Amy is the Founder of An innovative revolutionary solution to support Impact-Driven Influential Individuals who are ready to utilise their natural Talent and tap into their unique Potential Through leveraging their Expertise, Experience, Wisdom and Knowledge and embracing innate Leadership qualities as an Influential Role Model to make a positive impact in the lives of Others.
The people she serves are naturally Impact-driven, Influential and Heartfelt who are seeking a life with meaning, fulfilment, freedom and joy, in the Way they Work or to be of Service.
Her mission in life is to provide clarity in this age-old question:
‘What are the possibilities available to me and what am I here to Contribute with meaning and impact in order to feel fulfilment and satisfaction to serve with purpose?’
It's through integrating innovative systems of Human Design & Gene Keys that she experienced a massive transformation. Breaking free from the inner blockages and challenges that prevented her from feeling confident enough to show up as her true authentic self and make a positive impact in society.
She’s here to empower impact-driven Individuals in their late 30s & beyond with positive Self-Awareness and Self-recognition by leveraging their natural gifts and talents, building a unique way of working that feels true to who they are and en-pars with their path to purpose.
Her unique process incorporates implementing the concept of recognising and categorising individuals ‘work trait themes’ to specific types of working roles, whilst also identifying ideal work structure & work environment, to improve on engagement and efficiency output. Discovering how we’re all naturally built to work, brings back motivation and drive, in everyday life.

Amy Yee Chong, Transformational Mentor to Talent & Potential Guide
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
I am a Talent & Potential Guide, supporting Impact-Led Individuals to experience a revolutionary way of being in integrity with their unique true selves by breaking free from old-style working paradigms that keep them held back from naturally self-expressing with Authenticity and Confidence within the work that they do.
I am dedicated to providing inspiration, expanding on possibilities, forward-thinking and unusual but simple concepts that bring out the potential to ultimately experience joy and ease. My practical and simple solution helps to unlock their Talent & Potential to build their Work-life Contribution with Clarity & Direction using innovative perspectives & implementation of Human Design and Gene Keys
Aside from my mission and passion which is to lead with simple and practical solutions and guidance, I enjoy spending time with my husband and son whom I call my 'Two Men', being with my family and close friends. I also love to indulge in my favourite mocha coffee and continuously develop my knowledge of Human Design and the Gene Keys. I love to doodle on my iPad whenever my artistic impulse arises, listen to Meditative music, listen to enriching podcasts, take nature walks, witness a soothing sunset and enjoy travelling the world with my family. The only continents that I haven’t set foot on are South America and Antarctica! One interesting fact is that I have had the privilege to experience diversity in cultures by having immigrated to 3 different countries starting from the age of 12.
What inspired me to create Potent Potential stems from my struggles with lack of direction, obsessing over looking a certain way, and always comparing myself to others more qualified than me. My tendency to jump from one thing to another has been the key driving force to create this safe space where I can share, support and guide those who are living through similar struggles. It is also a dissatisfaction pattern that I've observed within myself and others I encounter. It's through my struggles and my self-awakening journey in conjunction with the teachings of Human Design and the Gene Keys that this is now my lifelong passion and mission.
To shortcut the length of time experienced with the suffering that comes with being in-authentic and to leverage the excitement, the power, the fulfilment felt and the joy that comes when being authentically aligned and in flow with their energies, innate gifts and true personality to create a future Working in a role that leverages their natural gifts and potential.
Creative Self-expression has always come easily to me. I never shied away from sharing my creative activities, hobbies or passions. But I do observe how some have a passion or talent but are too self-conscious to share it with the world. Human beings need to express themselves, to feel alive. This is something that I empower people to do too! My unique point of difference is having the ability to just do things differently, without fear, self-sabotage or fear of judgement.
Can you tell me more about the mission and vision of your business, and what inspired you to create it?
My mission is to bring impact-driven people in their late 30’s and beyond, to transform how they perceive their Work by leaning more into their natural gifts and talents, combined with what they’ve accumulated through years of experience, expertise and Knowledge and look into sharing their Wisdom to support and serve other people who need their help.
Their expertise is a goldmine and a solution to other people’s problem. Providing a quicker time to get from point A to point B. These impact-driven Experts, get to experience pure fulfilment, freedom and bliss, leveraging their Knowledge and Expertise, whilst being naturally authentic to who they truly are and their purpose in their life.
The vision I have for Potent Potential Hub is to continue to inspire, empower and influence people globally to experience growth through self-discovery at an Energetic and deeper DNA level, experiencing transformation whilst up-levelling to reach a stage where they're in coherence and aligned with where they are right now and build their own unique Way of Working that aligns with their purpose and feels naturally balanced and in flow.
It's time for people to step away from the mould, and break out of their shells and embrace their Uniqueness.
My passion is to share this message that – Being in a natural state is an integral way to magnetise a fulfilling life and feel free to self-express in a way that feels joyful to them & others, whether it be a creative passion, within relationships, their career and just in everyday life.
Amy, your transition from an Administrative role to a Talent & Potential Guide is inspiring. Please share the journey that led you to where you are today as a Talent & Potential Guide.
I had been experiencing a lot of subtle shifts during my awakening journey, which stemmed from 3 years before becoming a Mother. So my whole working life has been mainly in corporate working within Administrative roles. Typical 9 to 5 full-time jobs. At the same time, I was always trying out other passions on the side, in the hope that one day it would take me away from my 9 to 5 and allow me to be my own boss. (Side note, my obsession to work for myself, is the way I’m designed, as I have a lot of leadership qualities built into me. Such a validation knowing this constant urge to do my own thing is how I’m naturally built and designed to Work)
This is just one of many aspects that you unlock through going on your own Self-Discovery journey!
I've tried network marketing for health supplements & makeup, I was a Zumba Fitness Instructor for a while and I also had a passion for Image Styling and makeup. The theme of purely wanting to be of service for Women to feel good and confident about themselves is woven through the different things that I have tried. The only difference back then was all about the physical aspect, hence the Zumba Fitness to keep physically fit. I also loved dancing which was a win-win there. In addition, I had a natural flair for styling and putting outfits together, again focusing on the physical aspect of helping Women's level of self-confidence through the clothes they wore. So this theme of service was always in my DNA, it was a matter of that one thing that would tie it all together.
Then came motherhood, which changed my whole outlook on life and also my perspective on myself and the direction I was heading!
2 years into Motherhood I started to have the urge to get back to myself again, because I had 100% focussed all my energy on the upbringing of my baby and juggling the joys of being a first time Mum, so I was experiencing a subtle mindset shift around my desire to find fulfilment to have more meaning and purpose in my life, whilst still working my full time 9 to 5 job.
Then the pandemic hit, and this probably was one of the ultimate shake-ups that woke me up and I know a lot of people can attest to that, which made me realise what is truly important in life. Family, being present and less stress. Paid redundancy happened during the pandemic which was a blessing as I was completely burnt out. It was during the time of confinement, came this urge to just go back to basics by removing the complexities that no longer served me or tied me down.
This created space for fresh opportunities and teachings to be magnetised to me, without force. These opportunities projected my passion in a direction that felt truly aligned. I was introduced to the amazing insights of Human Design, which is a logical, scientific-based system that incorporates Ancient Wisdom and Quantum physics and provides a blueprint map of self-discovery, self-awareness and correct decision-making.
This was life-changing for me as I had a deeper understanding, compassion and surprisingly amazing insights into what my natural gifts and talents were, where and why I experienced specific struggles and how to be aligned by living in the high expressions of these different unique energetics, personalities and themes that were showing up in my chart. Despite Human Design being quite a new age tool.
A year later another insightful system came to my awareness, which was the Gene Keys, a derivative of Human Design, that brings wisdom to allow us to transform our core beliefs to an elevated level. I gained even deeper insights into my gifts at a DNA level and the evolutionary journey that I'm here to follow to live out these gifts. When all the elements feel aligned, this ultimately leads anyone who goes on the Gene Keys journey, to be of Service, in some way, and that's where I'm at currently as a Talent & Potential Guide.
What products or services do you offer, and how do they cater to the needs or interests of your target audience?
The Platform I have built and continue to expand, is a recent project of mine, where all my simple and practical Interactive Digital Resources are accessible. The manner in which this has been formulated is like an Interactive Guide. Depending on where you are on your Self-Discovery and Self-Awakening journey determines what Resources you can dive into first.
Not only is it a place to dive deep into your Self-Discovery and learnings, but where I have an exclusive Social Community Platform solely for impact-driven Individuals to enjoy the social aspect of a Community & Network. This is still in the process of expansion, being an all new One-Stop-Shop Resources & Social Platform that I’ve built, but this is the vision moving forward.
Whenever a customer purchases any of the Digital Resources within the Potent Potential Hub, they automatically have direct access to Q & A Support where I can come in and answer any personalised questions, with my ability to interpret and translate Human Design Charts and Gene Key Profiles. This can be private or within a group Q & A as this social platform allows for both personal messaging as well as group chat forum.
Kindly note this is the only place where I will show up to answer questions! So join my Community to have exclusive access to me and support me to bring together a network of Individual and Influential Leaders.
If you’re curious to understand the basics of your own Human Design type you can grab your FREE Bodygraph chart from my website, with options to download a FREE basic Potential Blueprint Guide.
When it comes to working one on one with, I currently offer My Contribution with Purpose Breakthrough a great starting point into discovering how you best operate and ideal work strategy. This offer consists of me bringing together a Personalised Blueprint downloadable PDF Report + personalised Audio Overview of giving you basic and fundamental clarity in how you can contribute with purpose within your current job/ career / own business when you lean into what motivates you and your dominant Work Traits / Qualities. You receive the insights within 5 Working Days. No need to schedule any calls, all is required is to fill in a google form with the information I require for me to bring together this personalised Overview.
Writing & Audio: I also enjoy Writing and creating Audio Transmissions, using the power of Transformational and wise Words
Subscribe to my Contribution with Clarity Linkedin Newsletter. A newsletter where I share the powerful insights of the right ideal work structure & environments which impact how we experience a fulfilling Working life leveraging innate gifts & talents with expertise, wisdom and knowledge.
My Self-awakening journey "Elevate your Energetic Essence" is my Self-Published Amazon book, where I share easy-to-understand fundamentals of how we may go through certain common struggles that most of us humans experience and how through a better understanding of energetics, can lead us to a shift back into getting back on course with ease. It also provides basic journal prompts, re-framing and affirmations to begin the unconscious process of transmuting positive, patterns, habits and beliefs instead.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
When it comes to Work-Life satisfaction, I want to shift people’s perceptions about how their Working Life should look like!
Some believe that they need to continue working in jobs or a career that isn’t fulfilling, that crushes their soul… Why? Just because society imposes this hustle culture, or it’s what they should be doing because it’s what others expect from them. Or it’s what they’ve been doing all their life, so now they work like robots on autopilot without being able to express meaning or soul within their Work.
I disagree with this archaic old-school working paradigm. Work shouldn’t be like a prison that we have to attend to every day. 40 years ago, a different story. Things have evolved since then, they don’t have to seek other people’s permission or get lost remaining to be inspired by others but never taking the next step themselves and remaining stifled and de-motivated in their career or job. There are new ways of working, and I’m here to show people how to shift their mindset into a new working paradigm instead.
I truly disagree that we need to change who we are to fit the job that we do… instead, I’m here to ensure that people adapt to the Work that they’re here to do! The way this is done is by leveraging people’s individual Dominant Work Trait/Qualities themes. A concept that I have brought together and have witnessed in people close to me and clients. It’s a life-changing ballgame. So simple yet so powerful.
What are your long-term goals for your business? Are there any upcoming developments or plans you'd like to share?
Long - term goal is to reach Impact- Driven Individuals on a global scale, bring in the free thinkers from the followers and support them to let their uniqueness emanate and shine in a Natural and Authentic way!
I also wish to collaborate by creating a movement with other Impact-Driven and Influential Role Model Thought Leaders so we can unite and serve in the most authentic and impactful way.
Also available for Podcast Interviews and continue to be an Influential, Creative example and Role Model through the expansion of Potent Potential, which will empower them to have deeper self-trust with themselves, to not just settle, feel held back or continue to go through deep-seated patterns and behaviour that keep them stuck in the past, which prevents them from moving forward into the future.
Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and visit my website for more info!