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Job Burnout Solutions For Leaders And Executives

Written by: Hina Siddiqui, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There is a lot of advice on what leaders and executives can do to reduce employee stress and burnout. But what about the other side of the coin?

Executive burnout is real and in many cases under-reported. In a study conducted by reclaim ai in 2022, executives and managers reported an average of 60% burnout rate, with lack of time for focused work being the number one factor for job burnout. In today’s hectic and highly competitive business landscape, leaders and executives are frequently under constant pressure to perform at their finest. This can cause job burnout and will potentially harm the individual and the business.

In this article, we’ll briefly explain what job burnout is, explore some of the common reasons and signs of executive burnout, and provide effective job burnout solutions for leaders and executives. So, if you're a leader or an executive looking to avoid burnout and preserve your peak efficiency, read on to discover more.

What Is Job Burnout And Why Should You Care?

Job burnout is a state of emotional or physical fatigue related to work stress. It involves a feeling of decreased accomplishment and reduced personal identity. As a product of long-term stress in the workplace, individuals who are working in organizations are subject to mental and physical stress caused by the working environment. The job stress that you as an executive or leader are exposed to regularly can cause physical fatigue, mental exhaustion, anxiety, reduced confidence, and several other issues affecting your general health. Let’s explore some of the reasons for job burnout.

Understanding the Causes of Executive Burnout

Executives, CEOs, and leaders are increasingly overworked, overwhelmed, and leaving their organizations for positions in companies that recognize the value of a healthy and happy workforce. According to a 2022 Deloitte survey, about 70% of corporate executives are considering leaving their jobs for workplaces that demonstrate more care for their staff's well-being. So why is that? The reasons for executive burnout can vary from person to person, however, they typically originate from the high-pressure nature of their jobs.

Executives are accountable for handling complicated teams, making important decisions, and meeting tight due dates, all while dealing with consistent needs from customers, shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders. This can result in chronic tension, which can ultimately manifest as burnout. Another common reason for executive burnout is an absence of work-life balance. Executives frequently work long hours, including weekends and vacations, which can leave little time for individual pursuits or relaxation. This can lead to physical and emotional fatigue, as well as feelings of frustration with work and life in general. Furthermore, a sense of lack of control is one of the reasons for job burnout.

When an executive experiences an inability to influence key decisions that affect his or her job, it could lead to job burnout. Board restrictions, a dual reporting structure, or a lack of resources can

cause this. Additionally, many executives might experience burnout due to an absence of support from their company. Executives who feel unsupported or undervalued by their business may experience a sense of disappointment or lack of inspiration, which can lead to burnout over time. Finally, one of the major reasons for burnout is being in a job that is not aligned with who you are. When executives find themselves in a job environment and culture that is disjoint with their personal values, it will create a constant conflict that will probably lead to burnout.

Signs and Symptoms of Job Burnout

Individuals suffering from job burnout experience different signs and symptoms. It can depend on their personal characteristics and the level, duration, and consistency of the stress they’ve been dealing with.

Here are some prominent signs and symptoms to watch for:

  • Becoming cynical, negative, and pessimistic.

  • Feeling exhausted most of the time.

  • Becoming less efficient at work.

  • Losing interest, motivation, and enjoyment.

  • Detachment and becoming careless.

  • Impatience with yourself and others.

  • Feeling overwhelmed.

  • Reduced productivity or performance.

  • Declined concentration and focus.

  • Work absenteeism without really caring.

  • Anxiety and signs of depression.

  • Developing a general resentment attitude.

  • Feeling that you’re alone.

  • Chronic fatigue and headaches.

  • Lack of sleep.

  • Experiencing relationship issues at work and home.

  • Social withdrawal from work occasions.

If you’re experiencing some of these signs and symptoms, you might be affected by job burnout. Now it’s time to explore some of the solutions to effectively deal with it.

Job Burnout Solutions for Leaders and Executives

Here are some strategies to deal with job burnout and overcome it. Most are preventive and others are more reactive.

1. Encouraging work-life balance

Organizations need to focus more on work-life balance by providing versatile work arrangements, motivating workers to take getaway time, and discouraging after-hours work.

Executives must also prioritize their own well-being by requiring time for individual pursuits and relaxation.

2. Providing assistance and resources

Organizations ought to offer executives access to resources such as counseling, training, and mentorship programs. These resources can help executives handle tension and develop effective coping mechanisms.

3. Promoting a positive office culture

Organizations are encouraged to promote a positive work environment culture that values staff member well-being and encourages open communication. Executives must likewise strive to develop a positive work environment for their teams by supplying regular feedback and recognition.

4. Setting reasonable goals and expectations

Organizations should set realistic objectives and expectations for their executives, taking into account their work and abilities. Executives must also be motivated to set their own goals and top priorities based on their individual and expert needs.

5. Practice the art of delegation

Perfection is the enemy of progress, right? It’s also the fertile soil of burnout. Leaders and executives need to learn how to delegate effectively. Besides the obvious business benefits of getting more done, improved engagement, better communication, and encouraging team creativity, delegation can contribute positively to the leader’s mental health.

“Leadership is an active role; 'lead' is a verb. But the leader who tries to do it all is headed for burnout and in a powerful hurry.” Bill Owens, 40th Governor of Colorado

6. Schedule your off-time

As a leader or executive, it’s easy to forget about your own self-care. Schedule time in advance for vacations and leaves. It’s in the best interest of you and your organization.

7. Train your brain to finish tasks faster

Leaders have limited time to accomplish tasks. In order to accomplish more tasks in less time, train your mind to work faster. Instead of writing a “to-do” list and going at it without allocating time, specify a time for each task. For example, if one of your tasks for the day is to rehearse a speech that you’ll deliver at a corporate event, specify 30 minutes to do so. This technique will program your mind to work faster and finish the task in the targeted time.

8. Surround yourself with like-minded people

As a leader, it’s vital to associate with like-minded people who can understand what you do, and be able to exchange ideas with them. Stay away from toxic people who will drain you, and engage with positive uplifting individuals who motivate and encourage you. After all, Birds of a feather do flock together.

9. Seek professional help

A common approach is to hire a life coach who is specialized in career coaching. A coach is a neutral professional who can address your work and life issues without bias, and can help you unlock your potential and find workable solutions to live a more balanced and fulfilled life. Working with a professional coach can be a game-changer in preventing burnout, as she or he can identify blind spots you might never notice.

10. Work in a job that resonates with who you are

If your current job is causing you burnout because the job is not aligned with your values and career goals, you always have the choice to look for a job that resonates with who you are. Making a job switch or a career change might seem scary, but with the right professional help, you can make this change with confidence and self-belief. Instead of twisting and torturing yourself to meet the demands of a toxic job, you can unleash your full potential with a job that perfectly lines up with your character and personality.

In Conclusion

The effect of executive burnout can be substantial for the executive and the whole organization. Burnout can cause decreased performance, increased absence, and higher turnover rates. It can also have an unfavorable impact on team morale and partnership, as burnt-out executives might be less likely to engage with their coworkers or provide constructive feedback. Furthermore, executive burnout can also result in a decrease in general organizational performance. Executives suffering from burnout may make bad decisions or neglect crucial details, which can result in pricey errors or missed out on opportunities. Burnout can cause reputational damage or legal issues for the organization in many cases.

Need help in avoiding and overcoming job burnout? I can help you fast-track your career transition in alignment with your values, obtain clarity on your career path, and achieve a life-work balance.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Hina Siddiqui, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Hina Siddiqui is a CREA Global Award Winning Corporate Life Coach, the author of Five Books, including Multidimensional Success, Design A Career you Love & Secrets of the 6 Figure Employee with Zero Stress, and host at ‘The Corporate Life Podcast’.

Her various corporate jobs were an everyday struggle for her, because she was misaligned with what she was doing. As time passed, she realized that doing a job can be fun if we love what we do. She stands for being in the ‘Right-for-us’ Jobs and Work Cultures.

She supports Mid to Senior Level Corporate Leaders identify and achieve their Next Level Dream Job Position + Double their Paycheck in under 6 months.


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