Written by: Vikas Arora, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

It is that most magical time of the year..., as we start to think of how we are going to celebrate the holidays, some are also thinking about the year ahead. Many questions come to mind as we reflect on the year gone by " have I fulfilled what I set out to achieve, have I made a real difference? what should I focus on in the new year?"

Setting New Year resolutions tends to be a common theme at the end of any year that we all seem to set and they tend to follow a common theme as we come back from the overindulgence of the seasonal holidays; Getting to the Gym, Getting organized Desire to learn a new skill, Greater focus on finances and saving money for a new car, house, etc., wishing to live life to the fullest, travel more... the list is endless.
We typically blurt out the same resolutions in some form or another each year with no imagination. Research has shown that 80% of New Year resolutions fail to start or even if they do start they fall flat mid-way through the month of February. There are several reasons why resolutions fail:
Lack of deep thought into resolutions
No alignment to purpose
Goals and resolutions lack clarity
Why are they important?
What impact would they have on your life
You are not ready for change as there is a clear WHY in your goals (not being ready we tend to create excuses)
Negative mindset and self-belief in fulfilling the goals.
Feeling of overwhelm as any change can be seen as scary if not fulfilled (reflection of past unfulfilled goals)
The biggest issues with why resolutions and goals fail can be down to several reasons as indicated above but the main reason seems to be that any goals or resolutions that we go out to set to fulfil lack a true purpose and if they are set with purpose there is no deep or meaningful intention behind the purpose.
The two go hand in hand and do not stand alone. To know how we can set a set of goals with a purpose that has deep and meaningful intention we need to have a clear definition of the two.
Purpose ‒ this is the "why" ‒ an object to be reached - this is set defined clearly.
Intention ‒ this is "how" ‒ the goal or purpose behind a specific action or set of actions ‒ this can evolve, grow, and change as we follow the path to our purpose.
A purpose is the inner reasoning or feeling we place behind what we do. Our intention is the process we adopt fully that allows us to pursue our purpose to success. In many cases, the two can be interchangeable.
So, if our purpose is to focus on my mental and physical well-being then my intention would be to live a healthier lifestyle, not just going to the gym, but with action focussing on respecting my body by healthier eating, regular exercise, good sleep, meditation, etc.
With a real intention to pursue something, we can begin to find a strong purpose that will enable us to fulfil that purpose. On the flip side with a clearly defined purpose, we can begin to put the building blocks together that will provide us, with the intention, to take action toward our purpose.
Our approach can be defined in the following steps.
1. Grab a journal
Get comfortable and begin to either define what your purpose is for the year ahead. Take time to hear, do not rush, and put real thought behind your purpose. Setting a purpose is not something that comes to you to aim at. There must be a deep underlying reason behind the purpose.
As Simon Sinek says “Achievement happens when we pursue and attain what we want. Success comes when we are in clear pursuit of Why we want it.”
What is the deep desire that will give you the greatest fulfilment once achieved? How will this purpose make your life more meaningful? How will your purpose truly impact your life and those around you?
If it is a business you are starting ‒ what will this give you, what will your business ultimately provide for you - how will your business and the service you provide impact society? If it is to find a new home ‒ what comforts will it provide your family ‒ is the location desirable?
2. Find a word
Something you can focus on for the year, a word that sums up your purpose. It will not just come to you. Whilst going through the above focussing on your purpose will become more evident for you. Think deep into the purpose, what you truly want to achieve, making life more meaningful, and find a word that sums up all you wish to achieve and make your chosen word a focus point that fuels your actions in every aspect of your life- work, family, love, wellbeing, growth, etc.
3. With a purpose in mind
It is now time to create the intentions that will allow you to fulfil what you have set out to achieve. Three questions need to be asked here.
a. "Who am I now and whom do I wish to become?"
Creating a future vision of you provides a clear picture of how your actions behind your purpose will impact you once fulfilled. This is the future “you” that you can embody in everyday life today.
b. Reflect and ask yourself ‒ "What is going well for me?"
Only focus on what has gone well for you, the milestones that you have reached, and the successes that have led to where you are today. Refrain from focussing on bringing attention to the setbacks, thoughts of scarcity, or lack.
c. "Where in my life will progress be so much more meaningful?"
Personal or Professional or even both knowing where the impact will be created will provide a stronger conviction for your why.
Intentions give us direction; they focus on the result that you desire to create and the impact you are likely to make. It fuels behavioural change with a growth mindset. Your intentions will become your alignment pillar for the months to become. They will provide clarity for the vision you have created, empowering you to create actionable goals, and creating deeper harmony within you.
Evaluate where in your life are you struggling that is holding you back from growth and fulfilling your true potential. For example, if you are constantly battling the stresses of day-to-day life, then self-care should be your clear intention.
Following the process outlined above, it’s important to perform regular self-check-ins with yourself. These check-ins will demonstrate how aligned you are to your intentions and how fulfilled you are to achieving what you set out at the beginning of the year.
When you bring your intentions and your purpose to the forefront of each day, it gives you a gentle nudge on how to live each day raising your emotional energy and providing you with psychological safety.
So, throw away the old ‒ " what's my new year’s resolution" and start the year with " What are my intentions for the year that allows me to fulfil my Purpose".
Make your deepest desire your true north star and start to live a life with greater meaning and enrichment.

Vikas Arora, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Vikas Arora has a long-standing Corporate Career with some of the biggest names in Telco and Technology industry. Midway through his career Vikas began to focus heavily on personal development which awakened a purpose and mission to help, guide and support people in uncovering their true potential and purpose as a Mindset Transformation Coach. As a certified NLP practitioner, Quantum Manifestation, a Member of the International Coaching Federation and through Instagram as well as hosting "Conscious Conversations" Podcast, Vikas is committed to helping others uncover the best version of themselves.