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From Hustle To Flow — Get To The Heart Of What's Blocking Your Expansion

Written by: Jamie Dooley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There is a secret state in the business world that highly successful people achieve daily. It harnesses the laws of quantum physics, without requiring a full understanding of it, or years of practice. The trendy new name for this state is FLOW. And it will completely revamp how you approach your to-do list as a female entrepreneur.

Even though I am a certified business coach, I don’t offer business coaching. I am a highly intuitive expansion expert, who specializes in helping female entrepreneurs tap into the power of their own hearts for greater states of flow in work, love, and life. I had such great success that I now train coaches in my methods. I took the business coaching course to understand traditional thinking and models so that I could see what puzzle pieces were missing.

Traditional business coaching is masculine. It runs on “matter changing matter.” It’s based on Newtonian physics and is run by the lower 3 chakras and the primal part of your brain chasing security. Busy work such as website building, branding, discovery calls, pipelines, etc., simply gives you more work to do, requiring constant refinement and attention until the next shiny option arrives. It’s based on hustle, and if it works for women, it leaves us exhausted, and overwhelmed, still lacking the security we were looking for in the first place.

Women can achieve faster growth in business by bringing that energy into their upper three chakras, which are feminine in nature, and connected to the quantum field. Time spent within, setting intentions, and connecting to our higher self, is every bit as important as time spent building in the outer world. Quantum physics is based on creating your own personal reality from a field of energetic and emotional possibilities that live within you. It’s about getting what we focus on, by choosing the intention and feeling ahead of the physical proof. It’s about connecting with your higher self and allowing all you’ve already placed in your field to flow in. It’s what many call the “receptive” mode, but it’s also the first step in the creative process.

Since I am a doer, already more masculine than feminine, it’s actually MORE important for me to schedule this inner work and take time to feel ahead of my dreams. When women like me take time to fill their field with positive emotion and visualizations first thing in the morning; rest, scaling, and growth happens with ease. New ideas, ideal clients, and helpful team members show up out of the blue. Work becomes an opportunity. Everything flows.

I call this form of balanced, heart-centered flow expansion, and it has transformed how I work, live, coach, and love. To get what you want, you must be on the same frequency of it. No

amount of masculine doing will cause your vibration to shift, only feminine quantum work does that.

So how do you expand? You stop working like a man. Drop the hustle and begin to balance and harmonize your divine masculine and feminine energies.

"The fastest way to move into FLOW is to utilize a tool you already possess, that lives between your upper and lower energy centers - your heart."

I’ve coached hundreds of women privately and can say for certain that no amount of outer learning or doing causes INSTANT FLOW, like when I guide them to open their hearts fully... often for the first time since they were young.

I know what you are thinking, “If it works so well, why doesn’t everyone do it?”

The answer is quite simple, yet hard to remember because our subconscious brains close off that energy center as part of our automatic stress response. Since starting and running your own business is stressful, we have to catch ourselves multiple times a day, and reopen it, which allows our energy to flow unhindered in all the chakras.

The good news is, as you practice it, your set point will rise. It will get easier and easier, and you will notice a sense of abundance in your personal life as well. Instead of contracting when you feel triggered by your spouse, kids, or bills, you will be able to maintain that energetic expansion in your heart area, and surf right over the waves of life to continue to develop and share your unique gifts with the world.

Imagine, no more mind chatter, people-pleasing, feeling overwhelmed, learning without earning, imposter syndrome, indecision, emotional entanglement (a big one for empaths), playing small, or comparison. You know your heart is open when all that old self-sabotage disappears. Perfectionism and her twin sister procrastination are busy in the back seat playing, allowing you to step into your empowered, expanded, higher self.

Aligned action becomes clear and easy. You can finally become the leader you were meant to be and will find meaningful relationships thriving.

So, if you are feeling overwhelmed, and want to reach a state of FLOW in your life and business, allowing expansion to be fun and easy; here is a four-step approach to get to the heart of your block:

  1. Carve out time each morning for quiet, and keep a journal nearby. 5-15 minutes is plenty. Breathe deeply and let go of any resistance you feel in your body. Focus on your heart. Imagine it turning to pure green energy. Allow it to expand. You will know if you are doing this correctly because mind chatter will disappear. Focus on spilling that green heart energy out into every inch of your body, then extend it outside of you an inch, then a foot. Practice just being. Practice radiating. Intentionally fill your quantum field with high vibe love. Allow your internal cup to fill, then spill over out into your world (physical and virtual because your energy comes through in every virtual exchange you make).

  2. As you start your day, check-in with yourself regularly. Notice any holes in your field. When your heart is open, you are being proactive and emitting a positive frequency out. You have clarity and a keen sense of intuition and purpose. You see everyone as their higher self and feel great love for them. You have an abundance mindset, and work your authentic path with ease. Those at the same frequency as you flow in. Old emotional addictions can cause triggers to occur that subconsciously cause your heart to close. Catch it happening, and take a moment to refuel early. You’ll know it’s happening because the clarity dissipates and the mind chatter returns.

  3. If you find yourself unable to get results in your business, look at the rest of your life. How much resistance is in your primary relationships with a spouse, child, or parent? Make a plan to stay open-hearted around them, without them having to change a single thing. See them as their higher selves and detach from positive or negative old stories and expectations.

  4. Lastly, look at your finances, body, and home...where do you feel confusion, lack, or worry? Look at your bank accounts with a sense of gratitude. Organize or remove clutter. Practice letting go of old, outdated beliefs and thoughts. Catch them, and then release them. Anything that causes resistance will shut off your flow. Open that heart again and again, all day long.

Keeping your heart wide open day-to-day is the most magical form of alchemy I’ve found, allowing you to reach the next level of expansion with ease.

If you’d like to learn about the process I use to get into and stay in, a state of flow in my home and business, click below to learn more about our Guided Heart Activation, The Expansion Method and Expansion Coach Certification.

Learn more practical concepts for heart-based living from Jamie and her sister Lisa (also a Master Coach & Healer) on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, or their Expansion Coach Academy website where you can learn more about becoming a Certified Expansion Coach ™, or working with a coach they have trained.


Jamie Dooley, Senior Level Executive Contributor Magazine

Jamie Dooley is an international award-winning coach and healer, spiritual teacher, expansion expert, and founder of Expansion Group for Women. In 2021 she was named one of the Brainz 500 Global influencers to watch for. She is the author of Self-Coaching Mastery and co-creator of Expansion Coaching ™. She, and her sister Lisa Freitag, have dedicated their lives to building a community of heart-based coaches who will assist them in impacting the growth and expansion of women worldwide on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, and their robust hybrid training and community, Expansion Coach Academy ™.

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