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Championing Organizational Well-Being – Highlighting The Green Flags For Success

Mykella Auld, M.Ed., is a pioneering thought leader in organizational culture and leadership. As the Founder and Executive Coach of Culture and leadership at The Work Well Studio, she propels organizations toward psychologically safe, equitable cultures prioritizing well-being and belonging.

Executive Contributor Mykella Auld

In today's professional world, red flags in organizational practices are pervasive, from micromanagement to promotions without raises. Recognizing these red flags is important, but so is identifying green flags that signify healthy workplaces.

Successful businesspeople having a meeting in an office

Embracing strategies like robust culture development, diverse leadership, and staff career growth can empower organizations to thrive and innovate, ensuring a healthy and safe work culture.

These days the idea of a “red flag” is everywhere. It seems every time I am on social media there is some version of new red flags to watch for. And organizational practices and cultures are no exception. We hear about micromanaging management practices, quiet firing, promotions without raises, and the list of business practices red flags goes on.

It is also important for us to know what business practices and cultural norms we should be looking for. Knowing these green flags to watch for not only helps staff make informed decisions when exploring career transitions, but also empowers people managers and organizational leaders to be able to grow and innovate on these green flags. Here are three green flags:

Green flag 1: A culture strategy for success

A robust culture strategy is more than just a buzzword; it's a fundamental aspect of a healthy and successful organization. Companies that prioritize developing and nurturing a healthy culture tend to see higher employee engagement, increased productivity, and better retention rates. A culture strategy involves intentional efforts to define, communicate, and reinforce the values, behaviors, and norms that guide interactions within the workplace.

Organizations with a strong culture strategy often have clear mission and vision statements that are aligned with their core values. These values are not just words on a poster but are embedded in every aspect of the organization, from hiring practices to performance evaluations. Employees feel a sense of belonging and purpose when they see their organization living out its values authentically.

A culture strategy involves fostering open multi-way communication channels where employees feel comfortable sharing feedback, ideas, and concerns. Leaders who actively listen to their employees and reinforce collective decision-making processes demonstrate a commitment to building a culture of trust and transparency.


A culture strategy is a powerful green flag that signals an organization's commitment to creating a healthy and safe work environment where employees feel valued and supported.

Green flag 2: Diversity in leadership

Diversity in leadership is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage for organizations. Companies with diverse leadership teams tend to be more innovative, resilient, and better equipped to navigate complex challenges. When leadership teams reflect the diversity of experiences and backgrounds of their employees and customers, they can better understand and respond to the needs and preferences of a diverse workforce and market.

Organizations that prioritize diversity in leadership actively recruit, retain, and promote individuals from underrepresented backgrounds. They invest in programs and initiatives that support the development and advancement of diverse talent, such as mentorship programs, leadership training, and networking opportunities.

Diverse leadership teams bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and ideas to the table, fostering a culture of creativity and innovation. When people with different backgrounds and viewpoints come together to solve problems and make decisions, they can generate more innovative solutions and drive better business outcomes.

Green flag 3: Staff leadership and career development

An organization that prioritizes staff leadership and career development demonstrates a commitment to investing in its most valuable asset: its people. When employees feel supported in their professional growth and development, they are more engaged, motivated, and committed to their work.

Companies that prioritize staff leadership and career development offer opportunities for employees to develop their skills, knowledge, and expertise through training programs, mentorship, and coaching. They provide clear pathways for advancement and promotion in the areas of interest of the employees, ensuring that employees have opportunities to grow and progress in their careers as they see best.

Organizations that value staff leadership empower employees at all levels to take on leadership roles and co-create in meaningful ways that contribute to the organization's success. They encourage a culture of accountability, ownership, and initiative, where employees feel empowered to take risks, challenge the status quo, and drive positive change.

In today's ever-evolving professional landscape, the prevalence of red flags in organizational practices and cultures is undeniable. However, in recognizing these red flags, it becomes equally crucial to identify and champion the green flags that signify healthy and thriving workplaces.

By understanding and prioritizing green flags, such as a robust culture strategy, diversity in leadership, and a commitment to staff leadership and career development, organizations can foster environments where employees feel valued, empowered, and inspired to excel. Embracing these green flags, organizations can pave the way for continued growth, innovation, and success in an ever-changing world.

Ready to take the next step? Help drive organizational innovation with a customized leadership and culture strategy for your organization using our research-backed models. Available coaching and technical assistance topics include organizational well-being, leadership development, equity diversity inclusion and belonging, and psychologically safe organizational culture strategies to contribute to the overall thriving of individuals and communities. Mykella invites readers to join her in making 2024 the year of personal and professional well-being.


Mykella Auld, Leadership and Culture Coach

Mykella Auld, M.Ed., is a pioneering thought leader in organizational culture and leadership. As the Founder and Executive Coach of Culture and leadership at The Work Well Studio, she propels organizations toward psychologically safe, equitable cultures prioritizing well-being and belonging. A culture strategist and equity advocate, Mykella, empowers organizations through critical thinking and relationship-building. Rooted in her experience as a lead researcher and author, on best practices in practical applications for Trauma-Informed and Anti-Racist social emotional development. She is committed to sparking transformative change.


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