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Yoga To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Written by: Rimi Sodhi, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The key to good health lies in paying attention to our physical, mental and social well-being. But too often we become caught up in the rut of daily life that becomes a repeated cycle of stress and strain that leaves us feeling tired, anxious and unhappy. Let’s look into some important information to help overcome the pressures of modern life, maintain health and regain vitality and peace of mind.

Many physical, mental and emotional problems can be avoided if you just put in a little effort into looking after yourself with more awareness. Some stress is a part of life and not a bad thing, but when it persists for a long period of time, it can become the root cause of a lot of health issues. For long-term stress relief and optimum well-being you need periods of mental and physical relaxation throughout the day, this can be achieved through the practice of Yoga postures, Yogic breathwork and meditation. These practices will teach you how to combat the effects of stress and restore the balance between body and mind to enable healthy and happy living.

Yoga to Asanas (Posture) to reduce stress.

Asanas are performed slowly and meditatively using deep abdominal breathing. They are designed to make the body strong, agile and fit. The movements are very gentle and they work on stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. They form part of a psychological system intended to awaken individuals to the experience of their full potential. Yoga postures work like a process of detoxification and help the body get rid of unwanted thoughts, emotions and help reduce body aches and pains. Restorative forms of Yoga like Yin Yoga can help with emotional healing that will help reduce mental tension.

Yogic Breathing to reduce stress

The process of sitting in silence, keeping the awareness on the breath and breathing in a systematic manner comes with many benefits. It reduces factors like heart rate, pulse rate and blood pressure. It helps in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Improves the functions of the immunity system. The practice of pranayama helps create a clear and active mind with a positive attitude that will help you maintain balance. Yogic breathing revitalizes and rejuvenates the entire body, balances the emotions and promotes clarity of mind.

Meditation to reduce stress

People have used meditation for thousands of years in their quest for inner harmony. Nowadays meditation is no longer the preserve of mystics, yogis and philosophers. Its value has been recognized by clinical studies and it has been medically proven that the practice of meditation has shown a reduction in migraines, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, anxiety and panic attacks as well as lower levels of stress hormones, lower blood pressure and improved circulation.

Meditation is much more than simply relaxation, during relaxation the mind wanders uncontrollably, whereas during meditation the mind remains alert and focused.

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Rimi Sodhi, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Born in 1988, a practitioner and teacher of Yoga, Rimi's initiation into the discipline of Yoga happened at the age of 25. An intense self-practice led her to study the spiritual philosophy further and deepen her Yoga practice. She is the founder of Shivoham Yoga School, and people from all over the world enroll for her Yoga programs to learn the powerful techniques of this ancient philosophy to face the modern world problems.

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