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I Have A Shameful Secret

Written by: Dr. Denise L. Morrison, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Yep, you read that right... I have a shameful secret. I am a Certified Life Coach, etc. AND I struggle too.

I have been working on overcoming my struggles for my whole life.

And, because of those struggles, I have become resilient, determined, and dedicated to helping others overcome their struggles too.

My life isn't "perfect" by any definition...or according to what Facebook or Instagram, TV or society says.

I didn't have a loving, supportive childhood. I was physically and emotionally abused. I can now celebrate that I am a former perfectionist, binge eater and orthorexic. I am thankful for my struggles as they helped me become the woman, I am today.

The most awesome part is that I am no longer ashamed of myself.

Once, I had a co-worker say to me, "So if you're a Life Coach, aren't you supposed to have your shit together?"


I burst out laughing and told her, "No, being a Life Coach doesn't mean I've reached an enlightened state of being floating around perfectly perfect."

Her eyes opened wide, and then I said, "I am a guide, a trusted advisor and helper to those who are ready to put in the time, effort and money to stop struggling."


Why am I telling you this? Just because I have certain qualifications and letters after my name, that does not mean I've got it all figured out.


Nor am I unaffected by life's ups and downs and I most certainly experience the gamut of human emotions.


I am real, I hurt, I cry and scream, and I am vulnerable too!

The difference is: now I embrace it!!


Once I realized that my secrets were affecting my joy, happiness, health, and peace, I did something about it. I got help.

Now, this is where you come in...

If you feel that any of the following statements sound like you, I would love to offer you a deep coaching session.


I binge eat to numb out, feel better, release stress or shut off my feelings.

I overwork, over-shop, over-spend, overeat, over-commit, over-do things.

I am my own worst critic, mean to myself or put myself down.

I doubt myself and the way that I feel.

I was abused/traumatized as a child.

I learned self-abusive behaviors because that's what I saw at home.

I had to grow up too fast.

I had to be an adult at a young age and feel like I missed out on my childhood.

I am always thinking too much, worried, or stuck when it comes to making decisions.

I am forever looking into the future to the next thing to make me happy (you may say, "I'll be happy when I...)

I neglect my self-care needs, put myself last or feel guilty doing what feels good for me.

I do not trust how I feel or what my intuition is really saying to me because it's scary and I will have to make changes in my life.


Take some deep cleansing breaths if any of those statements triggered emotions in you xo. They were all very real statements for me for most of my life so I can feel how icky and painful they can be.

I also want you to know that you are NOT alone, bad, broken, or wrong for having these thoughts and feelings.

You are human, you are unique and your story matters.

I would love to serve you in a powerful coaching call.

Message me Denise Morrison Intuitively Unique Coaching to start the conversation with any thoughts or questions that have come up.


I would love to be able to listen to your story and support you in your life.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Dr. Denise L. Morrison, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Denise Morrison is the CEO of Intuitively Unique Coaching, her Holistic Brand of Health/Life Coaching.

She struggled for decades to overcome traumatic experiences from her own past. She compensated for her lack of confidence with degrees and professional success. She numbed her pain with addictive eating and self-abusive behaviors. And when she finally turned to the right teachers and coaches, she learned that change does not need to take decades. Change can actually be instantaneous. And change can be lasting. After working for many years in healthcare, Denise felt a pull and a passion for working with people on a deeper and more transformational level.

Her academic mind was drawn to the evidence-based nutrition and exercise practices, but she was also compelled by the more mystical therapies emerging from neuroscience and quantum healing.

Denise sought out the best training in health and wellness, life coaching, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to have access to the most powerful tools to help others change their lives for the better.

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