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3 Steps To A Healthy Mental Diet

Written by: Agnes Chau, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

 Executive Contributor Agnes Chau

Have you heard the phrase, “Garbage in, garbage out”? This phrase, while used in the context of data science and machine learning, is also relevant to the quality of your life. If you are bombarded by negative news, negative self-talk, and negativity in general, it introduces excess stress in your life. Stress is your body’s way of reacting to something that upsets your normal balance. Some stress is good for you. Too much stress may affect your mental, emotional, and physical health. After a while, the negative inputs affect your subconscious programming. The subconscious records everything and plays it back to you. Since 90-95% of your life is on autopilot, controlled by your subconscious mind, it’s no wonder that the more negative input you receive, the more negativity shows up in your life.

Brain lifting weights.

How much negative input have you consumed? How much positive input have you consumed? Unfortunately, negative input is easy to obtain just turn on the news! It’s easy to consume the negative. Just like it is a choice of what to consume directly into your physical body, there is a choice of what to consume in your mind. What you consume consciously or subconsciously affects your mental, emotional, and physical state. A healthy mental diet is a proactive, conscious way to control what your subconscious mind is exposed to, and it affects your overall outlook on life.

Here are 3 steps to a healthy mental diet

Step 1 Awareness: Are you aware of what you are consuming mentally?

It may be harsh to ask yourself how much of what you are consuming is “garbage”. It is important to be aware that what you feed your mind is also consumed by your body because the mind and body are connected.

How many times in a day are you hearing something negative? How many times in a day are you saying something negative about yourself or someone else? Are the number of negatives you are exposed to, outweighing the number of positives you are exposed to?

Being aware of your mental diet is the first step.

Step 2 Beliefs: Question how your mental diet has affected your belief systems

Have you ever wondered how all the negative inputs have affected your belief systems and your outlook on life?

Anytime you say something negative about yourself, ask how this came about. Is the self-doubt or limiting belief a result of too many negative inputs received from different sources?

Question the Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) that come up and talk back to them, kill them, or transmute them into Automatic Nurturing Thoughts. Read my article “What to do about ANTs - Automatic Negative Thoughts?” for the common automatic negative thoughts that come up and how to transmute them into Automatic Nurturing Thoughts.

Ask yourself, how different life would be if the opposite belief were true?

Is your thinking balanced? Meaning, are you applying accurate thinking? That is, your thinking is not overly positive and not overly negative.

Let’s say you have decades of imbalanced negative inputs. You may need an overdose of positive inputs. Also, consider learning what the beliefs are at the subconscious level that may be the cause of self-sabotage. This is core to my work in upgrading the human operating system discovering subconscious beliefs that are not in line with conscious goals, and upgrading the subconscious beliefs to align with one’s highest good.

Step 3 Challenge: Challenge yourself to consume a healthy mental diet

Make a conscious choice of what you watch, listen to, read, and say to yourself. Question the content you are watching, listening to, or reading. Decide for yourself how much negativity you are consuming. Consider whether you have enough positive inputs to achieve a balanced approach to thinking.

Choose friends, social engagements, meet new people who can provide new perspectives. If you’re overly negative, like an Eeyore, maybe you need a Tigger in your life. Tigger is the character in Winnie the Pooh who is bouncy, energetic, cheerful and optimistic. Tigger always sees the bright side of life and can find something positive, even in the most difficult of circumstances.

Let’s say you have decades of imbalanced negative inputs. You may need an overdose of positive inputs. Question beliefs at the conscious level and discover beliefs at the subconscious level through muscle testing, (will be discussed in a future article). To learn more about the power of subconscious transformation to upgrade your human operating system to unleash your potential, read my article “Unleashing Your True Potential - The Power of Subconscious Transformation” and visit my website.

3 Steps to a Healthy Mental Diet Image.

In summary

The 3 steps to a healthy mental diet start with being aware of what you are consuming mentally. This includes what you are watching, listening to, and saying about yourself or others. Step 2 is to question how your mental diet has affected your belief systems, especially when Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) show up. Step 3 is to challenge yourself to make a conscious choice to consume a healthy mental diet to achieve a balanced approach to thinking. If the belief systems are held too deep, then consider the power of subconscious transformation to upgrade your human operating system and unleash your potential to achieve your goals and beyond.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website to learn more.

Agnes Chau Brainz Magazine

Agnes Chau, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Agnes Chau is an award-winning Transformational Life Coach, PSYCH-K® Facilitator, Private Consultant, and Speaker. With her training in various life-transforming modalities and her prior experience as an Engineering Executive, Agnes helps clients succeed in all aspects of life. Agnes enjoys helping people tap into their Divine Intelligence to identify the most effective path forward for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. She specializes in PSYCH-K®, Tong Ren tapping, and other modalities for wellbeing.

Agnes has received many awards, including, International Association of Top Professional's (IAOTP) Top Transformational Life Coach of the Year, IAOTP's Empowered Woman of the Year, CXO Outlook's Most Inspiring Business Woman, Passion Vista's Global Icon, Brainz Magazine's CREA Global Award, Connecticut Woman of Innovation for Large Business Innovation and Leadership, the Manufacturing Institute’s STEP Ahead award, the Society of Women Engineers’ Advocating Women in Engineering Award and, several patents.

Agnes is also the President and Founder of The Empowered Heart, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit She volunteers her time as a certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Women Empowered Instructor and gifts transformation sessions to veterans and allies of the Angels 14 community.



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