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6 Signs You Might Be A Lightworker

Written by: Jamie Dooley, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you always felt drawn to the metaphysical, but aren’t sure why? You might be a lightworker. As consciousness is rising on our beautiful blue and green planet, more and more women are waking up feeling unfulfilled in the masculine-driven hustle life they are living. We are realizing that working a job we don’t like to buy things that never provide the results we are looking for is a dead-end road.

As you, and your Sisters all around the globe, spent more time alone and within during the pandemic, many of us began to see through the cracks of this reality at a higher level. As we each remember our true nature and allow the light within to expand, we show others the way to their internal light, causing a higher vibration of love to ripple out and support the planetary changes that are already underway.

What we now crave is connection with each other, full of rich discussions, healing vibrations, and understanding we cannot get from those who are not awake yet.

If you have three or more of these traits, you are here to help others awaken and heal. You are in the process of remembering why you came here and why no job or career has felt “right” thus far. You came to break norms and traditions that are outdated and limiting. You came here to model a high-vibe, open-hearted, deeply seated light, which calls others home to their own.

  1. You feel emotions and energy deeply, even when you don’t particularly want to Being empathetic can be both a blessing and a curse until you learn how to channel and use it correctly. Maybe you can feel the energy in stones and crystals or leftover energy in a home after an argument. This trait can be very helpful for lightworkers, as it helps you have genuine compassion for the people you help. You don’t need a lot of back stories, which can trigger negative energy to be re-released in those you are helping. You can just tune in and use your gift to guide them toward release and internal harmony. People tell you it feels good to be around you.

  2. You are intuitive, artistic, and create best when in a flow state Since you were young, you have had an internal knowing and an ability to see into the beautiful, true nature of things that when expressed creatively, inspires magic in others. Maybe it comes and goes. Maybe you’ve learned how to harness it to create meaningful art, songs, dance, or writing. Your dreams may come true, or you often feel a sense of deja vu. You’ve figured out that being in your head blocks this gift, so you have learned how to calm your nervous system and consciously settle your energy to achieve a glorious flow state prior to creating, which likely includes some form of smudging yourself and your space. Your best art pours out of you when you simply manage your energy and allow it to emerge.

  3. You love learning about the cosmos, and our relationship to it Lightworkers feel a deep connection to the sky. Some are specific, and some are more general. You may love learning about astrology, Pleiades, or Atlantis. You know Earth was not your original home, and take time regularly to connect with the light beings in other dimensions. You may keep this a private event, even from those you are closest to, as it is a part of you that feels too special to be spoiled by those not aware of it.

  4. You feel drawn to crystals, essential oils, and plants You are so in tune with energy vibrations that you are picky about what you surround yourself with. You vividly remember the first metaphysical store you went into and instantly felt at home. Not the ‘house’ type of home, but a resonation with something older than time, which is a part of you, not outside of you. You may consider yourself to be a full-blown hippie, or just someone who easily finds beauty in nature. You may even see sacred geometry in everyday life. You have multiple crystals that you wear, display, or meditate with and your home likely has an essential oil diffuser and enough plants that watering them is a part-time job. It feels imperative for you to be surrounded by beautiful, natural, things with good energy. You will not tolerate less because it drains you.

  5. You are able to see beneath the physical and find the divine in everything and everyone You have a great big open heart and are able to use it to see past surface traits, limiting beliefs, and lower chakra living. You see potential in people. You likely find that you are not political because you understand the duality of life, and that extremes cause us to believe we are separate, but you know we are all connected. You see Source energy, and lack of connection to Source energy, without judgment. You know that judging others is avoidance of looking within at your own humanity and flaws, and you work to spread respect, light, and love to all. You are a natural healer.

  6. You’ve been told you have great energy and people generally like being around you and coming to you for advice and support Since you were young, you’ve been told by adults and peers alike that there is something different about you. People tell you that they feel better just talking to you or being around you. It may even make you a little uncomfortable and you may want to hide out to keep the focus off you. You may be so sought after for advice, support, and connection that friendships and outings can make you feel drained. You may become an introvert over time to manage your own energy and keep your vibration high.

If you have three or more of these traits, you are a natural helper, fixer, and healer. You have come into a physical body to help people remember their connection to our Creator, and each other, so that they may learn to consciously co-create a high-vibe life for themselves full of joy, ease, and abundance. We are all feeling the energetic upgrades right now, so if these traits resonate, it is likely because you are being “called in to do the work you came to do.”

It can feel challenging to share your most authentic self with the world and channel your intangible gifts into a tangible career. But in perfect timing for you, there is a new wave in feminine coaching beginning to emerge, that fuses the traditional goal-orientated masculine “doing” style of coaching with the energetic, process-driven “being” feminine style of the healing arts. We call it Expansion Coaching™ and have spent a combined 15 years developing it.

“Being an intuitive and healer myself, I knew I needed a support community but had not come out of the spiritual closet yet. Very few people knew of my gifts or my desire to deepen and use them. I had already done so much healing on my own, but had still not emerged as the healer I knew I was. Jamie and Lisa taught me how to see my blind spots, and release what was in the way of me honoring my sacred path. I am so grateful to have found my Sisters and excited to learn their powerful Expansion Coaching™ modality that instantly helped me shed what was holding me back from living authentically and helping others heal.” Mona

Whether or not you want to make a career out of your gifts, Lightworkers need a higher level of multidimensional support. We built a healing container to hold space and love for you while you continue to expand and remember why you came. We can’t wait to discuss our growing, intimate, Sister Coach Community with you!

Learn more practical concepts for heart-centered living from Jamie and her sister Lisa (also a Master Coach & Healer) on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, or visit their website to learn more about their services and community.


Jamie Dooley, Senior Level Executive Contributor Magazine

Jamie Dooley is an international award-winning coach and healer, spiritual teacher, expansion expert, and founder of Expansion Group for Women. In 2021 she was named one of the Brainz 500 Global influencers to watch for. She is the author of Self-Coaching Mastery and co-creator of Expansion Coaching ™. She, and her sister Lisa Freitag, have dedicated their lives to building a community of heart-based coaches who will assist them in impacting the growth and expansion of women worldwide on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, and their robust hybrid training and community, Expansion Coach Academy ™.

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