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5 Steps to Develop Your Intuitive Superpowers

Written by: Trish Bishop, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There’s lots of science to support the fact that we all have intuition, so I’m not going to address that here (though check out Atmana Coaching Academy as a great resource to learn more). What I’d like you to do is ask you to imagine what it would be like if you could sense the potential of a problem with your team, projects, partners or even personal relationships before they actually materialize? What kind of an edge would it give you to be able to take tactical steps to mitigate a potential issue before it even occurs? How much stress and chaos could you remove from your life and the lives of those around you if you could do this? How much time could you save if you could take steps to address a potential issue rather than dealing with the fallout after an issue has blown up?

Just as you use your sense of taste to read and interpret flavors, or your sense of hearing to read and interpret sound, your intuition provides you with a powerful capability to read and interpret energetic information. Let’s look at a few real-world examples of this, because as much as this seems like a woo-woo capability, I’m all about the practical and tactical. Think back to a time you were cheated on (if this has never happened to you, that’s amazing!) Now, when you look back, maybe it was all the way back to high school, if you’re really, truly honest with yourself, did you know or sense it was happening before you actually found out about it? Another example is to think about how you felt when you met someone new and had an instant and instinctual distrust, or when you liked them immediately. This is your body, using its sixth sense to read and interpret energetic information about the other person or situation. You’re doing this all day, every day, you couldn’t turn it off even if you wanted to. The only thing you can turn off is your willingness to consciously pay attention to what your intuition is telling you.

I trust my intuition implicitly and estimate I spend 80% of my day using it to decide where to focus my time and energy. This can be as simple as scanning my inbox to determine which emails absolutely need my attention right now and which can wait. I can use it to sense who is on board with an idea, who is completely disengaged, or who is a barrier to success. I use it to guide conversations to uncover the root cause of an issue or to check in on the energy of my team or a project. And I always use it for decision-making, though for significant decisions, I will also do my due diligence and be open to the potential that I may be off track, however, the majority of the time, the facts invariably prove my intuitive hit was correct. This superpower creates massive efficiencies and significantly reduces drama and stress as I can take tactical steps to bypass a potential issue before it even materializes. If this sounds like a superpower, you’d like to develop (because you already have it, you just need to start using it), read on!

Here are 5 steps to help you develop your intuitive superpower:

1. Be Open and Aware. Too often, we are running a hundred miles an hour in a million different directions. This creates a lot of noise in our heads, with threads of thoughts and ideas all wrapped up in a ball of chaos that keeps us from being present. There are signs all around you, however, if you’re not being consciously present, aware and open to the possibility of receiving them, then you’re likely missing them. Slow your flow just a bit, instead of diving headlong into the next thing, take a moment to pause and sense what’s going on around you. Be aware and open, thinking too much is not helpful as this is very much an instinctual capability.

2. Get Quiet. This is a practice that will help you with developing your awareness and openness to receive intuitive information. We often create what I like to call NTA, or noise to avoid. Think of someone in your life who lives in a constant state of chaos. You know who I’m talking about, as soon as one crisis passes, the next one is already emerging. You can literally almost see them creating it. This is classic NTA behavior and it’s a mechanism people use when they are trying to avoid getting quiet. You see, in the quiet is where the truth starts to emerge and, for many people, living in chaos is far easier than facing a truth they don’t want to acknowledge. To get quiet, shut off all electronics, put away your book, and just sit quietly. If you can get out in nature, that’s even better. As each thought comes into your head become an observer and watch it float by in your mind rather than interacting with it, dissecting it, or engaging with it. Imagine it’s a cloud floating in the skyscape of your mind and let is pass. This takes practice, however, it is an important step in developing your intuitive superpower as thoughts and thinking often get in your way.

3. Build a Relationship with Your Intuition. On the surface, this step may seem as if I’m intimating that your intuition is separate from you. It is not. Your intuition is absolutely ‘of’ you. However, there are any number of deep-rooted reasons why you, consciously or unconsciously, may not trust yourself on any number of levels. To bypass these issues, I find it’s easiest to imagine your intuition as your new BFF. Imagine meeting your intuition and really resonating with the energy of this new ‘person’ in your life. You want to be near them, you want to spend time with them, you love their insights and perspective on life. Think of what your perfect soul-mate relationship would look like. How would you show up? How would you honor this relationship? What would you ask this person? What would you share with them? I believe the more you can honor and develop this relationship, the stronger your intuitive superpower will become. I try never to take mine for granted as it is such a gift in my life and I am always conscious of honoring that gift.

4. Stop and Listen. With this step, if you get any kind of sense, feeling or even remote inkling, stop whatever you’re doing just for a moment, and ‘listen.’ I try to do this physically as well as mentally to reinforce with my intuition that I’m present and paying attention. Ok, you’ve stopped, now listen…what are you being nudged to do or say? For example, if you are being nudged to say something to someone, try prefacing it with, “I feel I need to share something with you, I’m not sure why but…” and see how they react. In my experience, they are amazed at whatever message I’ve shared with them. For me, my ears may start ringing when there’s something important I need to pay attention to, so I will say (in my mind or out loud if it’s appropriate), “I’m listening, please tell me what you want me to know.” I’ll usually then have someone’s name pop into my head, or I’ll start to think about a project I’m working on, etc. so I follow that thread and either reach out to the person, or start asking questions about the project and I will invariably find that there was definitely something there for me to uncover. This is the whole deal with the issue before it’s an issue thing!

5. TRUST. Ah yes, this one is so fun and is often the most significant stumbling block in developing this superpower. Well, leg day at the gym isn’t necessarily fun either - surely you didn’t think this was going to be that easy! This is less of a step in the process and is more of a step embedded throughout the process. Think about building that BFF relationship with your intuition, can you have a BFF you don’t trust? When you create the space to become more aware and present, are you going to ignore the signs you start seeing or honor them for the powerful messages they are? When you stop and listen, are you going to act on the ‘hit’ you get or shove it aside? When you get quiet, are you going to respect the messages that start to come forward, or are you going to stay in fear of what the truth might mean? Trust is the foundation for this superpower!

There is an authenticity about building this relationship with your intuition where you are stripped bare inside of your own skin as you open yourself up to this potential. I know that if you choose to do this, you will be shocked, amazed and awed by what will emerge and who you’ll become as a result. As you think about what this superpower might mean for you, I’d also ask you to consider what it might mean for the people around you. Would your team be better served if you could head potential problems and issues off before they become real problems and issues? What would your personal relationships look like if you stepped into those tricker conversations your intuition is telling you need to be addressed, but you’re avoiding? Taking ownership of this superpower is courageous work and I can tell you that the rewards will far outweigh any effort. There’s a whole other aspect of you waiting to emerge.

Are you ready?

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Trish Bishop, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

After launching, and taking public, one of the first Internet Service Providers in Canada, Trish quickly found her niche as a ‘translator’ with an exceptional ability to translate business needs into solutions. She also discovered early in her career that she is highly intuitive, and then honed that gift into her corporate superpower! She blatantly integrates both the corporate and woo-woo aspects of who she is and attributes this to the amazing success she has had in her career, including developing 6 high performance teams.

As an Energy Integration Coach, Trish teaches leaders how to create massive transformation for themselves, their teams and their organizations by learning how to read and interpret energetic information (aka intuition!) In addition to being a highly successful IT Project Manager, Trish is also the author of 'The Question Journey', a Shaman, Empath and Certified Angel Guide. Her mission: to heal corporate workplaces one leader at a time.

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