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3 Things You're Doing That Are Keeping You From Healing

Written by: Faith M. Davis, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Faith M. Davis

Are you wondering, “Why am I not healed?” despite all your efforts to have a healthy life and uncover the best version of yourself? Most of us are dealing with some type of chronic symptoms, and many of us are doing everything we can think of to feel better. Yet, the results just aren’t there.


Man doing yoga meditation during sunset

Unfortunately, some of our well-intentioned habits can be the very obstacles blocking our path to wellness. Let's explore three surprising things you might be doing that are keeping you from healing.


3 reasons you aren’t healing


Healing is not a straight path. It's more like a multifaceted journey, and sometimes it's the things we least expect that hold us back.


Here's a closer look at three common culprits:


You’re eating toxic superfoods


Superfoods have been hailed as the ultimate health elixirs for the past decade. But what if I told you they're not always the heroes they're made out to be?


The mantra "the dose makes the poison" rings true here. Foods like almonds and spinach, lauded for their nutrient density, are also high in oxalates, which can rob our bodies of essential nutrients when consumed in large quantities. They also bring with them a whole host of problematic symptoms, like joint pain, brain fog, and fatigue.


You can learn all about oxalates and how to detox yourself from them in my Nourishing Nutrition Makeover.


Our ancestors thrived on moderation, a cue we might want to follow when incorporating these superfoods into our diets.


You aren’t customizing your supplements


Supplementation can be a game changer in our healing journey, but only if it is done right. The truth is, not all forms of supplements are created equal, nor do they work the same way for everyone.


For example, iron supplements can vary widely in their absorption rates. Without the right form and complementary nutrients (such as vitamin C for iron), we might as well be throwing our money away.


Your genetics might make you react poorly to a supplement that helps someone else thrive. And each person has different deficiencies and will need different levels and types of supplements.


Tailoring our supplements to our individual needs and biology is key to enjoying the benefits, and the way to do that is by working with an integrative healing practitioner who can order and decipher a combination of functional labs and genetic tests.


You aren’t balancing your neurotransmitters


Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers in the brain and throughout the nervous system that transmit signals between nerve cells called neurons. They play a critical role in nearly every function of the human body, affecting everything from our mood, concentration, and memory to our heart rate, sleep patterns, and digestive processes.


The delicate balance of neurotransmitters in our brain determines much of our well-being. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy for this balance to be thrown off, leaving us in a constant state of fight or flight.


Most doctors don't know how to address neurotransmitter imbalances naturally, allowing the body to come back into balance and heal itself. When we feel better from a neurotransmitter standpoint, physical healing can begin.


Discover 7 additional shifts you can make to heal yourself


Curious about what else you can do to support your healing journey? My book Why You Are Not Healing? 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation dives deeper into the above issues, as well as 7 additional shifts that can significantly impact your wellness.



Final thoughts


Healing is a personal and unique journey that must adapt to each person's unique path. Sometimes it's the things we least expect that can have the most significant impact like the superfoods we glorify, the supplements we take without much thought, or the inner balance we often neglect.


I invite you to re-evaluate these aspects of your health routine and make informed and personalized adjustments. In doing so, you'll pave the way for true healing to begin.


Let's embark on this journey with openness and curiosity, always remembering that the most profound changes come from the simplest shifts.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Brainz Magazine Faith M. Davis

Faith M. Davis, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Faith M. Davis is an Integrative Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, and no.1 bestselling author of Why You’re Not Healing: 10 Radical Shifts for a Lasting Whole Body Transformation. After healing herself of fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, hormonal imbalances, candida overgrowth, neurotransmitter imbalances, and more, she is on a mission to help others reach their health goals and live a vibrant life.


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