Your ability to learn faster than your competition and speed up your path to ultimate authority is an unparalleled competitive advantage. How do we achieve it? Dr Raman K Attri has the answer to it. He is the founder of GetThereFaster, a learning portal aimed at teaching professionals and leaders the strategies to get to their desired performance faster. Dr Raman is the world’s leading accelerated learning scientist, a corporate learning leader, an advanced learning designer, and an inspiring professional speaker. Despite losing his ability to walk to poliovirus as a child, he went on to become a living example of how to ‘walk faster’ in professional life. He holds 2 doctorates, earned over 100 international credentials & certifications, and authored 23 books, and is extensively featured in the media. Named among Brainz Global 500 leaders and one of the most admired Global Indians, he inspires positivity to break any walls of limitations. In his free time, he writes poems and draws portraits that brought him an international artist award as well.

Dr. Raman K. Attri, Performance Scientist
Tell us a little about you.
I wear many hats. I am an author, a speaker, a scientist, a trainer, a coach, and an artist.
I graduated in electronics engineering, and later I was trained as a technology scientist. My professional career spans over 25 years across 8 diverse disciplines. My multidisciplinary and multi-domain expertise allows me to bring the highest level of value and context to my solutions.
Since childhood, I have been very passionate about learning and have been curious about learning faster. This passion has put me on a path to earning over 100 international credentials and degrees, which include 2 doctorates. I have received some of the world’s highest certifications as well.
My passion has taken me places. Today, I stand as a leading accelerated learning scientist, apart from being a recognized multi-national corporate learning leader. I specialize in researching, speaking, and training individuals and organizations on strategies for speeding up their learning, performance, and leadership.
Asude from that, I have authored 23 multi-genre books. I also share my insights as a professional and public speaker at some of the largest conferences, helping individuals and organizations to build a speed-savvy culture.
What are the core areas of professional acceleration you focus on?
While learning is the foundation of everything, it is a small part of overall professional success and leadership. To me, accelerating learning encompasses a wide range of skill sets. Therefore, my professional acceleration focus is on helping individuals and professionals master speed in 5 dimensions of their success.
First, I help people develop a mindset for transformation towards attaining personal excellence at an accelerated rate. Without a mindset, it is impossible to learn faster.
Second, I teach them methods to accelerate their learning with the ultimate goal of shortening time to professional mastery in their jobs, professions, or businesses.
Third, I coach them with strategies to increase their productivity and efficiency to accomplish more goals or achievements in a shorter time.
Fourth, I guide them with a proven framework that can help them be seen as a world-class authority, and develop top-notch leadership in their space at a faster pace.
Finally, I enable them to identify the legacy they want to leave and translate their wisdom into world-class authorship.
What makes you an authority on speed in learning? What sets you apart from other accelerated learning coaches and experts in that space?
The 3 decades of research in the human learning space, solidified by 2 doctorates in learning, documented through 23 books, gives me the position of a distinguished expert with a passion for helping others learn faster.
I take pride in being called as ‘King of Speed’ by stellar performance leaders such as Jeremy Blain and others. Only a handful of experts worldwide specialize in the science of speed in learning, and I am fortunate enough to be recognized as one among them.
My key focus has been the practical implementation of best practices and strategies from research in the real-life world. I have been curious to determine what methods or techniques work across the board in all contexts. Through several experimentations, research studies, and publications, I have developed the science of speed in personal, professional, and organizational settings for accelerating professional learning, performance, and mastery.
I am the first business researcher to conceptualize and propose a new field of study called ‘speed to proficiency’ in academic and practice research. I have cracked the code on cutting time to proficiency of the workforce by 50%. Now, the world’s best executives have access to my 20-plus breakthrough books, such as ‘Speed Matters’ where they can learn fresh perspectives to measure and institute speed metrics in their organizations and stay ahead in the business.
I have often been referred to as an ‘accelerated learning’ guru practicing what I preach. The 100 international credentials and degrees from the US, India, Switzerland, Australia, and other great nations is the evidence of this.
For some of those reasons, I have been awarded and recognized by several forums. For instance, I was named as one of the Brainz Global 500 Leaders of 2021, alongside stellar leaders like Oprah Winfrey, Gary Vee, Jim Kwik, and Jay Shetty, to name a few. I have been featured as one of the leading Transformational Business Leaders of 2022 by Exeleon magazine. Most recently, I have been awarded as one of the Most Admired Global Indians of the year 2022. In addition, I have also been featured in several TV/radio shows, magazines, podcasts, and forums over 125 times.
How did you become passionate about speed? How did you come to this point in professional success?
I am a permanently disabled polio survivor. When I was 6 months old, I contracted this disease. I lost my ability to walk much before reaching the age to walk. For the larger part of my childhood, I was contained in a chair with no mobility.
I have gone through some harsh experiences that generated a deep fear that if I couldn’t walk, I would be left behind or lag in life. That inability to walk, coupled with my fear of lagging, has pushed my boundaries to find ways to walk faster in other domains with other means.
In my childhood, I made this pact with myself to master speed in all walks of life, whether it is about learning, job performance, or building authority. I fell in love with this whole idea of learning faster that I never realized when my pact became a passion. The passion then became an obsession as I set on the path to research, trying to crack the code to not only learn faster but how to become a star player in one’s own space at an accelerated rate.
While I still cannot walk, I teach organizations and professionals how to walk faster in whatever they do.
You seem like you are on a mission. Would you like to articulate it to our audience?
I personally believe that beyond learning, mastery, and performance, our constant zest as humans is to surpass the own standards we achieved yesterday. There is an innate need to attain excellence in whatever we do. However, excellence may take a much longer time. What if we could cut some time out from that journey to help people achieve excellence at an accelerated rate?
My mission is to help anyone I touch, whether commoners, professionals, or organizations, with powerful strategies to accelerate their path toward excellence in anything they do.
To achieve that, I have converged my personal journey, corporate experience, and in-depth research in creating GetThereFaster™ learning portal that aims to help professionals, employees, managers, executives, and leaders to speed up their learning and career and cut short the time from their journey toward world-class leadership.
Tell us about the GetThereFaster learning portal and how it supports professionals and executives in their success path?
I noticed that we have content experts in our schools, colleges, workplaces, and even our professional world. Barring a few of them, most of them are not learning experts, per se. Therefore, if you want to learn how to learn faster, basically, there are few avenues or experts around you. That’s the gap I would like to fill.
Out of my research reviews, readings, experimentations, and observations, I have condensed the know-how of proven strategies in the learning portal GetThereFaster™. This learning portal is geared towards working professionals, managers, executives, and leaders in any space.
I have designed it to help you achieve your goals, including learning faster in professional settings, mastering a new job or skill quickly, shortening your leadership path, or achieving more in the lesser or same time.
The strategies, methods, and framework you will learn through GetThereFaster™ can assure you to shorten your time of mastery in new skills, domains, or jobs by 50% by speeding up your learning and authority curve.
How do you enable professionals and leaders with the skill of speed?
The programs I offer through GetThereFaster™ are aimed at everyday people who want to progress forward faster. However, speed is a specialized skill that can only be taught in a specific way. Any general-purpose course or coaching program would not equip you with this skill.
I have been trained in the world’s most advanced instructional design methodologies in Singapore, the US, India, Canada, Australia, and Switzerland. That gives me an edge to apply advanced learning design craft to create state-of-the-art training, coaching, mentoring, and certification programs that can immediately impact people’s success.
I design my programs as a journey where professionals and executives can choose from two robust pathways to transform their careers and success.
The first pathway, GetThereFaster™ Pathway, is meant for individuals, professionals, and executives who want to accelerate their self-improvement, personal development, and professional impact by mastering the secrets of speed and acceleration.
The second pathway, GTF™ Learning Leader Pathway, is meant for learning and training specialists, training managers, L&D professionals, and coaches who want to shine as world-class learning leaders. I train, coach, and certify them to become a master in the science of speed in workplace learning and workforce performance. They shine as global learning leaders with an unbeatable competitive edge by learning this well-researched know-how.
These pathways come with a range of features like online courses, 1-1 coaching sessions, year-long mentoring sessions, templates, and ebooks.
What is something unique about your coaching and training programs and how you run them that makes them irresistible for your learners?
Do you remember your teacher from school or college you used to adore back then and still adore to date? Those teachers probably did not teach you just because they were paid to do so, but they went out of their way to make you feel that they genuinely wanted you to succeed. That’s the kind of teacher I would like to become for others.
Thus, the most important thing in any coaching or training program is to promise genuinely and make it easy for people to pull out if promises are not met. My world-class training programs, coaching, and mentoring come with a fair assurance to speed up your path by 2x and cut up to about 50% time from your journeys. If that does not happen by the end of the program, there is a conditional money-back guarantee.
My coaching and mentoring programs also come with a pro-rated refund of unused duration, allowing a safe passage to those who don’t find the value or can’t drive the transformation. If it did not work for you, that means I need to go back to the drawing board to find why it did not work and then fine-tune my strategies for the future.
From that angle, I could say I offer unbeatable value and risk-free experiences to others. I strive to provide affordable, low-cost coaching, training, and mentoring programs to serve those who have big dreams but not big means.
How will the audience who want to get there faster be able to reach out to you?
The best is to find me on my website. Not only can you connect with me there, but you can find a treasure trove of a range of resources, articles, and mentorship programs to progress forward at a faster speed in your profession, business, or job.
If you like to learn the strategies to accelerate your learning and speed up the process of building your domain mastery, work performance, well-known authority, high achieving productivity, and world-class leadership at rocketing speed, then contact me right away. Connect with on social media @DrRamanKAttri on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.