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Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Veronica Sanchez De Darivas

Executive Contributor

Spiritual Life Coach, HeartMath® Certified Coach & Cyclopea Method Certified Instructor

Veronica Sanchez De Darivas

Spiritual Life Coach, HeartMath® Certified Coach & Cyclopea Method Certified Instructor

Veronica Sanchez De Darivas shares tools on how to manage stress, negative emotions and build resilience and on how to use high vibration words. Veronica is a Spanish grammar and literature teacher. During the last twelve years, she has dedicated herself to spirituality and is a Certified Instructor for the Cyclopea Method of Internal Activation of the Pineal Gland, a method created in South America 33 years ago by the spiritual leader Fresia Castro. Veronica is the first instructor in the world teaching this life changing method in English. Veronica is a Spiritual Life Coach and a HeartMath Certified Coach as well. Veronica is also an author. She has been writing for many years for online magazines and blogs in Spanish and English. Veronica is both a Chilean and an Australian citizen now living in the UK. Her mission is the expansion of consciousness.

All articles

The Power Of Silence – Enhancing Mental And Emotional Wellbeing

Silence, derived from the Latin word "Silentium, silens, silere," refers to the absence of noise or sound.

Navigating The Digital Era – Achieving Harmony Between Technology And Spiritual Fulfilment

In today's ever-changing digital world, where screens have become an integral part of our lives

The Healing Power Of Smiling And Laughing

A smile has the power to connect us all. It can instantly brighten up our day, make us feel better and improve our mood.

How To Be A Leader That Inspires ‒ The Power Of Conscious Leadership

Conscious leadership is a relatively new concept, but there has been increasing interest in it in recent years.

The Power Of Being Grateful, How Gratitude Can Change Your World

The word gratitude comes from the Latin “gratus” and it means pleasing, welcome, agreeable.

How To Start Your Personal Development Journey

Personal development is a concept that has become fashionable in recent years and that implies a series of advantages for our internal

Effective End Of The Year Rituals For A Prosperous And Happy New Year

The end of the year is fast approaching and many of us revisit it in order to reflect, to see what went well and what did not.

The Power Of Face-To-Face Meetings In The Digital Era

The digital world is here to stay and after the pandemic, its very existence, before questioned, was cemented in our life.

Radical Inner Transformation ‒ Changing Paradigms And Beliefs

Last weekend I went to Paris to meet two of my best friends and attend a conference led by Gregg Braden and Dr. Bruce Lipton

Three Effective Meditations For Your Everyday Life

Meditation is a practice that everyone talks about, but I have come to realise that most people do not do it regularly or at all

Priority Pass

Hurry! Hurry Hurry! This is a word put into action many times over during our day-to-day lives.

Six Steps To Improve Your Confidence And Self-Esteem

Our lives seem to be a bit more complicated and difficult to navigate nowadays.


When we speak of creation, we usually associate this concept with being artistic.

Inner Connection

Most of the time we are disconnected, yes that is right. I am not referring to physical technology here, like phones or computers.

What Is Second Language Anxiety And How Does It Affect Language Learners?

Written by: Sarah Henderson-Sharon, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to...

The Science Of The Heart

Written by: Veronica Sanchez De Darivas, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to...

Four Days Of Inner Gratitude

Written by: Veronica Sanchez De Darivas, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to...

Stockholm - The Capital Of Scandinavia

Written by: Veronica Sanchez De Darivas, Executive Contributor Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to...

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CREA Global Awards presented to

Veronica Sanchez De Darivas

Spiritual Life Coach, HeartMath® Certified Coach & Cyclopea Method Certified Instructor

The CREA Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition for their creative and innovative ideas, adaptability in business, or for their contributions to sustainability and mental health projects.

Caroline Winkvist


Daniel Ålund

Selection Committee

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Brainz 500 Global Awards presented to

Veronica Sanchez De Darivas

Spiritual Life Coach, HeartMath® Certified Coach & Cyclopea Method Certified Instructor

Brainz 500 Global Awards is proudly presented to the honoree by the Brainz Magazine Selection Committee, in recognition of their entrepreneurial success, achievements, and dedication to helping others.

Caroline Winkvist


Fredrik Elfqvist

Selection Committee

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

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