Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr. is a Master in Core Energy Dynamics being one of a few in the world. He provides the understanding of how our mind-body-energy connection operates delivering solutions for optimized outcome. Founder of Continuum Core Coaching and a Internationally acclaimed best selling author of "Ready Connect Grow" Anthology published 2023.

In the rapidly evolving world of commodities, transitioning from the bustling trading floors of NYC's World Trade Center to a completely digital platform was a seismic shift. The closure of physical exchanges in 2012 marked not just the end of an era but also the beginning of a new journey for countless professionals. This article delves into the powerful energy of transition—how individuals and industries alike navigated the challenges, harnessed resilience, and found new opportunities in the face of inevitable change.

Commodities, the first major industry to be taken online
“My first career was on the Commodities Exchange Trading Floor in Four World Trade Center, NYC. I was taken by the exhilarating energy on the floor immediately. I started as a clerk after my college years. There were a 1000 plus people on the floor at any given moment moving about with urgency, hustle and bustle executing their jobs either as a reporter, clerk or trader in the pits pricing each particular commodity for the world daily.
The floor consisted of three exchanges NYMEX, NYBOT and COMEX with dozens of trading pits. I worked in COMEX where we traded precious metals, gold, silver and copper. After four years learning the business while working with two different companies I moved on and built my own firm Bruckmann Trading Group eventually having forty plus employees and an Internationally based clientele.
In 2012 the trading floor had succumbed to the online world and was the first industry to be forced to close its doors and move completely onto computer generated platforms.
Millions of people lost jobs and were completely displaced from the commodity industry. Their means of doing business was forever gone.
With nowhere to turn people scrambled feverishly to find employment. The majority were forced to take jobs with massive pay cuts in industries they knew little to nothing about. Massive transition was in full force.
Core energy transition leads to opportunity and open doors
What are your ingredients for successful transition?
Transition in all you do
Life transitions are periods of transformation in our lives that mark the beginning of something new. Whether it's the start of a new job, a move to a different city, or a major life event such as a marriage, divorce, death or the birth of a child, life transitions can be exciting and overwhelming all at once.
Life’s transitions can be difficult and stressful. Knowing how to manage life changes and stressors is important in keeping you healthy and maintaining your overall well being.
Every person will have their own coping mechanisms that best serve them.
Exploring what self-care activities best serves you is important in creating your self-care routine as you manage different life transitions. Additionally, your self-care shouldn’t bring you stress. Self-care is most effective when it becomes a normal part of our everyday lifestyle used as a preventative measure rather than a reactionary one.
When you apply conscious choice with awareness you become the action of change with the continuum of time that is in the moment of the now. While living in your transition of the present you remain best prepared and served to apply your core energy in all you do with your desired outcome.
Transition a continuum
“Transition is the act or instance of making or becoming different.”
Time is a constant ,a continuum of change as it never stops or goes back only acts in the moment moving forward. This is where we find our peace in our continuum of growth of transition in the energy of constant change.
The challenge with transition comes from our tendency to see it as problems rather than opportunities for learning and expansion. Most people are afraid of changing their routines because they have either had a tough time adapting in the past or have witnessed the difficulties others have had.
People can transition when they're self-aware, accepting, receive support, and become intentional about behaving differently with conscious choice. When transition happens the familiar and traditional ways in which you operate are challenged. This questioning of your need for comfort, control, and safety, the reason you operate the way you do, is often perceived as a painful experience. It is this pain that you try to avoid when you resist change. Instead apply awareness with acceptance in your transition to create opportunity for growth in all you do.
We all make mistakes and there is no shame in that because there is growth. What matters is how you react to them. If you accept that transition is a part of life and embrace it, you are more likely to try new things. This will allow you to experiment and learn from your mistakes. You’re just learning through a different method.
Mistakes aren’t wrong, they are simply opportunities to do better and improve. This can help you become more efficient in your daily tasks and improve in the long run while in the workplace, athletic world as well as relationships with achieving desired performance in all you do.
By embracing transition you are able to see what is important to you. Transition can help you become more focused in your life and know what you want out of it. When you experience change, it can create a ripple effect. This can affect everything in your life, including your relationships of all kinds. Be your continuum of change giving 100% of your core energy in all you do in the moment and that is good enough bringing peace through your transition with opportunity.
Some powerful components of successful transition
The power of curiosity
Curiosity is the state of being curious, inquisitive, wondering, ready to explore and figure something out with growth.
The character trait of being curious is defined as a strong desire to learn or know something. A curious person is someone who is naturally inquisitive, eager to explore new ideas and seeks to understand the world around them. They are driven by a sense of wonder and a desire to discover new knowledge.
A curious mind leads to lifelong learning while transitioning. It allows us to ask questions and question ourselves to take a fresh look at old problems and anticipate future challenges as change occurs. The day we stop educating ourselves and start to think we know everything is the day we fall behind. The energy of curiosity is our power to grow in all we do.
Curiosity is how we hone our skills, learn from others and see opportunities that others miss. Living with a curious outlook on life makes it more interesting and makes us feel more positive and energetic. It keeps us mentally strong and resilient, bringing empowering anabolic energy to yourself and those around us.
The energy of curiosity brings thoughtful questions, trying new approaches to tasks, pursuing learning opportunities and collaborating with colleagues to generate fresh ideas. Curiosity helps us reach into the unknown and be open to exploring different perspectives and options creating sustainable growth.
Ten means of growth In curiosity
Helps you adapt to change
Solve problems more effectively
Helps you think outside the box
Makes you be more productive
Helps you communicate better
Makes you learn and grow
Helps in building relationships and connections
Reduces stress and find relaxation
Helps you find purpose and meaning
Helps you live a longer healthier life “risk”
Risk is the combination of the probability of an event and its consequence. In general this can be explained as Risk = Probability x Impact.
It's important to weigh the potential benefits against the potential costs before taking a risk as not all risks lead to rewards. However, the biggest rewards often come from taking the biggest risks. Taking risks can lead to unexpected rewards but it's not about blindly jumping into the unknown it’s executing calculative risk.
Transition risk is the possibility of an adverse event happening during a change in circumstances or status. It's often used in the context of investments, but it can apply to any situation that could result in a loss.
Transition risks can be interconnected and difficult to estimate. The term is often used in context which can apply to any situation with potential loss
Resilience includes the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences especially through mental, emotional, physical and behavioral flexibility while adjusting to external and internal demands in transition.
Some of the main characteristics of a person who has resilience are awareness, acceptance, self control, problem solving skills, conscious choice and social support. Resilient people are aware of situations, their emotional reactions and the behavior of those around them.
Building with resilience is dealing with adversity, shocks and continuously adapting for growth. Truly resilient people don't just bounce back better, they actually thrive in difficult or even hostile environments creating sustainable anabolic energy through transition.
Resilience reduces the immediate impact of crises by enabling you to anticipate, prepare for and cushion against shocks. Resilience also enables you to respond to crisis in opportunistic ways, thrive in new circumstances and shape the competitive environment to your advantage. This enables a collaborative scalable culture for sustainable growth for all.
Trust your process of resilience in transition and apply the Three C’s ;
Commitment: an agreement or pledge to do something in the future.
Control: determine the behavior or supervise the action of.
Challenge: something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination.
Adaptability is the ability to respond to unexpected change and to be able to accomplish a task even if things go wrong. A few of the top adaptability skills are communication, quick learning, problem solving, organization, decision making, resourcefulness, leadership, and stress management.
Adaptability is a skill that means you easily adjust to changing circumstances. An adaptable person can keep up with moving priorities, projects, clients, and technology. They're skilled at dealing with changes at work and lifestyle whether processing updates or in the action of a shifting environment.
When thinking about your career and aspirations in life, changes have a direct effect on how flexible you can be. Practicing adaptability may include how you are able to respond quickly to changes. This creates the availability for opportunity in transition with success.
Change is a natural part of life therefore adaptability is a crucial skill. When we accept that nothing stays the same forever it gives us room to look for new opportunities to grow personally and professionally. Fighting change that you truly have no control over is like trying to keep the sun from rising or setting. Being actively involved helps you to embrace change by understanding it, being receptive, open and adaptable.
If the last couple of years have taught us anything it's the need to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. It's a core part of resilience, stress management, development and successful transition.
Adaptable people are energetic and eager to apply creative thinking to challenging situations. People that embrace adaptability do so because they share a common vision and understanding of goals. Adaptable people excel in keeping lines of communication open between all members throughout the process providing successful outcome.
Adaptability isn’t just about surviving a change when it hits you, that’s resilience. Instead to be truly adaptable you need to be actively prepared for change, even advocate for it and be consistently adding more capabilities into your repertoire so your skillset can meet emerging needs.
Time is a constant which continually changes. It keeps moving forward and so do we. By adapting change we allow for continued growth with anabolic energy. We are able to apply all experiences in the now for sustainable growth and success for all.
5 ways of adaptability
Ways of Interacting
Ways of Achieving
Ways of Learning
Ways of Working
Ways of Thinking
The empowering tool of vision
Vision is an act or power of anticipating which will or may come to be. Vision gives direction and a glimpse over your life to make your goals and purpose become a reality. To understand where we want ourselves to be in life we must have a clear vision of life.
Visionary leaders are great communicators. They communicate with clear objectives and expectations. Great visionaries regularly interact with the team through questions understanding what they need to achieve for their best work. Clear vision is being able to see the large picture as well as all of the elements that make it up to achieve desired outcome.
Clear and compelling vision is the cornerstone of effective leadership. It serves as the guiding star that illuminates the path ahead. A well defined vision inspires and motivates people by offering a sense of purpose and direction. It provides anabolic energy for success.
Vision provides a powerful way to bring people together creating common goals when performing their day to day tasks. A vision for a team offers six key benefits;
Growth: to increase in size or amount becoming more advanced or developed.
Creativity: to use the imagination or original ideas in the production of work
Innovation: the process of bringing new ideas, methods, products, services and solutions for positive impact with value.
Future: the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.
Goal: the intention of an activity or a plan, a mission of a person or group.
Success: the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. “ambition”
Human Ambition and it’s energy is the desire and motivation to continuously achieve increasingly difficult goals. It’s the spark inside you that compels you to try your best at everything you do.
Ambition is what drives people to new heights while in transition. It's what creates the motivation to improve oneself to grow in business, sports and all your actions while also accomplishing other meaningful goals.
Ambitious people tend to be dedicated, motivated and not afraid to work hard while taking initiative because they know that it will provide a proactive effort to reach their intentions and be successful. They tend to also be clearly focused, typically knowing what they want to achieve and being prepared to work in that direction.
Ambition typically falls into three categories; performance, growth and achievement which is a guideline in life. It is key in finding a balance between all three because well rounded ambitions ensure you’re creating the right work life balance while feeling professionally and personally satisfied.
Ambition is powerful because it can motivate people to achieve great things. In the process of striving toward their goal, they can learn, grow, and help others. Many of humanity's advances in technology, science, medicine, and other areas are the result of ambitious individuals striving to attain their goal
Human Ambition and its energy is important because it drives you to set impressive goals and do everything in your power to achieve them. This motivational force helps you face new challenges head on and continuously develop a growth mindset. This forward momentum makes you feel like you’re pursuing your purpose and working toward a more meaningful life with sustainable growth in all you do.
Simply put, ambitious people push boundaries, shatter ceilings, and inspire greatness. They bring energy and excitement into life. They challenge, encourage and believe in transition.
3 ways to control your ambition
Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Don't Forget About the Outside Wins
Hold Board Meetings with Yourself
Ambitious people are drawn toward success goals based on their tendency to be diligent, motivated, and goal directed. They set goals more frequently and show higher commitment to their goals.
A study in the Journal of Positive Psychology indicated that “persons who balance ambition and contentment are more likely to feel happy and satisfied with their lives than those who are solely concerned with one or the other.”
Seven tools to apply your in ambition
Continuously planning and setting specific goals to promote focus
Staying motivated to achieve goals that help you grow
Only feeling satisfied when you reach your ambitious goals
Competitively working alongside others, but for the sake of career growth and success
Willingly making changes in your life to better pursue your goals and purpose
Taking risks while maintaining critical thinking and emotional regulation
Remaining flexible and open-minded to strategically solve problems
Ambition for the future is to continue to grow, develop, and make meaningful progress in life and career. To work hard and never stop striving for success, constantly pushing to achieve even more.
Ambition is a relatively stable personal disposition, defined as “the persistent and generalized striving for success, attainment, and accomplishment”
An ambitious personality is someone who won't give up and will continue striving because they want to reach a goal. An ambitious person will work hard, dedicate their time, put in the effort and persevere to reach their goal. It's all about pushing forward and being determined to succeed.
Ambition is the driving motive that propels us to reach beyond what is considered possible through our transition.
Life’s transitions can be difficult and stressful. Knowing how to manage life changes and stressors is important in keeping you healthy and maintaining your overall well being.
Every person will have their own coping mechanisms that best serves them.
Apply your core energy in transition while trusting your process for desired and successful outcome in all you do with anabolic growth”!
“From impossible to I’m possible”
Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr., Core Energy Dynamics Master
Kurt D. Bruckmann Sr. is a leader in the understanding of Core Energy Dynamics. As a child he experienced several untimely tragedies in the loss of his father and other family mentor figures.
He turned to his teachings from them to embrace nature and its ever guiding lessons of continual growth while in a continuum of change. As his life evolved Kurt went on to build and establish his
own companywhile becoming one of the world's top precious metals traders on the floor of the commodities exchange in World Trade Center. He is a two time survivor of WTC attacks. He delivers his expertise of energy as founder of ContInuum Core Coaching. Kurt teaches and guides people in understanding their core energy. "From Impossible To I'm Possible"