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Who Are You At Your Essence And How To Recognize And Use It 

Tina describes herself as an anecdote to the broken record syndrome. She uses her intuitive gifts and practical+piritual knowingness to help others understand patterns and the deeper meaning to their life experiences.

Executive Contributor Tina Anderson

If I asked you, "Who are you at your essence?" how would you respond? Most of my clients couldn't answer this question and were perplexed about what it meant.


Portrait of young businesswoman with curly hairstyle and holding question mark

The answer is crucial because it's you at your core, and everything emanates from it, especially making aligned and soul-driven decisions. 


It's not always prominent or accessible if hidden beneath layers of conditioning, expectations, codependency, and societal norms. And the bigger the lie or facade about who you are, the more difficult it is for anything else in your life to get into alignment. The longer you've been acting out of fear and conditioning instead of passion and your truth, the longer it might take to unravel, but it's worth it. 


Living your truth means knowing who you are at your essence. Using and expressing this truth is the key to work-life balance, purpose, joy, healthy boundaries, and life fulfillment. I hope this article gets you to that realization quicker than it took me or validates what you already know. 

In my early years, I bounced around and shapeshifted into versions of myself based not on my essence but on what I thought would favor others. I compared myself to top performers in similar jobs and titles in various careers and even as an entrepreneur. My "comparisonitis" did not prevent me from success, but it was paralyzing and prevented me from feeling deep fulfillment and satisfaction. 

A reminder for all of us. We don't know what is happening behind the scenes with everyone's highlight reels. They could very well be living in a façade. But let's give them the benefit of the doubt. We must remind ourselves that it's their truth, lane, and soul blueprint. Not ours. Ever. 


Let's explore how to recognize and use your true essence. The good news is that when used, it empowers your journey and helps you shine your light. The easiest way to do this is by recognizing the undeniable aspects of you.


Our neighbor was a commercial mortgage banker, but every time we asked him if he could help us fix something in our house and yard, he skipped over like a kid walking into Disneyland. My friend works 10-hour days in human resources, but if she gets the chance to gift someone with her home-cooked meals, she gets a surge of energy to carry on despite a long day. 


Why? Because they are expressing their essence and who they are at their core: someone who loves to figure out problems and fix things and someone who uses her culinary skills to offer love and support. 


Think about your values, interests, passions, and when you feel truly alive. What kinds of environments, challenges, and people or situations bring out your best? What activities and tasks are you doing that are effortless or deeply enjoyable? 

We've all experienced when five minutes felt like one hour and one hour felt like five minutes. Why did it feel that way? What were you doing? Find the common denominators in the latter and infuse them into your life.

What are the visceral memories from your grandparents or at your youngest age that bring joy and warmth? What did you excel at in K-12? Think back to college or your first jobs and when you were in flow and lost track of time. Think about the things you did well and enjoyed as far back as you can remember. You were expressing aspects of your essence.


What are you doing now that is energizing? I like to describe it as something that draws you in, pulls you in, and provides a feeling of expansion. 


How do other people describe you? (Living truthfully, of course.) What would they say if I asked your best friend(s), associates, and close family members to describe your best attributes? 


What is your undeniable truth? What is on your I-can't-not-do-this list? Volunteering, taking adventure vacations, working in a garden, making people laugh, performing; what about always being creative or always being of service? Are you most alive when solving problems or saving lives? These are all clues.

When I consider the common denominators in all my jobs, careers, and hobbies, and when time stands still for me, the ultimate goal is to support unity consciousness. How I go about it includes many different aspects of my talents. They are the ways I express my essence. 


For example, if doing a crossword puzzle puts you into flow, ask yourself, why? Your essence is not a crossword puzzle-doer! What is it about the process, however? 


Remember that your essence is always a part of you, even in those stifling circumstances or ungratifying jobs. Seek out other ways and places to use and express it. Recognize and appreciate your new awareness, which is always the first step. 

Make decisions that support your essence, and you will also support your dreams. 


Tina's new book, UnChaos Yourself and Change Your Life, is dedicated to helping you make decisions that support your soul journey and includes a section on identifying your essence. She also offers intuitive life clarity sessions. You can find information on both at her website.


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Read more from Tina Anderson


Tina Anderson, Author, Creator of Unchaos Yourself

Tina describes herself as an anecdote to the broken record syndrome. She uses her intuitive gifts and practical+piritual knowingness to help others understand patterns and the deeper meaning to their life experiences. She created and authored the UnChaos Yourself process and book as part of her mission to lessen life’s chaos and facilitate unity consciousness. She is the founder and CEO of ta7productions, and she believes in partying with the Universe every chance you get.

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