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Top 10 Qualities of a Great Leader

Expert Panelists are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within the areas of Business, Mindset, Leadership, Innovation, Technology and Lifestyle. In Brainz Expert Panel, 10 members of The Brainz Magazine community of experts will share their best tips, advice, ideas, hacks within different topics.


1. Great leaders understand and leverage a strengths-based approach to growth

Strength-based leaders encourage their team to operate from a place of authenticity and originality with regard to their skillset and talents. Giving your team the permission and freedom to rely on what they naturally do best within their role creates massive momentum for the company as a whole. – Heather Alice Shea, CEO of Atmana Academy

2. Compassion

Compassion in a leader creates stronger connections between team members by raising trust and team loyalty. This opens the door for collaboration and partnership. Compassionate leaders express genuine interest and kindness toward their team members through mindful listening empathy. – Arliss Dudley Cash, Business and Self Love Coach

3. Empathy

Supported by many Academic Research, I would say Empathy is one of the most important qualities required in a Great Leader. In Today's turbulent world, Leaders need to have a great deal of Understanding and Emotional Support towards Employees. When a subordinate feels that his needs are valued by his manager this, in turn, creates a Positive Workplace Environment, where the employee feels more Secured and Empowered, and this alone has a great impact on Job Satisfaction, Innovation and Performance. We all need support and understanding in all aspects of life, never the less at the Workplace. This should not be a difficult job, we are all humans, we all have Empathy but we might just lack the courage to show it!

4. Great leaders will bring out the best in you

Leadership is evolving, gone are the dictators of the past. The world is ready for inspired leadership, leaders who walk their talk, lead with a united vision, and who are more kind. Great leaders will bring out the best in you.

The face of leadership is changing, inspired leaders are shining through and making a huge impact with a gentler approach. Leading the way through inspired action and encouragement is becoming a preferred choice for those who are supporting a style of leadership and kindness is becoming more of a priority for us all. Great leaders have the courage to make the important choices that make our world a better place, they have high integrity and they lead the way for everyone to benefit.

5. Strong Emotional Intelligence is a must for Great Leaders

This enables them to connect with their colleagues, build and support better, higher functioning teams as well as motivate all around them, not just by example but also by their ability too.

6. Leaders create movements, choose growth and embrace visibility

Leaders create movements, build legacies, solve problems, relieve pain, and offer hope because they know what it’s like to leave safety and familiarity and cycle through succeeding, falling, and then rising again. Leaders choose growth; on that journey, they uncover their deeper purpose. Leaders then accept the responsibility of being mentors and guides to the next generation of those choosing to make a difference. Finally, leaders embrace visibility, authority, credibility, and brand recognition by speaking, writing books, and joining anthologies, even as they thank their team, family, and community, recognizing that global and evergreen distribution of their courageous messages is required to effect change and cause meaningful impact.

7. Transformational Mindset

Transformational Mindset is a critical success factor for Leaders who want to survive and thrive, even more so in times of rapid changes. Transformation must be boosted both by the power of data, research, algorithms and technologies, as well as by human intuition, creativity and adaptability, in order to obtain harmonious and sustainable development. Visionary Leaders who can combine their Intelligence and Competence with Soft Skills, be wise, courageous, resilient, confident and self-aware, will have more impact and achieve their goals in fast-paced environments with ease and joy. These Leaders will create new success stories and lead other Leaders to the bright results and changes they want to see in the future.

8. Leaders have a growth mindset

When I think of the leaders that I most admired and learned from, they all had a growth mindset. They were authentic and self-aware – many times saying that they did not know or have all the answers, but would work with the team to figure it out. The Leaders that were committed to their own self-improvement and the personal development of their team members were the ones that prospered not only in business terms but personally as well. Their willingness to learn, to improve and to figure it out inspired team to take on new challenges and not be afraid to fail, then try again. Want to be a great leader and inspire others? Remember – mindset matters!

9. Ability to know the most important thing to focus on

One of the qualities I appreciate most in a great leader is the ability to know the most important thing to focus on is - in any given moment. This is a skill that comes both from instinct and experience. The greatest Leaders have an internal ranking system and item list they run through as part of their decision-making process.

10. Lead by Example

The old adage holds true, "Lead by Example." People will always do as you do, not as you say. Words are cheap, but action speaks volumes. Inspire others by embodying your message, and they will follow your lead.



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