Written by: Jessica Carper, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I am determined to accomplish and be successful in all I do in life. Working constantly without letting a day go by. It is worth it if you can enjoy it & that I do! It’s exciting to meet new clients in the financial industry. Some are great people to work with. Professionalism is the key in any business, it’s like a different world.

A million tax returns to do & so happy to let the client know of a return on tax. Not the best when you owe on tax. Either way it must be done and this year by 5/15/2023 (please check is your state and county are approved on this extension). Goals are good to live by. My goal is set for within 3 months from this month of expansion to my firm. Excited to see the outcome! It’s always good to have a person you can trust with your finances. That’s what Bookkeeping & Payroll Services Inc. is here for.
Give us a call for a consultant at 888-337-3032
Check out our website.

NY Fashion Week
New York fashion week is here & gone for another year! NY is one of my favorites to walk the runway! The city itself is very exciting & to be a model in a show in NY is such an achievement. Beautiful outfits from amazing designers! Collaboration of beautiful people with the same interest in the fashion industry is pure joy!
Instagram: @JImperial7

Live Pageant-Universe Beauties 2023
Universe Beauties is being taken to a new level! We are now going live! There will be judges to ask the contestants their challenging questions. Formal wear, party wear, & athletic wear are the competition rounds. The host is me Queen Jessica: Jessica Carper. All ages are welcome! Each division will have 1 winner. Prizes are:
Social media publications, ribbon, trophy, photo shoot, crown, Crown case, sash, pin, flowers.

Become part of Universe Beauties! Queens who show the world about peace & acts of kindness! Hold title for 1 year & enjoy all the happiness & experience that comes with
We have a pageant every month. Become a public figure!
Reach out for more information: 818-439-5810 https://queensuniverse007.wixsite.com/website Instagram: @UniverseBeauties007
Most popular title is Mr. Adorable for Universe Misters! You can become Mr. Adorable by submitting your photo to QueensUniverse007@gmail.com. This is an online pageant for now!
Become part of the Universe Mister! Kings who show the world about peace & acts of kindness! Hold title for 1 year & enjoy all the happiness & experience that comes with it! Become a public figure!
We have Kings all throughout the world!

This is an online pageant!! Digital media has taken over magazines & newspapers. The title holders are seen all over the world on our website & Instagram!!
We just started out on social media! Website: click here. Instagram: @Universe_Misters007
Look forward to speaking with you next month, stay safe!

Jessica Carper, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
I am a born leader & public figure. Several titles; Mother, CFO, Owner at Universe Beauties, Owner at Bookkeeping & Payroll Services Inc., Ms. Top Model Nation Universe 2022, Professional Model, Actress. You have a full life why not enjoy it! I have several years of experience in all aspects of the financial industry. I own Bookkeeping & Payroll Services Inc. I have helped companies going bankrupt to success and millions within 3 months. I have helped several clients with tax problems and audits with the outcome of lower tax liability. I enjoy being the CFO. I am the Top Professional Model, Actress & Pageant Queen. I own Universe Beauties, we are all about world peace & acts of kindness!