Igor Zijan, Founder & CEO Of System Of All LLC: Honored By US President Biden - Exclusive Interview
Igor Zijan is the founder and CEO of System Of All LLC, a consulting, research, and development company. He is also the founder and CEO of System Of All token SALL, System Of All Multi-Sig Wallet founder and CEO, and the coming 3D NFT Collection, The King of Elites Club. Already in his earlier years, he was a goal achiever with several noteworthy accomplishments, including the award for special achievements from the European Business School when he graduated from economics in 16 months, finishing 36 annual exams and graduation exams.
Now he is continuing his achievement as a founder, finishing as well his MBA in International Business. He was awarded two times with thank-you letters from the White House and the President of the United States of America, Mr. Joe Biden, for the global initiative, scientific research, and support to the United States of America, their government employees, and the general population, saving their lives and careers with significant scientific work proving human and other technological abuses. Igor Zijan received honors with Outstanding Leadership Award Health 2.0 in 2022 and was awarded the Visionaries Award Health 2.0 in 2023.
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“Instead of trying to prove yourself, it’s much better to improve yourself”

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With Igor Zijan - What made Igor persist in getting the attention of the US government?
Igor Zijan is the founder and CEO of System Of All LLC, a consulting, research, and development company. He is also the founder and CEO of System Of All token SALL, System Of All Multi-Sig Wallet founder and CEO, and the coming 3D NFT Collection, The King of Elites Club. Already in his earlier years, he was a goal achiever with several noteworthy accomplishments, including the award for special achievements from the European Business School when he graduated from economics in 16 months, finishing 36 annual exams and graduation exams.