, you must move beyond your preconceived ideas and the urge to serve your own needs or expectations in a given moment. The moment you become entangled in your thoughts, you'll only access old ideas and experiences.

2. Embracing innocence

After stepping out of your ego, the next step is to embody innocence. To achieve this state, consider an image like your child's face looking up at you, with that look of 'help, Mom' as a baby. This image not only warms your heart but also takes you out of your head and into your heart, where there are no preconceived notions, only a desire to serve. In this state of innocence, you're open and receptive, and you let the intention guide what you wish to discover. Through regular practice, you begin to recognize certain cues.

3. Managing triggers

Intuition can be challenging when you're triggered by a situation. While it's not impossible, it's a complex endeavour. Emotional turmoil can stir your ego, so it's crucial to maintain emotional stability and neutrality toward the outcome. It's often easier to read a situation or question for someone else because you aren't emotionally attached to the outcome. Your focus should be on providing clarity and service.

4. Heightening your senses

To heighten your senses, extensive healing work is essential. You must understand the cues and nuances that come with energy and healing work, as mentioned earlier. Something that might appear ordinary or the slightest nudge might go unnoticed if you're not accustomed to listening and paying close attention. This comes with experience.

5. Practicing patience

After achieving a calm ego, embracing innocence, and ensuring emotional stability, when you step into this space prepared to receive information, you must also be patient. State what you see; if there's nothing, say nothing. The absence of information can convey multiple meanings, and you won't realize this until you express it. Continually being open and asking questions in this space will yield more answers as you delve deeper into it.

These steps are simple, but if you find them challenging, it's advisable to work on grounding yourself in your heart and body consistently. If you can't maintain this consistently, it indicates inner work is required. It doesn't mean you can't tap into your intuition before addressing these issues, but you'll only recognize the true potential afterward and your ability to navigate the world around you advantageously.

If you'd like to learn more about tapping into your intuition, please visit here and book your one-on-one session.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube, or visit my website for more info!

Deniz Mustard Brainz Magazine

Deniz Mustard, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Deniz spent ten years in London and Sydney (Australia) operating as a top-level personal trainer. Her clients successfully ran marathons, climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, and trained before and after their pregnancy. The last 6 years she has moved into spiritual coaching, going deeper into mindset, emotional stability; and energy healing. She has created programmes, courses and a network to create the right support for people to move forward in their growth. Her mission is to free as many people from their energetic entanglement.

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