Written by: Elizabeth Toumbos, Executive Contributor
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Every time someone asks me what profession I’m in, and I tell them I’m a Shaman, a puzzled look comes over their face and they ask, “What’s that?”. Truth be told, when I started seeing a Shaman, I wasn’t sure what they did either. Shamanism seemed a mystery to me, but as I watched him work, I knew that I wanted to become one.

A brief history of Shamanism
Shamanism dates back thousands of years, originating among hunting-and-gathering cultures. The word ‘Shaman’ comes from the Siberian language meaning, “One who knows”.
An ancient Shaman would connect with the natural and spirit worlds to retrieve information on where to find food, shelter, and medicinal plants among other things. They conducted rituals and ceremonies for the community during solstices, equinoxes, and moon phases. Shamanism is a practice based on honouring the Sacred Feminine through a deep connection with the natural world. Shamanism spread throughout the world and cultures developed their own style.
How do Shamans retrieve information about the client?
Shamans navigate the seen and unseen worlds through Journeying. Journeying could be described as ‘controlled daydreaming’, consciously leaving the external world, and entering the deep subconscious. They may rattle or drum to enter a trance state before journeying to retrieve information. Shamanic sessions can be facilitated in person or remotely online, as the Shaman navigates the Quantum field which is non-local.
Modern-day Shamanism in our fast-paced world
Modern Shamanic practices are still based on ancient teachings, focusing on removing negative imprints created by trauma that distort our sense of self. In the western world, we have become disconnected from nature by living in urban environments and living hectic lifestyles. We wear rubber sole shoes and rarely put our feet on the Earth to connect with our mother ‘Gaia’.
During a Shamanic session, I first rattle and enter a trance state, then track the client through Journeying for negative imprints on four levels: physical, emotional/mental, soul and spirit. I receive information, usually in the form of pictures or words and get a good feel of what needs to be addressed during the session. The tracking process accesses the client’s ‘Luminous Energy Field’ where information is stored. Negative imprints are associated with one of the seven Chakras and can express in many ways: low self-esteem, addiction, mental illness, disease and much more. Negative imprints are removed by an extraction process and then re-balancing of the associated Charka.
Shamanism and creating healthy relationships
Our relationships reflect our inner landscape. If we have a healthy, balanced, sense of self, we tend to have healthy relationships. If we are clouded by low self-esteem or are overly empathic, we can give away too much of ourselves and end up in relationships that are draining and generally unhealthy. Working to clear limiting beliefs and behaviours through Shamanic healing can increase self-esteem and clear the burden of being over-empathic, allowing the client to create healthy boundaries in existing and new relationships.
Ending difficult or unwanted relationships can be very challenging. Having a Shaman perform a Cord Cutting Ceremony severs toxic cords that bind you in an unhealthy way to that person. This gives you a fresh start to either end the relationship or grow healthy cords in relationships you want to keep. Cords of true love can never be cut.
Trauma causes Soul loss and steers us away from our true purpose.
After some extraction sessions, the Shaman can perform a Soul or Destiny Retrieval. Humans suffer Soul loss during traumatic events. These Soul parts are compartmentalised, buried deep into the subconscious mind. The Shaman enters what is called the ‘Underworld’, to retrieve a healed version of the wounded Soul part, along with a Symbolic Gift and a Spirit Animal.
A Destiny Retrieval is performed by the Shaman travelling to the ‘Upper World’, the world of Spirit, to track the best destiny for the client and install it into their ‘Luminous Energy Field’. This practice steers the client’s life trajectory to a more optimal one where their lives can take on a more Soul aligned purpose.
You can start changing your life now!
Grounding and breathwork are important practices in Shamanism. The simple act of spending time in nature or slow deep breathing can take us out of ‘Fight or Flight’ mode, into a state of deep relaxation.
Our life experiences are constantly shaping our sense of self. We can choose to do this consciously or unconsciously. I find that the most powerful thing I learned through Shamanism is my awareness of self. I learned that our every thought or action shapes our world. Choosing to think and act consciously allows me to shape the world I want to live in, not the one that gets shaped by what the outside world throws at me. This is what Shamans call 'Dreaming’. When we change ourselves, we change the world around us. Dream your world into being!
A Shamans prescription
I’m ending this article with a prescription for you. Go outside, take your shoes off, stand on our Mother Earth, take a deep breath, spread your arms wide and introduce yourself to her, smile!
Many Blessings to you!

Elizabeth Toumbos, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Elizabeth Toumbos facilitates Shamanic Healing, Trauma Release, Women's Circles and Self-Directed Compassion. Elizabeth's search for her own healing led her into the world of Shamanism by working with Melbourne based Shaman, Sherif Tawfilis. Over many sessions she was able to overcome her trauma induced low self-esteem, eating disorders, stuttering and alcoholism that was brought on by childhood physical and sexual abuse. Shamanism was a homecoming for Elizabeth, opening a door for her to step into her true calling as a healer, leading to her own Shamanic training and starting her own practice. Elizabeth is passionate about working with people who are ready to step into their power.