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The Highlights of Becoming Enlightened

Written by: Victoria Kopp, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There are so many ways that you can achieve the ultimate enlightenment. The beautiful thing about this truth is that your journey can be as catered to your experiences as you allow it to be. There is not one direct path to all things holy, wise, or worthwhile. Instead, there are unique paths for anyone open and willing to take the journey.

The first highlight is to be true to yourself.

If something is not working for you, even if it is working for a million other people, own that. Do not be afraid to find what feels good for you exactly where you are right now. There are so many nuisances and pieces of the puzzle in all of the infinite wisdom that creation came forth from that it is not a “sin” to lean into the new for you. If what you are looking to experience is more peace, healing, growth, joy, and love, then do not be afraid to try various methods to achieve this. When something feels like the right “fit” for you in these areas, that is how you know it is for you in this season. And you will know when it is time to allow a new method into your life when it no longer feels like you are growing. This can be true of methods, modalities, friend groups, religious groups, jobs, school, etc. When you are true to yourself and where you would like to go, it becomes clearer what is and is not working in your world.

Inevitably with any growth or change, you will come across the fear. On the path to enlightenment, another highlight to note is the fact that fear does not dictate direction.

Basically, this means that you will feel fear for various reasons in your life. There will be times when you feel ready to tackle and conquer that specific version of fear welling inside of you. There will also be times when you do not feel prepared. Both are ok because you can have another chance to conquer it differently and at a different season in your life. However, the presence of fear on your path and in your journey is not the indicator that you must change directions. It is a warning to your senses that something traumatic has happened around similar events. It is a warning that perhaps you need more strength, knowledge, or wisdom in that specific area before you choose to proceed. Fear does let you know that something inside of you needs to be cared for and addressed. Lovingly take fear into your arms and discover what lies underneath it, but do not allow fear to dictate the direction you get to head into next.

It is also important to note that you hold a unique key.

Each of us was made to think independently; develop thoughts, ideas, and creations in different ways; believe differently, and see the world differently. These differences help us see a fuller picture of who the Creator is and what creation intends for us. Without your specific key to living, each of us would be missing a very piece of who created us. What you bring to the table is beautiful and will be cherished by the people who need it. It will also be refined by the people who rub your edges raw. If you allow your differences to become beautiful in your own eyes, then it will also strengthen your resolve and what you are here to do specifically.

In short, things to remember on your own unique journey to your own version of enlightenment: Be true to yourself and what is working in your life for this season. Do not let someone else’s standard dictate that for you. While you are opening yourself up to this journey, understand that fear does not mean turn back because you are going the wrong way. Instead, it is a beautiful invitation to explore the story being played inside your own heart. And whether you know it or not, you have a very unique key to the ways of the world, relationships, success, life, and love that can and will bless others. Be a beautiful version of yourself every day, and your own enlightenment will feel like the fulfillment of every day.

Follow Victoria on Facebook and Instagram or visit her website for more info!


Victoria Kopp, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Victoria is one of the most sought-after lifestyle strategists in the online coaching space, helping women overcome their self-doubt and start living inside their dream lives. By winning her own battles of overcoming PTSD from an assault, altering her feelings of low self-worth, and calming her anxiety, she built a life that she is proud of and happy to live. This journey allowed Victoria to develop a lifestyle program using truth-based systems that have worked in countless situations with various individuals. She is thrilled and excited to help you thrive in life, too.

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