Written by: Amy Deards, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.
He made a fair point in this quote because if you were meant to be someone else, then quite simply, you wouldn't be you. There are so many people trying to be someone they aren't, or faking it until they make it, that standing out from the crowd to be authentically you is a scary proposition. Will they like me? What will they say about me? Am I enough? I know these questions have certainly gone through my head on an almost daily basis.
I am what I am and that's all that I am and if I'm supposed to be someone else, why do I look like me? ‒Benjamin Franklin
In a world that can make you feel that who you are isn't quite good enough, how do you throw caution to the wind and just be your true self?
1. Accept yourself.
Self-acceptance is a journey and will evolve as you do. It means allowing all parts of yourself to be seen. The good, the bad and the ugly, because we all have that shadow self that can keep us playing small. Your flaws make you uniquely you and they also make you human. They are the parts of yourself that other people can resonate with. Being comfortable in your own skin means accepting that you aren't perfect and that your quirky personality is what makes you who you are. If you are keeping it hidden from others, it is you that is saying you're not good enough. When you embrace yourself just as you are, you are giving permission for others to do the same.
2. Live by your values
Being authentically you means living and breathing your own set of morals and beliefs. It means behaving in a way that is most aligned to you. So often we live our lives by a code that isn't even ours. We adopt the beliefs of those around us but always feel like we aren't quite being true to ourselves. It can feel awkward, like we're living a lie and that we are being fake. Identify your values by thinking about the times when you are most happy and when you feel most proud. What are you doing? Who are you with? What made these moments special? In these moments you will find key values that make you feel good; family, achievement, honesty, working as a team, are just a few examples. Other things to consider are what are you passionate about? What lights you up? By living in a way that is aligned to that, you will feel more fulfilled, more satisfied in your life and more authentically you.
3. Bring the fun back to your life.
Joy is one of the feelings we want most but it also the one area we can block ourselves from experiencing. We wait until. We allow our happiness to be dictated by circumstances that we generally have no control over which seems a bit counterproductive if you ask me. Allowing yourself to have some fun is the quickest way to feel like yourself, now. You feel like a kid again, before the weight of responsibility lands on your shoulders. Do something you love just because it makes you feel good. Dance around the kitchen. Go for a walk in nature. Snuggle on the sofa with a good book. Subconsciously you are telling yourself that you're worth it, you deserve it and that is the key to knowing that you are good enough, just as you are.
Amy Deards, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Amy Deards is an inspiration to many and in particular to the hundreds of women she supports with their mindset. As a recovering addict, she understands the work and dedication it takes to overcome fear in the face of adversity. The techniques and strategies she uses are leading the way for women to Become their most authentic and confident selves so they too can fulfill their dreams. Her mission is to show that no matter where you come from or what has happened, life can work for you and anything is possible.