Written by: Miriam Petra, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

What it truly takes to overcome massive failure, without being haunted by the backlash.
There are two groups of people when it comes to failure.
Most people think of failure as something wrong.

A small percentage of people seem to have adopted a failforward kind of mindset, certain that failures are part of the route to success. They've learnt to navigate their failures and know how to move on.
But is that really true?
Everybody perceives failures, setbacks and problems differently.
Everyone has a different level of tolerance for pain, struggle, fear and disappointment.
Studies have shown that entrepreneurs, leaders, innovators tend to have a higher risk-tolerance, increased level of resilience and creative capacity for a vision beyond what most would call 'normal'.
Hence, at some point along the journey of building a big business vision and creating a dream life - setbacks, roadblocks and failures, smaller and bigger, are inevitable, right?
You've probably heard the saying "You either win or learn".
Learning a lesson from your mistakes or failures, adjusting your course and moving on seems logical and rational.
However, discounting the emotional impact that difficult event had on you and not healing those subconscious wounds will inevitably creep up on you someday.
Not to discredit any level of suffering, but I'm not talking about the "small failures", like forgetting your kids lunchbox, anniversary date or slipping on stage.
The massive failure events I'm talking about are your responsibility for mass layoffs, an acquisition deal that backfired and kicked you out of the company you founded, a failed business strategy that forced you to file for bankruptcy, an investment decision that made you lose your family's home, an unavoidable pivot through which you lost sight of your life's purpose and meaning.
The awareness of knowing failure is part of the game of life and business when you're sitting right in the middle of it, won't get you through it.
When you've truly hit your rock bottom then you'll hardly be able to get out of it without a helping hand, as the permanent impact it has on you through a triggered trauma response will have an effect on your future behavior and outcomes.
As a certified therapist, I’ve specialized in supporting leaders to overcome severe obstacles and failure, aligning them to thrive with purpose, ease and flow.
In the signature Bx3 Method that has helped hundreds navigate out of the tunnel safely, there are three parts to this process:
1. Breakdown
Sitting with your feelings and emotions is the first necessary step.
In the context of failure, we experience negative and overwhelming emotions, which can make us especially more vulnerable to physical illness, insomnia/fatigue, substance use, hunger or overeating, depression, anxiety, or panic attacks, and can trigger trauma and coping mechanisms.
Research has shown it’s not healthy to numb our feelings (we have them for a reason). Suppressing feelings that are triggered by negative experiences can have a serious impact on our mental health.
Coping with your emotions and the feelings associated with them and working through them is key.
When you ignore your feelings it creates a “boomerang” effect, where the emotions will just come back later, and sometimes even stronger than they were before.
A part of this crucial first step is accepting your outside life is the mental equivalent of your subconscious.
Your reality is a mirror of your subconscious mind, which means you've created that reality.
It's your personal failure. Even if you've got the feeling of it 'happened' to you.
Nobody can relate to what your failure feels like.
Nobody has the right to judge your failure.
Your failure is yours. Uniquely yours.
Whatever happens to you, you are the only one to decide how to react, what to think about it, and how to feel about it.
Change starts with awareness and radical honesty, even when it's uncomfortable.
2. Breakthrough
When people hit "rock bottom" and "fail," they finally make new decisions or find new insights that transform their lives.
At this point, it's time to transform your so-called failure into a real educational & growth experience.
One of the most important lessons you have the opportunity to embrace at this point is that failure has led you to your first sign of success on the journey you have embarked on.
Without asking the right questions, you won't get to the real source of the breakdown. Thus, you won't pivot or course correct in a way that will prevent such a failure from happening again.
As your subconscious mind runs on autopilot for you and dominates 95% of your daily thoughts, habits, reactions, and actions, if you want to truly change and improve anything in your life, subconscious transformation from the inside out is unavoidable.
In this phase, I teach my clients and students to truly learn to listen & learn to leverage their subconscious mind and wisdom within them.
It is essential to identify your inner barriers and release them at a deeper level of identity, in order to not repeat patterns of manifestation at an identity level that led you into your misery in the first place.
“You do not get in life what you want. You will get in life what you are, despite any hard work and the best-proven strategy.” - Miriam Petra
As I've mentioned, when confronted with massive struggle, hardships or failure, trauma responses can emerge as coping mechanisms, which we want to absolutely avoid through this process.
It's crucial to establish a new baseline for safety in your nervous system by recognizing the coping mechanisms and then rewiring your subconscious operating system and beliefs through releasing trauma and installing new beliefs.
3. Breakfree
The third step is learning to shift back each day.
The daily work from here on out is observing the ideas that say you can’t have what you want, recognizing these ideas as untrue, and choosing a new positive story.
In every event in life there is a positive experience - lesson, growth, learning, higher purpose to challenge you to discover, become stronger, more resilient, deal with adversity and challenges.
And it's a chance to shine light on your shadows, your limits, your limiting beliefs, and your traumas keeping you stuck.
The truth about transformation: You cannot outperform your self-identity.
Research has shown, between the ages of 0-7 years, 80% of your beliefs are already installed. Thus, the trauma incidents during childhood need to be revealed and dealt with in order for profound and lasting transformation to occur.
“My level of Success will not exceed my level of personal development because success is something I attract by the person I become.”
The 1 priority for your brain is to keep you safe, and to ensure your survival.
That's why it's vital that you learn to master your attention and you keep it and move it to the places that actually serve you, as opposed to places that do not serve you.
As an entrepreneur therapist, I created a simple step-by-step blueprint, drilled down to the very essence of what it takes to FOCUS. You can get started right away by downloading your Free Focus Formula Blueprint here.
The 3 Steps to take to overcome any failure and thrive from even the most difficult experience:
In every event in life, there is a positive experience - lesson, growth, learning, higher purpose to challenge you to discover, become stronger, more resilient, deal with adversity and challenges.
And it's a chance to shine light on your shadows, your limits, your limiting beliefs, and your traumas keeping you stuck.
It's a chance to move you nearer towards trust, purpose, appreciation.
Following the Bx3 Method guides you through exactly how to overcome massive failure in any area of your life.

Miriam Petra, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Miriam Petra is your facilitator for deep and profound transformation. She is a trained therapist and serial entrepreneur, mentoring thought leaders to step into their full potential to create their dream lifestyle of vitality, impact, income, and freedom they desire.
By aligning the subconscious mind and eliminating root causes for any issue, fast and lasting transformation is achieved for any area of their life, without the hustle, overwhelm, and trade-offs between personal and professional life, yet with joy, ease, and abundance.
Miriam believes high-performing, successful and aligned leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives are changing the course of history. Healthy & ethically led businesses are the primary sources of innovation, bringing great solutions for more sustainable living on this planet for us and all future generations to come.
Going through the highs and lows of being a multiple business owner, having overcome major bankruptcy and severe financial loss, as well as healing from chronic illness, depression and family division, she has become an expert in overcoming failure through her signature Bx3 method and subconscious therapy.
Through powerful subconscious transformation on deep levels, she helps high achievers from around the world align to thrive and transform their lives from the inside out. She teaches you the research-backed tools to harness the power of your mind, body, and spirit to live your best life & be the best version of yourself for yourself, your life, your loved ones.
In the past 12 years of building businesses, spending $600k+ on her education & training, working with the best coaches, international consultants, and hypnotherapists, it wasn’t until she started working with the subconscious mind and spiritual principle that her life & business truly shifted.
"Your wellbeing & subconscious identity are directly connected to your level of performance & lasting success."