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Why Do We Get In Our Way And Resist Change?

Written by: Dr. Denise L. Morrison, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What happens when we’ve finally gathered the courage to change our lives for the better, and then something gets in our way, slows us down, or ruins our chances for success?

How does that happen to us REPEATEDLY?

Why do we get in our way and resist change? Many reasons.

You’ve just decided to start on a new meal plan or workout program, and you have all this renewed enthusiasm and motivation!!

We’ve all experienced the rush from that initial burst of motivation: you set out for a few days with incredible energy and success UNTIL.

There’s a conflict in your schedule, and you miss out on a few hours of sleep, or someone at work/home tempts you with one of the NO-NO items on your meal plan!

You may find that your brain automatically FINDS something else that you deem way more critical than YOUR new goals. OH NOOOO!!

Or, perhaps you want to fit in, forgo your self-care needs, and indulge in whatever food that Aunt Sally or your hubby bought especially for you?

Have you used this one, “I’ve been good lately, so I deserve a little extra,” and you completely fall back into the old self-destructive patterns?

Before you know it, your brain quickly reverts to its old ways your VERY efficient and well-programmed habits kick right back in, and then you are thinking NOOOO I am sabotaging myself!!

“Like a zombie, I walked to the fridge, and again, I got in my way. “

I’ve seen this again with my clients, and they often come to me for help to learn why they get stuck in their way. Many of them tell me, “It’s too hard,” so I help them dig deeper.

They tell me that they’ve got an internal battle inside their mind, and the message doesn’t get to their body to take action.

Those automatic, old, well-programmed habits are primed when this happens and send you right back to square one!!

Does this sound like you? Here are some ways that you could be repeating those old mind tricks of getting in your way.

Punishing yourself with negative self-talk or stories

Shaming yourself

Falling off track and back into the habits of binge eating, overeating, or depriving yourself

Giving up entirely because you feel like a failure

Being so HARD on yourself!!

Feeling comfortable with being uncomfortable.

These are how you get in your way and resist change without consciously realizing it.

And I KNOW what it feels like to STRUGGLE day in and day out within my dang self!!

So, what do YOU do when you feel stuck in this cycle?

Learn how to jump-start your way out of self-sabotage to continue on your path.

  1. With an attitude of loving curiosity, start by recognizing your patterns of “starting,” sabotaging, and falling off the wagon.

  2. Allow yourself to sense, feel and experience all of your emotions around this pattern and free-write in your journal about them, or call a friend or schedule a chat with me.

  3. Ask yourself, what are you willing to release and let go of those struggles to move forward with your NEW plans, goals, behaviors, and habits?

Thank yourself for stopping and listening to your intuitive wisdom that KNOWS exactly what YOU need to do to succeed.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!


Dr. Denise L. Morrison, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Denise Morrison is the CEO of Intuitively Unique Coaching, her Holistic Brand of Health/Life Coaching.

She struggled for decades to overcome traumatic experiences from her own past. She compensated for her lack of confidence with degrees and professional success. She numbed her pain with addictive eating and self-abusive behaviors. And when she finally turned to the right teachers and coaches, she learned that change does not need to take decades. Change can actually be instantaneous. And change can be lasting. After working for many years in healthcare, Denise felt a pull and a passion for working with people on a deeper and more transformational level.

Her academic mind was drawn to the evidence-based practices of nutrition and exercise, but she was also compelled by the more mystical therapies emerging from neuroscience and quantum healing.

Denise sought out the best training in health and wellness, life coaching, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to have access to the most powerful tools to help others change their lives for the better.

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