Written by: Jen Fedorowicz, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Let me start by saying that your chakras are an important part of who you are. They are layers of your consciousness. Some of the chakras are in the physical body and some are in the energy field outside of the body. There are seven main chakras that run right up the central channel in alignment with your spine. Each one of those charkas correlates with an endocrine gland. Which means that energy moving though the chakras is an important component to your health.

We know in Energy Medicine that all physical issues begin energetically. So for example if you have a thyroid issue, the energetic root of a thyroid issue would be a lack of energy moving through the throat chakra. And energy not flowing through the throat chakra fully would consciously mean you may have trouble speaking into situations and sharing your authentic truth. It is actually quite amazing how physical and emotional issues begin to correct as energy begins to move through the body and the chakra system the way that it is meant to.
We are energetic beings, each one of us is a field of energy that is constantly moving and flowing through and around the body. The majority of the people that come for energy medicine say they feel “stuck”. And it’s true, when energy is stuck in the body it can erode and damage tissue and physically you don’t feel energetic and robust. Another result of stuck energy in the body is that life doesn’t flow as effortlessly as it is meant to.
So how does the energy get stuck? Well, the mind is here to serve you. Your mind’s job is to connect within and sense and feel what’s happening in your inner world. But for most of us, the mind’s attention is constantly outside of the body focusing on the “issues“ in your outer world.
Science has shown that energy follows thought, or energy follows awareness. Equipment can measure the amount of energy (tiny photons of light) that goes where the mind’s awareness goes.
Think about that for a minute…if your body is a compressed field of energy, in other words YOU are made of trillions of photons of light compressed into body. When the mind is focused on the outer world and the “problems” you think you have, your energy becomes dispersed. It is weakened and you’re not fully accessing all that is available to you. And as a result, energy becomes stuck in different parts of the system.
The chakra system is the energy of you. Each chakra is a part of your wholeness. So when a client tells me they feel stuck, I investigate further. For many people the stuck-ness is a 3rd chakra issue.
So many people do not feel good enough, self doubt and unworthiness are prevalent in our world. Doubting your worth in anyway is a result of a shut down power center, or 3rd chakra. It may have been shut down at 4 years old. And without even knowing it you’ve gone through life feeling less than or like something about you isn’t quite right. And because the chakras effect us consciously, emotionally and physically, you may also deal with digestive issues.
Once energy is flowing through the level of your consciousness that is anchored in the power center, the negative thoughts begin to neutralize and different chemistries begin flowing through the body. Digestive issues begin to heal. Because we become addicted to the negative thoughts and therefore the chemistries they create in the body, as you build more and more circuitry in the power chakra the negative addictions begin to fall away and you develop a deep sense of knowing your worth.
Think of your chakra system and then energetic flow through the body as your vital force. When that force is flowing unimpeded healing happens and life flows.
Now, let’s make the connection between your energy centers and manifesting in life. The concept of manifestation and creating life is everywhere we look today. Ever since The Secret came out in 2006 more and more people are taking about manifesting. Much of the conversation is about positive thoughts and your thoughts creating the things in your life. But the concept of manifesting, or creating as I prefer to call it, goes much deeper than your thoughts. Although thoughts matter, it is the energetic vibration that happens as a result of the thoughts that is creating your life. The universe is like a cosmic mirror, reflecting back the vibration or energetic frequency that you are emitting. That frequency begins in the chakra system.
If you are focusing on positive thoughts, but you don’t believe those thoughts and feel the vibration of them in your body, the thoughts are not going to bring any change into your life. You must match the thought with the feeling. Creating a different life starts with feeling a new way in the body.
Think about it this way. Imagine you are standing in front of your bathroom mirror. You look at the reflection and tell it to smile. But nothing happens. In order for the refection to smile you must first find the smile within you. Once you begin smiling the reflection will smile right back.
If you want to create a change in your life, or manifest something that you feel like is missing from your life, first you must find the frequency or vibration of that desire within you. When you connect with that energetic frequency within your physical body, you will be emanating it out and the universe will begin to reflect back that same vibration in the tangible life you are living.
Because your chakras are where the energy anchors in the body, opening and activating the chakras deep in the core will begin to shift the vibration of your inner world, resulting in a positive shift in your outer world.
Here is something you can do today. Put your hands low on your belly and begin to breath deeply and slowly stretching open the low belly. Allow the mind and your awareness to follow the breath down deep in the core of the body. Bringing the mind into the body with the breath gathers more of the energy that you are into chakras one and two. This deep focused breath will begin to enhance the energy of the lower chakras. You may feel your mind settle and a sense of ease come over you. The more you come into the body and move your energy with conscious breath, the more you take command of your inner world. A shift in your inner world will always result in a shift in your outer world.
It’s really quite exciting, don’t you think? To know that you have immense power to shift the energy within you and begin to create and shift anything in your outer life that you dream of!
If you would like to continue with this conscious connection to your energy, which is the real you, I invite you to listen to my free guided breath work meditations on the Insight Timer App. These mediations are designed to bring your mind back home. They guide you to gather your consciousness and create energetic shifts in your energy field. There are specific meditations for healing, overcoming obstacles and for creating the life you dream about. I hope you’ll check them out. And if you do let me know what you think.
If you would like to go deeper and become empowered to awaken levels of your consciousness and shift areas of your life even more quickly, let’s talk. Set up a free consultation with me here.
I would love to help you activate your chakras, remove the blocks keeping you stuck so you start living a more full and joyful life. It is your birthright, and I believe it is what you came here on earth to experience.

Jen Fedorowicz, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Jen Fedorowicz is an Energy Healer and Coach. She is passionate about waking people up to knowing the magnificence that is within us all. Her work is about releasing unresolved emotion that is held in the body and activating the master energy system that has a tremendous impact on living a healthy and abundant life.