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How To Start Goal Setting As A Small Business Owner

Written by: Lucy James, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Want to start setting goals that make you feel excited? That doesn’t overwhelm you. That light that fire in your belly? Then I have some incredible tips for you. When I first started my online business I found that I would just throw spaghetti at the wall. I didn’t really set clear goals, I just knew that I wanted to help as many women as I could. Which just meant I didn’t really help that many women. I just couldn’t understand why I wasn’t moving forward and staying on the hamster wheel of giving loads of value with some sales posts chucked in.

Being spiritual, I used the excuse I’m intuitive, I don’t need goals to structure my time and business. I just went with the flow. As much as flow is key to manifesting and not getting burnt out. It limited me in so many ways. I had zero structure.

After speaking to multiple spiritual entrepreneurs who had left the corporate sector, I realised that we were so burnt out from setting goals for other peoples' businesses, and reflecting on their businesses, that we just didn’t have the energy to do it to our own business. We had been forced into boxes by these national businesses that our creativity was stifled, we didn’t really know what we wanted because we only knew what other people wanted.

And then the next hurdle came… looking at everyone else!!!

Social media is loud. So many people shouting about their 5-figure and 6-figure months that you just think that everyone does that straight away and that should be your goal.

So with the burnout of setting goals and then everyone else’s goals shoved in your face, it's no wonder that as new entrepreneurs, you can find it difficult to know exactly what you want, and when you want it.

So I want to give you some tips to help you prevent this burnout and to stay in your own lane.

  1. Don’t worry if you don’t know all the details about your goal straight away. Allow yourself and your business time to grow to allow these goals to grow and flourish.

  2. Or if you know exactly where you want to be, that’s amazing, but don’t let the big huge goal overwhelm you. Break it down into manageable steps for you. You don’t need to have done everything yesterday! You can go slow or as fast as you want! Just like Anna talks about here.

  3. Take time away from social media when you are setting your goals. Instead of taking on everyone else’s energy when you are setting them, spend time in your own energy. Make yourself a sacred space whether that is with music, essential oils, incense, crystals. Whatever it is, set it up and spend some time just breathing. Allowing your breath to slow you, centring yourself in your own energy.

  4. Start thinking about what impact you want to make rather than just the monetary value. Most people go into business first because they want to help people, and the money comes second. So our goals should be the same. How many people do you want to help this month? Focus on the impact and how you can help them, and the money will come.

  5. If you want to achieve that goal, then work at it. Work on your belief pattern, because let’s face it you’re the only person who will stop you from achieving it.

Goal setting gets to be fun and exciting, so if you want to be super creative, then you can. Different coloured pens, glitter, pictures. Maybe you prefer making a collage on your phone. Then do that. But look at it, feel into it.

Once you understand your goals better you’re able to formulate a marketing strategy that feels good for you, that you don’t shy away from. That seems manageable, that aligns with your goal and what you are trying to achieve without the hustle of trying to get everything done yesterday because you know exactly where you are going.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Lucy James, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Lucy is a leader in mindset and business coaching. After battling with mental health for a number of years and coaching in the corporate sector, she found the balance of using her spiritual and mindset practices to manage her own business, whilst also assist a large business with achieving their targets and goals. She has since dedicated her life to helping women, especially mums to manifest sales so they can create the life they dream of. She is the founder of Mindset With Lucy which has helped women and mums across the globe.


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