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5 Growing Niches For Female Coaches In 2022

Written by: Jamie Dooley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The coaching industry has been growing at an astounding rate for the last two decades with no sign of slowing. As we move from a materialistic society to a more spiritually driven one, women especially are tired of investing in “Make 6 figures” business coaching and not feeling fulfilled. Even when they do make 6 figures, I hear from them daily that “something is still missing.” As an experienced coach, healer, and intuitive guide, I know the answer lies in their heart because I have helped hundreds of busy, professional women find deep inner wholeness and satisfaction without a single thing changing in their outer world. Self-actualization is more important to women than ever before.

As consciousness continues to rise and shift on our planet, many general life, business, and manifestation coaches are going to see a decrease in demand over the next decade. Studies show that people do not want material items, they seek an emotion. The problem lies in believing that a new thing will provide it for them. As more and more women wake up and realize that things are not bringing them joy, peace, or satisfaction, they will pivot and look for coaches who provide services in alignment with what our hearts are really longing for; inner love and peace.

If you're already a general life, mindset, or business coach, these additional niches or certifications will help you round out your programs to include the inner work women are craving in 2022:

1. Spiritual Coaching

While most life, business, and mindset certifications are focused on the tangible results you can see like money in the bank or a lower number on the scale, spiritual coaching is based on the intangible inner landscape a client feels. Typical coaching modalities, including most ICF accredited ones, are masculine in nature. They are focused on action in the outer, 3D world. Spiritual programs are feminine in nature, providing a holistic approach to self-actualization through introspection, and self-awareness. Most spiritual programs have a meditation component of some kind, which is a proven method of decreasing the stress, frustration and overwhelm so common with more masculine approaches. By helping your results-driven clients connect with their spirit side (regardless of religious beliefs) you are guiding them to balance their masculine and feminine energies, which leads to greater joy, peace, and satisfaction.

2. Quantum Healing

When women find mantras not working and struggle with the over-populated “Just change your thoughts” wave we’ve had for the past decade, they begin to think something is wrong with them. That leads them to want to look for problems or barriers to transformation, which can trigger old emotions over and over.

Quantum healing is gaining traction because, unlike mindset work (which is slow and does not always allow the deep release a client is looking for), it releases subconscious emotional imprints stored in the body without needing to see a hands-on healer or meditate for years. Quantum physics teaches us that there is no one reality, but many perspectives of truth based on emotional vibration.

The release that occurs during a quantum healing session triggers a powerful morphing across space-time so that the client often forgets a traumatic event never even happened. It doesn’t mean it’s suppressed, but that it no longer carries with it an emotional charge. It has its roots in NLP and energy work, but since all healing is really self-healing, the coach must do their own inner healing first, so that they can model and hold a higher vibration for the client where problems disappear and only love, peace, and abundance exist.

3. Heart Activation

The 20th century helped us develop the use of our minds to create, teach, and refine machines, industry, healthcare, and the internet. In as much as it was the main tool responsible for these very masculine changes, the heart will be the main tool to balance out the age of hustle and consumption with its beautiful feminine energy of compassion, connection and beingness.

Instead of needing to build with our hands, we are already beginning to learn that an open heart is at the core of a life where you have all you need, and effortlessly resonate with more than you dreamt of.

Research like that done at the HeartMath Institute has shown us the science behind what many of us already knew at the emotional level; that the heart actually changes our brainwave patterns and is at the core of living a life that is proactive, authentic, and highly conscious.

4. Embodiment or Somatic Coaching

Embodiment and Somatic Coaching is on the rise as it teaches us how to move stuck energy through the body that can otherwise lead to physical illness, chronic pain and infertility. It also helps people who are stuck in their heads get back into their bodies for more enjoyment and pleasure in this life.

Somatic energy workers can see, sense, or feel your frequency. Most have a natural ability, but anybody can now learn to detect subtle energy blocks, resistant language (verbal and physical), and dis-ease in the body. I have seen the power of alternative healing firsthand myself or I would not have believed it. It’s one part science, and two parts mystical to me.

My daughter has paralysis from a birth defect called Spina Bifida. She walked pigeontoed her whole life, and at age 8 I brought her to a Craniosacral Therapist (CST) who also used a few other alternative therapies. As a science and biology trained healthcare provider, this modality completely blew my mind. He barely touched her and after 90 minutes she stood up, and walked out straight. She is now 22 and the pigeon toe stance never returned.

The coolest part? You don’t need a brick and mortar building or to physically touch the client. This same therapist now offers the same treatment virtually. The quantum field already connects us all. It turns out that distance does not matter, as all healing really is self-healing. The therapist is just guiding the client to release resistance to wellness and return back to their natural state of wholeness. A modality that allows a person to feel the change in both their physical and energetic body is what people are looking for and craving in the modern world. Mindset alone is no longer enough.

5. Expansion Coaching

Expansion Coaching fuses the above four modalities with the traditional mindset and outcome-based coaching. It is a multidimensional approach to coaching that works at the spiritual, emotional, energetic, mental, and physical levels all at once. It blends all five modalities into one program, or in some cases, one session.

It incorporates the outcome-based masculine elements of aligned action and accountability, with a strong emphasis on the process-based feminine elements listed above (spirituality, quantum healing, heart activation, and somatics). By guiding a client to first upgrade their inner world, they will effectively be able to upgrade their outer!

This niche is by far the most recent, so there are only a handful of coaches practicing it right now. By combining masculine and feminine styles of coaching, clients really enjoy the process of embodying a higher version of themselves and are able to achieve massive and rapid results they are in love with and rave about. There is only one training program for it at the time of this writing, and it is the one I was blessed to build with my sister.

Expansion Coach Academy ™ is the answer to what was missing for us with traditional coaching modalities. It was our calling to utilize our combined 15 years of guiding women in their own transformations to create a 3-part framework that is tried and tested, teachable, and effective. It’s been getting our student's fast results so they can get out there spreading love and transformation on the planet as a Certified Expansion Coach™. We even incorporated personal expansion, a supportive community and modern business training to ensure the success of each coach.

How to choose a coaching niche eludes so many purpose-driven women. If you feel called to help others at a soul level, don’t let a niche stand in your way. Just get started. Take one feminine energy-based certification so you have a basic framework to start from. With each session you complete, your own inner knowing will nudge you toward the path that aligns with your highest potential.

Learn more practical concepts for heart-based living from Jamie and her sister Lisa (also a Master Coach & Healer) on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, or their Expansion Coach Academy website where you can learn more about becoming a Certified Expansion Coach ™, or working with a coach they have trained.


Jamie Dooley, Senior Level Executive Contributor Magazine

Jamie Dooley is an international award-winning coach and healer, spiritual teacher, expansion expert, and founder of Expansion Group for Women. In 2021 she was named one of the Brainz 500 Global influencers to watch for. She is the author of Self-Coaching Mastery and co-creator of Expansion Coaching ™. She, and her sister Lisa Freitag, have dedicated their lives to building a community of heart-based coaches who will assist them in impacting the growth and expansion of women worldwide on their YouTube channel The Sister Coaches, and their robust hybrid training and community, Expansion Coach Academy ™.

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