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Do You Want To Know The Secret To Good Mental Health?

Written by: Marcus Matthews, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you read the book ‘The Secret by Rhonda Byrne’, which became an amazing film featuring some of the best-known coaches and transformation leaders in the world? The Secret came out in 2006 as a self-help book and is based on the belief of pseudoscientific theory which is called The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction claims that thoughts can change a person's life directly. Most of the content in this book and many like it document the universal laws that have allowed mankind to construct lives that those who have gone before thought impossible.

Now you may sit in one of three camps when it comes to mental health and this type of content. The Clinical Camp – Doctors, mainstream science, government and public sector, what I would call academic, peer-reviewed medicine and ideals (The Matrix). The Woo Woo camp – The people who tend to be on the more spiritual and holistic path, what may be claimed to be the opposite of the clinical camp (The other Matrix). Camp Three - the ones who sit in no camp, other than the need to seek the truth about why the hell they are here and what went wrong. Personally, I have always felt spiritual, albeit only coming out recently. We all have a voice that speaks to us, yet we tend to cling onto the opinions of those in authority or influence to gain the truth about who we are. The book ‘The Secret’, sits very much on the metaphysical plane, not the physical science plane, that supports much of our mental health support in the UK particularly, but the truth is our mind is not physical. I recently wrote an article in Brainz magazine about how we may have got to where we have, when it comes to our medical services and you can find the link at the bottom of this article if you want to find out more. The truth is we live in a world of logic, when really our behaviours are driven by feeling and this is where the secret lies. Just like the book ‘The Secret’ and many like it, we seek information to fix the way we feel, but there is no 5 point plan, because your mind doesn’t work like your body and I can prove that by asking one question of you. You will hear the phrase when it comes to mental health – it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain, so these are the questions: What moves the chemicals? How do the chemicals know where to go? Why do they do what they do?

What does Anxiety look like, I’ve never seen it for sale on Amazon, although anxiety was caused when my children started buying movies on Prime because they found my wife's password, but that is another story. Your logical mind can comprehend the text and theory in the books we dearly cling to, whether it be The Secret, a medical journal or a peer review paper, it will give you information and in turn you will attach or detach your approval of that information based on what you have experienced in your life. But what if you have influence and power, but you have never experienced something yourself or you dismiss vital information based on your ego, arrogance or worst of all you bury the secret so others cannot gain access to it? There are truths in everything and our role is to find the missing parts of our puzzle, not seek to use the puzzle pieces of others. The books, the information, the experts words we cling onto are just opinions of other people's experiences and they may not match your own, so to fit in and survive we learn to hide in the shadows or wear capes, to mimic our superheroes, the ones we think know the secret, but in fact are no better than us, they just have a better cape, their act is more polished and they can be seen as the expert. We all have missing pages in the book of our life, which by the way was written by other people. When you were born the pages of your book were blank and others wrote in it, to show you who they wanted you to be. But many pages are missing, many pages have bad grammar, spelling mistakes or may even be fiction rather than fact, but you cling onto that book, because to tear it up and write the truth seems hard, impossible or even worse you are not even aware who you are, or meant to be. You can gather information based on other people’s books and you go on courses, get degrees, and doctorates to get more and more and more information, but nothing changes. These logical rules and processes we cling to are the filtered programming of generations of people trying to work it out and we run on these automatic filtered programming everyday and when the spirit calls to wake us up, to show you your truth, when that inner child is screaming listen to me, the ego tells you “YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH, YOU ARE DIFFERENT, THAT ISN’T AVAIABLE TO YOU”, so you look outward for the evidence and guess what, you find it, because people in pain are easy to sell a quick fix to. We are manifesting everyday, but we only attract what we believe so how do you find the truth about the way you feel, how do you truly regain balance? Balance not just of the mind, but the soul, the spirit, the real you. You see the secret isn't in the information, it's the context and the experience of how you decode the information, in relation to your own truth which lies inside you, in the subconscious and unconscious mind We are attracting our realities every day because the first law is not attraction, it's vibration. You will never see change and raise your vibration from information because unless you can actually manifest that information by taking action by detoxifying all of the old programming and unlearning all of the things that you believe about yourself and the world around you, you will never move forward. The secret doesn’t lie in talking, it lies in accessing the vault of the subconscious mind that holds all the blocks and barriers. With the logical mind, you can only fix what you know, what is on the surface. But like a house that is suffering subsidence, you need to dig deep into the foundations of mind and that is the secret which will free you and show you the truth of why you feel the way you do. If you want to build a house of happiness, freedom, peace and love then ensure the foundations have been strengthened in the subconscious mind by removing all the old rubble placed there by those who have gone before. If you found value in this article please get in touch because I believe everyone should live a fulfilled and happy life and when you remove the toxic feelings you attach to the destructive stories you tell yourself every day, you feel empowered to make your life count.

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Marcus Matthews, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marcus Matthews, is a Transformation Coach who's mission is to disrupt our relationship with words like Anxiety, PTSD, Suicide and show the world that all these experiences are gifts we have misunderstood.

Using Hypnotherapy and Cognitive coaching to help upgrade people to fulfil their true purpose and step into their authentic power Marcus truly believes the universe has our backs and his approach shows people possibility once more.

A former police officer and soldier Marcus found his true calling by working with the amazing Marisa Peer after being on the verge of suicide and as well as running his own business Marcus now helps Marisa and the More Than Enough Team shape the lives of others as one of Marisa' trainers.

Marcus has worked with other Mindvalley greats like Lisa Nichols and Regan Hillyer and like them wants to help change the world to be a better place one step at a time.

As an author, speaker, podcaster and trainer Marcus' diverse background from Soldier, Police Officer and Leader allows him to connect with real people to help them set themselves free.

He believes everyone should live a fulfilled and happy life and when you remove the destructive feelings from the toxic stories you tell yourself everyday, you can step into your own version of possibility. easily and effortlessly so you can make your life count.

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