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Everyone Is Born For More — Yes, You Too

Written by: Leticia DeSuze, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The global population is brainwashed with the misconception that a select few are destined for greatness, while the rest of us are “meant” to sit, watch, and applaud from the benches. And if we’re benched long enough, we spiral into a rut of believing we’re meant to be there – that no one will ever send us out to the field. Well, unfortunately, that’s true. No one’s going to pick you. Because you have to pick yourself.

As a mindset and business coach, I can say with conviction that the absolute biggest obstacle my clients face is fear. Coupled with a lack of confidence, you’ve got a recipe for stagnation. I firmly believe that the world would be a very different place if all of its inhabitants believed in themselves. In my opinion, everyone is born for more. You can do more, be more, have more – whatever you want.

Don’t get me wrong though, it’s not easy. You’ll have to put in the work and stay strong in the face of adversity, but play your cards right, and you can and will win the game out on the field instead of watching strangers take victory again and again. Now, it’s your turn. Here’s how.

1. Silence Your Inner-Critic

You can either be your own worst enemy or strongest ally. By choosing to be the latter, you can crush negative thoughts and beliefs and, slowly but surely, reprogram your mind to believe you can. I won’t get too much into its science, but essentially, the neural pathways in your brain are built from childhood based on your thoughts relating to external stimuli. The good news is that you can literally restructure these to work for you, not against you.

2. Stay Committed, not “Motivated.

You can only scour through so many inspiring memes and gifs before realizing that you actually need to commit to something. Motivation is such a buzzword in today’s world, but it’s like a haircut – it won’t last forever. You need something more permanent, and that comes through commitment. When you commit to something, as opposed to just feeling motivated to do it, everything changes. You have a set goal that you now need to meet, and if it’s important to you, you’ll move mountains, deadlines, and BS to make it happen.

3. Planning Makes Perfect

Winging something blind is a surefire way to fall flat on your face with no white flag or lifeline. If you want to reach a goal, you need to know not only what that goal is but the steps you need to take to get there. Literally, schedule tasks into your calendar instead of having a “to-do list,” which you and I both know only ever gets longer. Review completed steps and make new ones based on progress. Always know where you’re headed, and everything else will fall into place.

4. Trust Yourself

Like I said, no one’s ever going to unbench you. You need to decide to stand up, get out there, and show the world what you’ve got. That’s on you, and you can never rely on others or expect them to do this for you – even if they’re family. You’re the only one who can move you closer to your goals – period.

5. Have Fun!

Work and play don’t have to be two separate concepts. I won’t be cliché and say that if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life, but…ok. Sometimes, clichés exist for a reason.

Want more info? Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Leticia DeSuze, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Leticia DeSuze is a holistic mindset coach and business strategist who works with C-level executives and established entrepreneurs who desire to break the 7-figure barrier. Having coached more than 1200 senior leaders and entrepreneurs across multiple industries, Leticia believes that every problem is a mindset problem and that mindset matters most. Leticia has developed a 'laser-like' ability to pierce the facades and identify the deeply engrained thought patterns that have limited her clients' potential and identify opportunities for accelerated growth. She helps them clearly define what they want and designs the roadmap to get there - while holding them accountable. The result is a life and business they've intentionally created vs. one they've settled for.


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