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The Single Most Important Thing To Do After Having A Baby

Written by: Jen Landry, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This one thing can be done within HOURS of having your baby, it can be done before you are cleared for exercise, and it should be done to aid both mental and physical healing.

When you are pregnant, the baby begins to make changes to your body as they grow. The baby needs more room. So they force your ribs to expand, the abs to stretch and separate (Diastasis Recti), the pelvis to open up more, and pressure management becomes difficult. This can compromise the diaphragm and pelvic floor. For some women, some of these changes create major issues during pregnancy and even postpartum. For even fewer women, they never even notice. However, we can change that narrative. We can make the statement say, “for very few women, some of these changes create major issues. However, most women have learned the proper techniques and skills to avoid any major issues”. How do you ask?

It is so simple it seems unrealistic and maybe even a little silly: Learning to breathe properly. Not just from moment to moment but also while lifting heavy things, while coughing and sneezing, and even while carrying a growing baby. So, that’s it. The single most important thing you can do after having a baby is to breathe properly.

Really? Yep. That’s it. So let’s dive into the how and why some more. When something seems this simple, people tend to shrug it off and think they have a handle on it. So it is easy to brush this off. You can’t live without breathing, so how can you possibly be doing it wrong?

When I tell you that proper breathing is the key to postpartum recovery, I don’t mean just your average moment-to-moment breath. I am talking about taking the time to do some deep, intentional, targeted breathing. Like I said before, your ribs have opened up, the abs have stretched out and pressure management in the core is off. When you take a good inhale that fills the rib cage (from front to back and side to side), not just up into the shoulders or out into the belly, you get to move the muscles of the trunk into a full range of motion. Then, as you exhale, think about starting with a lift of the pelvic floor, a lift of the lower abs, a cinching in at the waist, and then bringing the ribs down and in.

If you get a good full inhale with mobile ribs, you won’t use your neck and shoulder muscles as much anymore and the pains will dissipate. That good inhale will fill your lungs with fresh, healthy air, and the diaphragm and pelvic floor will work in unison and alleviate leaking, prolapse, and other such issues. Then that wonderful exhale will begin to coordinate the abdominal muscles while ridding the body of all stale air and creating a strong, stable core and pelvic floor. Breathing is like an ab exercise from the inside out. It can really make a difference in core strength, core function, and overall posture. However, it can be so much more than that!

Moms, especially brand new moms, have a lot of healing to do and are often in a stressed state (if you’ve had a newborn, you know)! So taking some intentional deep breaths, moms can calm their nervous system. This takes them from a state of “fight or flight” to “rest and digest.” When you are in the fight or flight state, decision-making is more difficult, the baby crying is that much harder to handle, the small amount of sleep is being compromised, and it is easier to get angry. When you are in a place of rest and digestion, you can make more sound decisions, heal your wounds, stay calm and focused, and really make sure you and your baby are getting the care you need.

Breathing drills can be done any time, anywhere. This is great for moms because it is so hard sometimes to get away and work on yourself. Ultimately, if you can get away to work on it and focus, it is better. However, if you need to, practice in the car line, while the kids do homework, while the little one breastfeeds, and anywhere else.

When you start to advance the breathing drills and connect to the movements more, it makes you feel like you again. It allows you to feel like you can move again and that you won’t be stuck forever. It can really be a mindset game changer.

Do not wait any longer! Start working on that breath today. Whether you are looking for greater core control, better posture, more relaxation, or just to feel like yourself again after the baby, breathing is the ticket. It really should be something taught in the hospital before you even make it home. It will really change your recovery for the better.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Jen Landry, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jen Landry is a leader in functional fitness. She specializes in pregnant, postpartum, and everyday women. As a mother of two little girls and two pregnancies that left Jen feeling weak, broken, and in need of answers, she discovered the Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Certification. Obtaining this certification changed the way Jen looked at pregnancy and postpartum fitness as well as female health in general. It ignited a fire to help as many women as possible, so they could avoid what Jen experienced. She is the CEO and Owner of Moms Fit Life. Her Mission: Teach Moms they can trust their bodies again and rock mom life with confidence!



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