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Keys To Healing Through Bible Stories

Written by: Karen Gill, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Karen Gill

It’s interesting how people are now reading Revelations in the Bible, whereas they probably haven’t picked up the Bible in the past how many years. Revelations the last chapter in the Bible aligns with calamity, the 7 seals were broken, and terror reigned on the earth for a time. We need to see what’s happening today, which seems to be coinciding with revelation stories. Those paragraphs of destruction and tragedy are the precursor to our demise and redemption. In present times we are beginning to understand how our thoughts create our reality and if we're looking at revelations in the literal sense, then the energy that is given to revelations is only making that timeline stronger and I don’t believe that is what we want. 

Person with Bible on hands reading and praying

Fear is the driving force behind those paragraphs. To assist humanity to evolve and this can only be done by us individually, basically, we need to go backward before we can go forward. To clean up our old stories and past transgressions, let’s start at the beginning, Genesis! This is where the healing starts, by understanding how we can create a better world for us to live in. Inspiration usually starts with an aha moment, some may say they were hit by lightning, let’s call that the big bang. The beginning of our creation of a world full of beauty, love, and peace. 

The creation of the world took 7 days, if time is man-made how long did it take? There was still time for rest on the 7th day and to observe what was created. In the beginning, God said let there be light and there was light, light is where we see clearly. Things are no longer obscured by the dark, they are out in the open, and we can see what’s going on.

The second day is where day and night are separated, we are both light and dark. We need to know the dark side of ourselves before we can appreciate the light. The light is what we reach for, and it takes a while to allow the light in because we still need to go through the darkness and when you reach the light, the initial walk-through still feels like the pain of darkness.

How does the Bible help heal?

Some people may scoff at the idea of changing the literal meaning of these stories or even diving into these stories at all, if we look at the Bible not in a literal sense it’s a guidebook of how to live a better life, it has nothing to do with religion. Back in those days, the natural world was the teacher, Universal laws were held in high esteem, there was no church or state, and there was no division of religious ideals either. Not to say we should still be living like they were in those days, because evolution requires change, and that occurred as we can see. But we can go back to the simple steps that were taken to achieve satisfaction in what we’re doing and some kind of peace within.

There was faith in God, without any instruments Moses found his way to Mount Sinai just by following the stars. He brought down the stone tablets that held the 10 commandments, and I guess he would have meditated for a while to receive those inspiring lines of law. But we don’t hear about that, do we? No different from Odin hanging from the Yggdrasil tree for 9 days and 9 nights to gain knowledge of other worlds and the Runes. Or Master Usui, who meditated on Mount Kurama for 21 days and had the revelation of the Reiki symbols. Can you now see a pattern to these repetitions, and deeds done by these other spiritual masters to achieve a similar outcome? I must point out you don’t need to be a master to achieve those outcomes either.

What is holding you back and how can you identify it?

Moses’s journey is a story that we can use for our healing, what in your life is binding you to where you feel like a prisoner? And what is it going to take to set yourself free? We’re not going to throw our staff/stick on the office floor for it to turn into a snake to freak our boss out, but there are other things we can do. Every day if we do one thing to move towards where we want to go, that will make so much difference. Like God on the 7th day, we need to take a rest from what we are striving towards and look to see where we are. You need to view what you have been doing from another frame of space to see the changes you’ve made to get another point of view. 

If you are giving up a habit or starting a new venture, each time we hear those disparaging voices inside us speak loudly. I can hear the Israelites now going on that journey with Moses. Can you imagine, I can hear it now. “Where are we going”? “Are we there yet”? “Are you sure you know where you're going”? The best one probably would be “you’re talking to who”?

 If you have those voices, who do those voices belong to? Are they your parents, friends, old caregivers, teachers? Everyone in our lives had something to say to us, some input that slowed us down or distracted us from our enthusiastic selves, telling us they wouldn’t do what we wanted to do or were doing. Those voices of apprehension, fear, doubt, and disbelief overpower our thoughts that it can be accomplished. 

These are the stories we need to lean into again to gain back our freedom and sovereignty. Our foundation needs to be strengthened with hope, determination, strength, and a feeling of security that whatever we do, the Universe has our back and will align with us and support us on our journey to freedom. As long as we do the inner work and that’s the deal, faith without work is dead. Everything we do, we need to put in to achieve our goals and dreams, energetically the Universe is no different than a full-bodied partner who works beside us, keeping score except the Universe is around us 24/7. 


Karen Gill is a transformational coach and an energy worker, who finds working with Narrative therapy can help clean out our blockages. She reads between the lines with stories to find the hidden gems that we can all use to better our lives and see the world through a different lens.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Karen Gill Brainz Magazine

Karen Gill, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Karen Gill is the founder and Creative Director of First Star Enterprises, a healing and teaching venture. She is a professional member of the Australian Tarot Guild Inc. A member and training practitioner of Holistic Health Associates International, and a Master Reiki Teacher. She established First Star because she wanted a place where her clients would feel safe in expressing who they were and what they wanted out of life. A lot of Karen's understanding has come from her healing journey, it’s given her a vista of what people need on a soul level. She believes the best place to start is by building a strong foundation and that comes from unpacking the things we sweep under the rug, we need to listen to the stories that are trapped within, work with them, and let them go. We keep the gems that were tarnished by these outdated threads, these are the foundational stones that help to support the re-building of our lives.

 Karen is aware of the trepidation people have when it comes to personal transformation, especially regarding the work that’s involved. She feels that having faith in a higher authority than yourself, (God, the Universe, is key), but the trust needs to come from self-first, only then can you let go and let God, as they say. You learn to appreciate, trust, and have faith in yourself, allowing your intuition and higher self in to guide you towards your future self who is there waiting for you with open arms.

Breaking old patterns can be quite challenging, Karen works with energy and has brought with her the understanding that we are multi-dimensional beings, and we all have a story to tell. Karen uses the essence of those stories and others to provide the framework for healing in her practice. Everyone has a story within, it may not be apparent when we first meet, but eventually after a few working consultations, we start to see patterns emerging.

Karen has spent many years and continues to do so, to ensure she can provide the best care for her clients. Karen’s particular interest is in Personal and Generational healing and evolving through the changing landscape we see every day, understanding how the Universe communicates to us, is key to a successful pathway forward. Life for me has taken on a whole new meaning, we are energy and energy is all around us. I believe our intention to be born on earth is for evolution and to make this a better place to live for ourselves, future family members, and humanity in general. And in making it a better place for all, we learn how to live better lives ourselves. 

Her intention is for this to be a heart and soul-based Enterprise, one that supports people to find those gems within, the ones that lead to a feeling of fulfillment of self. Unlocking these aspects widens the vista of opportunity and provides healing on a soul level. Healing the self helps birth new ideas and ways of being, so we can live in a better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual state than we previously have.


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