Written by Hedi Schaefer, Work-Life Innovation Coach
Hedi Schaefer is a leader in work-life innovation through identity work, and future skills. An identity crisis and depression made her question herself and work-lifestyle as a jet-setting innovation consultant.

Discover the transformative power of identity shifting. Learn what it is and follow a practical daily meditation ritual to achieve fulfillment and success. Start your journey today!

Why identity shifting?
Identity shifting is the process of transforming your self-concept to align with your desired life. This practice is crucial because our identities shape our thoughts, behaviors, and ultimately, our realities. As an example: If I believe that I can live at the beach, homeschooling, while making tons of money by doing the things I love, my actions will move me towards that dream. If you don’t believe it, the dream will stop right that second.
By shifting your identity, you can break free from limiting beliefs and patterns that have held you back your entire life, enabling you to step into your full potential and live a life of fulfillment and success. This transformation isn't just about achieving goals or working hard with extra effort and stress; it's about becoming the person who has what you desire and effortlessly attracting and sustaining those achievements. Once your consciousness is convinced, your reality will follow.
It’s you ‘o’clock
To become the person and create a life you love, you have to shift your identity. Most people are living in self-doubt, anxiety, shame, negativity—you name it. They are not experiencing their full potential, power, and purpose. And that is simply put: a tragic waste of human potential. Because everyone has a gift and everyone is here to experience and give away this gift to the world. This is what I believe wholeheartedly.
A little example: How identity shifting changed my life
To make this tragedy more understandable. I was traveling the globe, living an innovation consultant life, jet-setting, living totally from the outside in, never feeling like I was enough, and then I crashed. I became a mom at the height of my career and realized I couldn't do what I was doing anymore. Burn Out. I couldn't board a plane or a train and had major anxiety attacks. I was in a full-blown identity crisis, searching for my purpose on this planet—or, really, for myself. I knew a version of myself, a role I played in the past, but that was not me. It was scary, but the biggest chance of my life to turn everything around.
I knew that to create the life of my dreams, I had to become a person that I respect, that feels enough, and loving, because everything is inside out. Our life is a projection of ourselves. And how should I be respected by others if I was rejecting myself?
So, I went to work. I studied with every success, high achievement, mindset, energy, and healing coach I could find. I shed my skin like a snake, transformed my shadows into light, awakened to a fulfilled and warm-hearted, very powerful me, and created a life that I never thought was possible.
I created my soul business that's entirely built on purpose and values and love, the extension of my new identity. Sharing these still mostly secret tools with high achievers. and: I know I'm not special. I know you can do all of that too. With this power hack below, I created powerful results, and I can't wait to share it with you now so you can make these shifts too.
So, are you ready to shift, so that you can live the life you deserve as the person you love and respect, showing up confidently in this world and achieving your goals with ease? Are you ready for the full version of yourself?
The identity shift ritual
Best is to do this over the next 21 days, twice a day, in the morning and evening. Second best is either morning or evening, and third best is whenever you can. A little trick is to set your alarm on your phone, so you won't forget. All you need is yourself, a quiet room, and 3 minutes for the exercise. Set your timer now and let’s begin.
Step into the wow-state step-by-step
Firstly, sit up or lie down
Whatever is possible and comfortable. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths into your nose and out through your nose.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Deepen with each breath, and relax as much as you possibly can: your jaw, your shoulders, your hands, your legs, your feet.
Secondly, step into the new
Imagine everything you ever wanted to achieve, and you don't even need to stress out about knowing exactly what that is. Focus on the feeling when it’s done. You've made it happen. Happy, lovable, fulfilled, loving, label that feeling for yourself. Step into that scenario as if it was already there.
Thirdly, embody and shift
Get detailed, and ask questions like:
Where am I?
What do I see?
Who is with me?
What is part of this wow state? Feel it, because only with feeling can you create a shift in the cells of your body, literally right now. (see Feeling Is The Secret To Manifesting)
Lean into it until your alarm goes off.
Train this 'state of being' for at least 21 days. See what happens and let me know. It's really just training, because it fires up the wires in your brain, and creates new neural pathways inside of you. The more you practice, the more you become that.
I hope this identity shift serves you as much as it served me. Always know that transformation is the most wonderful gift you can give yourself. I'm very grateful you're doing this work for a thriving self, and ultimately this planet. Enjoy this new you!
Hedi Schaefer, Work-Life Innovation Coach
Hedi Schaefer is a leader in work-life innovation through identity work, and future skills. An identity crisis and depression made her question herself and work-lifestyle as a jet-setting innovation consultant. She understood that to create a business and life based on true passion, purpose, ease, and flow, the key is inner work. Hedi created strategies to shift dramatically and turn everything around. She has since dedicated her life to helping others do the same and become the authentic changemaker and creative leader they wish to be. She is CEO of the Hedi Schaefer Academy, the online hub for Work-Life Innovation, an author, and a speaker. Her mission: Light up and lead! inspires people across the globe.