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What Is Feminine Leadership – Redefining Power And Authenticity

Ana is a passionate and dedicated mentor and life coach, and she advocated for women's empowerment. With over 8 years of experience in the field, she has helped countless women reconnect with themselves, achieve their goals, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

Executive Contributor Ana Salido

In the realm of leadership, a profound shift is taking place—one that celebrates the unique strengths of the feminine. Gone are the days when leadership was synonymous with assertiveness, dominance, and a top-down approach.

Woman talking to smart phone while working at home

Instead, a new paradigm is emerging, one that honours qualities like empathy, collaboration, and intuition. Welcome to the era of feminine leadership, where power is redefined, and authenticity reigns supreme.

“Redefining power”

Traditionally, leadership has been portrayed through a predominantly masculine lens. Think of the archetypal image of a strong, commanding figure leading the charge.

While there's undeniable value in assertiveness and decisiveness, it's essential to recognise that these traits represent only one aspect of the leadership spectrum.

The rise of feminine leadership signals a broader acknowledgment of the diverse qualities that contribute to effective leadership.

At the heart of feminine leadership lies the notion of "redefining power."

Rather than viewing power as something to be wielded over others, feminine leaders understand power as the ability to inspire, uplift, and create positive change.

Empathy becomes a guiding principle, allowing leaders to connect deeply with their teams and understand their needs on a profound level. This empathetic approach fosters trust, loyalty, and a sense of belonging—a far cry from the fear-based leadership tactics of the past.

One shining example of feminine leadership in action is Jacinda Ardern, the former Prime Minister of New Zealand. Ardern's leadership style exemplifies many of the principles of feminine leadership.

During her tenure, she demonstrated empathy and compassion in abundance, particularly in her response to crises such as the Christchurch mosque shootings.

Jacinda Ardern's ability to connect with people on a human level, to listen to their concerns, and to respond with kindness and understanding earned her widespread admiration both at home and abroad.

What is feminine leadership?


Is a cornerstone of feminine leadership. Instead of viewing leadership as a solitary pursuit, feminine leaders recognise the power of teamwork and collective wisdom. They create environments where everyone's voice is heard and valued, drawing on the diverse perspectives and talents of their team members to achieve shared goals. In this way, feminine leaders cultivate a culture of inclusivity and innovation, where creativity flourishes, and solutions are born from collective effort.


Often dismissed in traditional leadership circles, takes centre stage in feminine leadership. Rather than relying solely on data and logic, feminine leaders trust their gut instincts and inner wisdom. They understand that there's more to decision-making than meets the eye and are willing to tap into the subtle cues and insights that intuition provides. This intuitive approach allows feminine leaders to navigate uncertainty with grace and adaptability, guiding their teams through complex challenges with clarity and confidence.

Perhaps most importantly, feminine leadership is about authenticity.

Another example of Jacinda Ardern amazing work as a Prime Minister. She also championed collaboration and inclusivity, forming a coalition government that brought together diverse perspectives to address the challenges facing New Zealand.

She prioritised consensus-building over confrontation, seeking common ground and shared solutions rather than resorting to divisive rhetoric.

In doing so, Jacindaa Ardern fostered a sense of unity and cohesion within her government and her country—a testament to the power of collaborative leadership.

Furthermore, Jacinda Ardern's leadership style was characterised by authenticity. She remained true to herself, unafraid to show vulnerability or emotion, and always leading with integrity and honesty.

Jacinda Ardern's authenticity resonated deeply with people, who saw her as a genuine and trustworthy leader.

It's about embracing all aspects of oneself—the strengths, the vulnerabilities, the quirks—and leading from a place of genuine connection and integrity.

It's about showing up as your true self, unapologetically, and inviting others to do the same.

In a world that often demands conformity, feminine leaders dare to be different, paving the way for more authentic and inclusive workplaces.

In conclusion, feminine leadership offers a powerful antidote to the outdated models of leadership that no longer serve us.


By redefining power, embracing empathy, collaboration, and intuition, and leading with authenticity, feminine leaders are reshaping the landscape of leadership for the better.


It's time to celebrate and amplify the diverse strengths of feminine leadership, recognising that true leadership encompasses a spectrum of styles and qualities. So here's to the rise of feminine leadership—may it inspire us all to lead with heart, courage, and grace.


Ana is a passionate and dedicated mentor and life coach, and she advocated for women's empowerment. With over 8 years of experience in the field, she has helped countless women reconnect with themselves, achieve their goals, and cultivate fulfilling relationships.

Driven by her journey of self-discovery and personal growth, Ana is deeply committed to guiding women on their path to self-love, authenticity and empowerment.

Known for her warmth, compassion and unwavering support, Ana creates a safe and nurturing space for women to explore their innermost desires, confront their fears and step into their full potential.


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