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Why Talk Therapy Doesn’t Work

Jen Fedorowicz is an Energy Healer and Coach. She is passionate about waking people up to knowing the magnificence that is within us all.

Executive Contributor Jen Fedorowicz

Before you send me hate mail, please give me a few minutes to explain. I have worked with so many clients that have been in talk therapy for years. Talk therapy isn’t all bad, and I know for sure there are some good therapists out there. But the basis of talk therapy is talking…And when you continue to think and talk about your problems your feet stay cemented in those problems. 

woman's feet with mud

That is not my opinion, that is Universal Law. What you focus on expands. The things you give your attention and awareness to will grow. We have been taught that when we’re knee deep in a problem we should try to figure out the solution.You’ve gotta dive in, dissect it…ask everyone you know for their opinions and solutions, when in fact, that is the WORST thing that you can do. 

I posted a YouTube short not too long ago where I said, 

“There is a spiritual solution to every problem.” 

Someone responded to that with the comment…”unless you’re not spiritual”.

Well I’m not one to argue, but in my head I just sort of laughed. Because whether you know it or not we are all spiritual.

Maybe you feel more comfortable with the word energy, we are all energy. In fact everything in our entire universe is energy. But what quantum science has come to understand is that we are all consciousness. A stream of universal energy or consciousness animates your physical body and another word for that energy is spirit. 

When you become aware that you are that, you become conscious of that now you are awake to the truth of who you are. As you learn to tune into that part of you, which by the way is the bigger part of you, you realize that you are actually bigger than any “problem” that you think you have. 

So if therapy is an important part of your life, maybe you can start talking about who you are becoming in your therapy sessions. Talk about the future you and the expansion that you are experiencing…and let go of any focus on your problems. 

I believe we are all looking for transformation in some way. Transformation happens when we begin to spiritually expand. Breath work, journalling and energy healing are a few good ways to embrace who you are becoming and when we shift energetically, transformation happens quickly. 

And as we transform we realize we actually didn’t have any problems, just uncomfortable situations in life that were ultimately pushing us toward knowing the true magnificence that we are! 

Would you like to know and live from that magnificence? Set up a strategy call with me and lets talk about the steps to getting you there today. Schedule a call with me here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Jen Fedorowicz, Energy Healer and Coach

Jen Fedorowicz is an Energy Healer and Coach. She is passionate about waking people up to knowing the magnificence that is within us all. Her work is about releasing unresolved emotion that is held in the body and activating the master energy system that has a tremendous impact on living a healthy and abundant life.



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