Tina describes herself as an anecdote to the broken record syndrome. She uses her intuitive gifts and practical+piritual knowingness to help others understand patterns and the deeper meaning to their life experiences.
Research shows that up to 80 percent of our (on average, 6,200) daily thoughts are negative, 80 percent of our choices are fear-based, and up to 95 percent of our thoughts are repetitive.
Even if you make fear-based decisions only 20 percent of the time, consider the potential life chaos if that one major decision is part of that 20 percent.
One of the most common issues I've heard is, "I don't know what to do." This lack of clarity and confidence can lead to indecision, which is still a decision. If this comes up for you, ask yourself if you are running from or running to something. One feeds your soul. One soothes the ego. One keeps us in alignment. The other derails us — albeit for more growth, but you don't always need to add a life-learning detour.
You must determine whether your actions are part of your soul journey or a fear-based default pattern. Your true self or what you think others want? Is it an escape-based decision or a passion-based decision? A choice based on what you want from life instead of what you're afraid of. A decision that leads to just getting by or thriving.
Passion versus fear decisions
If you operate from passion, you feel excitement, wonderment, and enthusiasm. You might feel anxiety around the unknown, but there's a sense of curiosity and exhilaration. You'll feel expansion, lightness, and momentum for your life vision. It's hell, yes! You might have challenges, and you might have to work on things, but you don't feel discontent.
Fear-driven decisions feel like a contraction in your body: a less-than or diminished sensation. Deep down, you know it's a hell, no! And if you continue, it will feel forced, even if you feel good about not "hurting someone's feelings," which is often people-pleasing.
We also make decisions out of fear from past choices that haven't worked out and a barrage of what-ifs dominating our thoughts. I believe that mistakes or bad decisions are experiences and course corrections. Dig deeper and see what influences were at play. Embrace, accept, learn from, and then move on.
Unmet needs and decisions
Why do you keep making choices you don't want to make? There's an unmet need steering the boat, probably a wound or early or previous conditioning that needs healing.
P&C lists – Avoid this common mistake
Be careful with this list. You can quickly move away from passion and analyze with "should." Those Ps and C's might not be your own if you are empathic and receive downloads from the Collective.
Can you still use them? Sure. For example, you need to move out of state. Your intuition keeps bringing two different states into your consciousness even though an online search suggests other high-rated options. Do a P&C list about those two states (versus the latest Top Ten Google search). If you do it the other way around, you might not even get to the two states and only focus on what makes sense on paper based on research that is not relevant to you.
These are a critical tool. Your NNs are the line in the sand and the no-wavering principles from which you live your life. For example, I would never choose something that interfered with my independence or eroded my most important relationships. Questioning yourself is unnecessary if your decision doesn't support your NNS. (Life or death situations and other extremes excluded.)
Feeling your decision – your yes and no foundation
It can be challenging for those of us "in our heads" to “feel” a decision, but our body signals never lie. This simple exercise illustrates crystal clear clarity. Feel the response in your body when you answer.
Would you ever drink infected, infested swamp water? Why?
Do you have friends or family who love you? Name them and their role in your life.
Notice how quickly you can answer and how it feels as you finish the follow-up question. Knowing how your body responds to questions is imperative because your embodied answers are always the truth. Also, reframe questions to "what's beneficial or unbeneficial" for ME and MY LIFE. You must ensure the Collective is not involved and that the answer only relates to you and your life.
For example, "Is this beneficial for my growth and understanding?" is much better than "Is this a good decision?" Feel the answers in your body, remembering how your easy yes and no responses felt.
There is no shortage of people (and media) trying to persuade, convince, suggest, and even bully their beliefs upon others. They are not living your life and not facing the consequences of your decisions (at least not in entirety if this is an employee situation).
The decision appeared wrong
My internal compass led me to my first publisher, which was a frustrating and disappointing relationship. Because of this, I re-published with someone else, costing me double the money and time. But it was the right decision. The experience provided incredible growth and transformation.
When you are afraid of making the wrong decision, remember that your perspective creates the right and wrong. We must trust the process without knowing the bigger picture and detach from the outcome.
10 tips for clear decisions
Detach from the outcome and trust the bigger picture.
Recognize if you are running from or to something/someone.
Recognize if an unmet need is influencing your thoughts and feelings.
Make sure you know how a no and a yes feel in your body.
Trust your intuition/instincts/gut reaction.
Use a P&C list the right way.
Remember that others advise and respond from their life filters and conditioning.
Visualize and feel the various outcomes before making important decisions.
Ask yourself how this decision impacts your non-negotiables.
Quiet your mind and ask your heart—no amount of analyzing changes the feeling of expansion when you follow your truth.
Tina's new book, UnChaos Yourself and Change Your Life, is dedicated to helping you make decisions that support your soul journey. She also offers intuitive life clarity sessions.
Read more from Tina Anderson
Tina Anderson, Author, Creator of Unchaos Yourself
Tina describes herself as an anecdote to the broken record syndrome. She uses her intuitive gifts and practical+piritual knowingness to help others understand patterns and the deeper meaning to their life experiences. She created and authored the UnChaos Yourself process and book as part of her mission to lessen life’s chaos and facilitate unity consciousness. She is the founder and CEO of ta7productions, and she believes in partying with the Universe every chance you get.