Written by: Grace Alfafara, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

There comes a time when we need time to be on our journey. This likely is the scariest time for some and for others, it might be simultaneously the most defining moment regardless of how unknown the processing we need to go through in such a journey.

It is a human tendency to cling to the “what if’s” scenario that stimulates our anxious mind and it can also stimulate our creative mind.
Let’s talk about distractions. Different kinds of distractions play the role to alter our character if we let them and especially if we still don’t know who we truly are. These distractions can be 2 things: an Empowering one, or a Disempowering one.
But it is in our power through our choice to decide which one we truly desire with pure intention and what we want to experience in life. Truly, we are not here to get what we need. We are here to experience what we truly desire.
To experience those desires, we must learn to face our own shadow and light by ourselves when we look and observe our reflections. The main question at times that come up that most ignore is this “WHO AM I?”. E.g., “Who am I when I am not distracted? Or, whom am I becoming?”
The vast space of no distraction can be frightening when the first experience. This is because it forces our subconscious mind to connect with our conscious creative mind. It will make us feel that we can create new ideas, new solutions, and new concepts, or be open to new pieces of information while feeling afraid of introducing ourselves into our intrinsic world. An inner world to the new insights of ideas or thoughts that can come up out of creativity from the unknown space, or the Divine Source. We then rediscover the limitless journey of the layers and layers of truth consciousness deep within us that we are the Universe itself. A living organism in a human vessel. Living and breathing universe in the form of spiritual energy wearing a human tangible temple. A body temple that is full of essences like joy, peace, love, harmony, kindness, trust, and so on and forth.
This can also happen vice versa if we choose to activate the non-receptive mind by not being open to create opportunities, but rather staying complacent and stagnant just to feel comfortable without learning to face the fear of the unknown. A body temple full of fear energy essences like guilt, rage, hate, jealousy, unforgiveness, resentment, and so on and forth.
To me, the more I spend time with my “alone time”, the more I re-discover many layers of me in who I am and how I choose to become when it comes to growth in every aspect of my life. In this season of my new chapter as a new empty nester, especially after my divorce from 20 years of marriage, I began to co-create to reinvent my life from the vast gifts of life experiences I have had and turn them into a contribution learning program. This is where I share my wisdom with those who seek truth and learn how to cultivate their value based on their truth, love, and pure peace on their journey. I also started to learn to ask my future self about the self within my essence of the “I AM” in me where I can see myself with wisdom that can transcend boundaries and cultivate a more enlightened and compassionate world I am creating in my life.
The very questions I asked myself were: “Who am I if I don’t choose to be who I need to be? Who am I not? Who am I when I am not distracted with disempowering ideas or realities? Who am I when I am not distracted with empowering experiences like achieving my goals?”
You see, the reason why I love asking my present self some powerful questions is because I am a firm believer that everything, we choose to do in the ‘now’ will affect our future self. It either will cause us inner peace in the now and the future, or our future self will have something to thank us for. Life has a pattern. If we learn to distract our subconscious mind in an empowering positive way, by asking powerful questions, because our subconscious mind is always creating familiar patterns of thoughts from the memory of past experiences and the “what if’s” scenarios that carry the baggage of emotions, we will begin to start restructuring a new pattern of thought that creates positive emotions of experiences too.
So, whenever you find yourself alone, never fear being in your own company. Because within the reflection of you, that surface human body or temple is a living energetical spiritual being waiting to be heard, seen, and felt as part of the journey. It is waiting to be experienced to create and keep on creating through layers of contribution. Create desires and not unhealthy needy distractions.
Have you ever observed random people at the park and just watch the choices of how they reacted and responded to any stimuli of choices they are choosing from their environment of the intrinsic and extrinsic world? You will also start reflecting on your own choices if your future self was watching your current self.
If you can see how your future self is watching you in this current moment, what advice would you give your current moment right now? Let's say from your future self of 5 or 10 years ahead. What will s/he say to you right now?
Ask your future self a powerful question for a piece of advice, and reflect on how you can activate the power of being mindful when you are processing an answer to such a powerful question you would come up with.
Then, observe how you too will respond to a projection from a stimuli suggestion from the intrinsic or extrinsic world point of view when you surround yourself with a crowd of people. What emotion of energy you would allow yourself to attract a behavior that can affect your character or thoughts of pattern?
Once you have observed others including yourself as an observer outside of the self-observer, you will begin the journey to see things in this life so differently that life is a theatre. So, therefore, learn to be a director of your own life story and empower yourself by leading yourself from the heart space coherently where all connection of layers of consciousness began.
Our journey begins from the first beat of our hearts. So, learn to listen to the rhythm of your heart and it somehow knows what to do already and leads you to your very heart's desire.
Because no matter how much we redefine what success from our accomplishments is about, the lesson truly is becoming who we truly are without betraying ourselves when we learn to face the truth of how this world works intrinsically and externally.
To know more about this deep topic of how to cultivate inner clarity from deep within while living in our chaotic world without losing ourselves, but finding ourselves layer by layer, connect your journey with me. Let’s dive deep and work around your values, strengths, and purpose transformational journey. Let’s re-discover who you truly are without any form of distraction from left and right, or above and below- so, “WHO ARE YOU WHEN YOU ARE NOT DISTRACTED?”
Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Say hi and tell me where you are from and share what you want to learn about your new chapter in life or whatever it is you are going through.

Grace Alfafara, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Grace Alfafara, is a mother to 4 teenagers, a Published Author, Grief Advocate, Certified Sophrologist, and a Certified Transformational Life Coach, in which she specializes in emotional and adaptability intelligence. She also develops an online empowerment Masterclass. She has lived in 5 countries and has worked as a Philanthropist for several years with her family. Her background education in Western culture on Psychology, Quantum Consciousness, and life growing up in a blend of Eastern and African cultures full of diverse life experiences have brought immense wisdom within the span of her life. A mother on a mission: empowering others to embody their true resilient essence wholeheartedly.