Felice Mathieu is a seasoned Christian marriage and family coach with over 25 years of experience of coaching couples. He holds a B.A. in Christian Counseling Psychology and a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, making him an expert in the field. Felice, together with his wife Retta, founded Married As One LLC, a ministry committed to providing biblical coaching services to couples. Through Married As One LLC, Felice and Retta help couples learn critical biblical skills that inspire better communication and foster stronger relationships. Contact Felice today for effective Christian marriage coaching that helps spouses communicate fairly and respectfully.

Felice Mathieu, Christian Marriage Coach | Speaker Poet
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Hello, world! My name is Felice Mathieu, and I am a devoted Christian Marriage Coach. My purpose is to serve others until my last breath, driven by a deep commitment to my faith. Before I delve into what I do, allow me to share why I do it. Many years ago, while waiting for a job interview at McDonald's, I learned a valuable lesson that has stayed with me ever since: "People don't care about what you know until they know that you care." So, why did I become a Christian Marriage Coach? At the tender age of 12, I tragically lost my mother to HIV. The last memory I have of her is witnessing her fading away in a hospital bed. The next time I saw her, she lay lifeless in a casket. As for my father, I never had the chance to meet him or even glimpse a photograph. While I had a stepfather whom I cherished dearly, he left me in the care of family friends shortly after my mother's passing, embarking on a trip to Haiti. Less than a month later, I received the devastating news that he had been murdered by his ex-wife. I can still vividly recall the details of that story, the heat from the plastic-covered couch seeping into my skin as I listened. My granduncle remained as my only living blood relative. Sadly, a few months later, he succumbed to diabetes. By the age of 13, I found myself orphaned and utterly alone. Everywhere I turned, I was confronted with the painful reality that I had no known blood ties in this world. It wasn't until I entered graduate school to pursue a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy that I began to comprehend the profound significance of those experiences.
Given my background, there were two paths I could have taken. I could have developed extreme difficulties in forming and maintaining relationships, often referred to as "commitment issues." Alternatively, I could have become obsessed with relationships. Spoiler alert. My wife and I have been happily married for over 13 years now. We are blessed with a wonderful son named Christian Felice Mathieu. In a few months, I will be completing my Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. My bio created an obsession to understand relationships, and more specifically understand marriages. Even at the age of 13, I had a desire to find a wife, and to create the family I would never have otherwise. For nearly a decade, we have been dedicated to serving marriages both online and offline. Our latest endeavor involves launching a nonprofit organization called Marriage Sharing, with the aim of helping "whole families stay whole." I chose to become a Christian Marriage Coach because I firmly believe that Christian spouses deserve access to both biblical wisdom and practical advice for their marriages. Our ultimate goal is to foster a world where sons and daughters grow up in households with God-fearing parents who submit to Christ and to each other. And, hopefully, our site can be a resource that Christian spouses can trust and turn to.
What inspired you to create MarriageSharing.com, and what is your overall mission for the website?
Speaking solely from my own perspective, I find that social media has become overwhelmingly excessive. There are times when I log onto a social media platform with the intention of finding a simple recipe for chicken breast, only to find myself mindlessly immersed in watching all kinds of stuff unrelated to what I want. For example, I was watching dolphins play tic-tac-toe underwater. I love dolphins. They are my favorite animal. But why?! How did I end up spending several hours in such a manner? Recognizing the challenges faced by spouses or potential spouses dealing with marriage problems who genuinely seek solutions, we really wanted to create a community that provides a refuge from the overwhelming "noise" and distractions of social media.
How do you go about selecting the topics you cover on the website, and what is your process for creating content?
My intense focus on relationships, particularly marriages, has provided me with an abundance of content. Over the course of more than 20 years, I have dedicated myself to extensive research, both personally and professionally. When I entered into marriage myself, I was exposed to various perspectives that shed new light on my research. Additionally, my wife's upbringing in the church added a profound biblical dimension to the insights gleaned from my studies.
What has been the biggest challenge you've faced in growing your website, and how have you overcome it?
To our surprise, expanding this website has proven to be the smoothest endeavor we have ever undertaken. The vision resonates deeply with people, and they are enthusiastically seeking opportunities to collaborate with us. In fact, we have even had to respectfully decline some individuals who expressed interest. All praise goes to God for this remarkable response.
How do you engage with your audience and build a community around your website and brand?
While it would be wonderful to claim that we have all the answers, the truth is, we don't. (Laughs) Our main objective is to serve, educate, equip, encourage, and foster meaningful relationships. We place our trust in God to guide us towards the right connections where we can selflessly serve others.
What are your plans for the future of marriagesharing.com and how do you see the website evolving over time?
Our aim is to create a website that resembles a close-knit community of believers who aspire to enter into marriage and remain committed to it. Additionally, we envision it as a valuable resource for Christian individuals seeking a "marriage tune-up" or guidance in strengthening their relationships. Ultimately, we strive to establish our site as a trusted go-to platform within the Christian community, where individuals can find reliable support and be equipped with the necessary tools for nurturing a godly, enduring marriage.
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
I find inspiration in God, my wife, and my son. As someone who grew up as an orphan, my early experiences didn't provide a strong foundation for building a successful relationship with my wife. However, I firmly believe that God had a purpose in bringing us together. It was through my wife that I discovered my faith in Christ. Her father, who happens to be a Pastor, played a significant role in leading me to embrace Christianity and even baptized me. My wife is an exceptional woman, and there is nothing in this world I value more than her. My son also serves as a tremendous source of inspiration. As my only blood relative, I am deeply committed to ensuring he lacks nothing in this world. I cherish every moment, even the smallest ones like his joyful giggles or silly antics. They all motivate me to be the best version of myself.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
While I hesitate to label it as my greatest "achievement," I can confidently say that the most profound moments in my life were when I devoted myself to Christ and when I entered into marriage. On my wedding day, something indescribable happened. It felt as if God's presence was tangible, as if His smile was directed solely at me. I experienced a profound connection that resonated deeply within me. It's important to note that those who know me well understand that I don't typically express myself in such a way. (Laughs)
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
If I could change one thing about my industry, it would be the lack of servitude and unselfish motives. While I understand that individuals have families to provide for and personal aspirations, I would like to see more people genuinely helping others reach the stage that God desires for them, without expecting immediate personal gain in return. Allow me to share a quick story related to this. Initially, we started a ministry called "Married As One." Although my wife tends to work behind the camera, you may have seen me, Felice, representing the ministry. Our primary goal was to assist couples in overcoming the most challenging aspect of marriage: poor communication. We devoted years to building the ministry and freely shared various resources, videos, and programs on our page, regardless of their origin. However, we eventually realized that we were primarily contributing to the growth of other people's platforms without receiving reciprocal support. This led us to ask ourselves, “why we couldn't share resources that help couples come together and maintain a godly relationship, regardless of it directly benefited us or not?” Unfortunately, in almost 10 years, we encountered few individuals or organizations that shared this mindset. In response, we created "Marriage Sharing," an alternate social media account, website, and now a nonprofit organization. It serves as a platform where people can gather to freely share their profound knowledge and insights about marriage. We continue to be amazed by its growth, which reaffirms our belief that this endeavor extends beyond our personal ambitions. It is driven by a larger purpose, namely to save and sanctify marriages according to God's plan.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
I’ll end with this. Giving my life to Christ.