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Can The Law Of Attraction Succeed Even Now?

Royce Morales is a renowned trailblazer and creator of an innovative, spiritually-based approach to inner transformation. Her program, Perfect Life Awakening, emerged from a lifetime of frustration searching for inner work that worked. She discovered that by revealing specific subconscious origins of self-sabotage and removing its persistent influence, life can shift.

Executive Contributor Royce Morales

Are you a mind-body-spirit devotee, perhaps diligently practicing the “Law of Attraction”? Has it been challenging to apply and confidently believe that you can manifest your heart’s desires simply by changing your thoughts? Maybe it worked perfectly before, but with all the global turmoil, has it become a bit of a struggle? Perhaps you never had any success with it at all.

Honeymoon travel, silhouete of couple in love on the beach

During this time of planetary uncertainty, it’s tricky to maintain a flow of positive thoughts as you watch things shift around you. With waves of negativity and uncertainty influencing everything, trusting that you can attract what you need can be tough, even for the most proficient Law of Attraction (LOA) believer.

It’s one thing to rely on the Law of Attraction to manifest small things, like parking spaces; it’s quite another when your livelihood literally depends on it.

What is the law of attraction?

In case you’re not familiar, the Law of Attraction is based on the Universal Law of Energy, which states that your thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into your life. It suggests that shifting the message of your thoughts can improve health, finances, relationships, and life in general. It advocates the metaphysical truth that like attracts like.

Applying this law in your life is just as important as using any other success tool, perhaps even more so.

The power of the Law of Attraction lies in the fact that it’s not about wishing and hoping; it’s about being. To quote Wayne Dyer: “Manifesting is not about attracting what you want. Manifesting is an awareness and an understanding that you attract what you are.”

This means the manifestation process follows the unalterable universal order of how things work: be, do, have. The "be" part sets the stage for taking action ("do") with the ultimate result of "having."

The "being" part consists of what you believe about yourself, others, and the world. Most significantly, it reflects the authentic belief about what you deserve and what you can allow yourself to envision receiving. And you can’t fake that.

Law of attraction history

The concept of the Law of Attraction has a long history, rooted in ideas from various philosophical and religious traditions that date back thousands of years. It is even referenced in verses from the Bible: “...whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24).

The term first appeared in print in 1877 in a book by the Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky. She described an attraction power that exists between elements of spirits. The concept was discussed at length by others, ultimately inspiring the metaphysical movement known as New Thought.

In the 20th century, there was a surge of interest in the subject. Several books were written about the power of thought, including two of the best-selling books of all time: Think and Grow Rich (1937) by Napoleon Hill and The Power of Positive Thinking (1952) by Norman Vincent Peale. You Can Heal Your Life (1984) by Louise Hay and the Abraham-Hicks material are also primarily based on the Law of Attraction.

In 2006, the concept gained widespread exposure with the film The Secret, which was developed into a book the following year. Both received extensive media coverage, inspiring a generation of seekers to practice it. This popularized a new term: "Manifestation." In 2010, a sequel titled The Power was released, explaining that the Law of Attraction is fundamentally the Law of Love.

The common thread in all these teachings is the idea of “mind over matter,” or spirit over physicality, suggesting that anything is possible.

The practice

The Law of Attraction posits that your habitual, characteristic, and predominant mental attitude is responsible for attracting all conditions, environments, and life experiences.

Here are key components to help it work effectively:

1. Reframe negative thoughts

Transform negative thoughts and words into positives. The goal is to replace limiting or self-destructive thinking with empowered “possibility thinking,” trusting that anything can manifest.

2. Feel emotions

A key component of this practice is involving the power of emotions. Truly experience and believe that the desired changes have already occurred. This emotional resonance aligns you with the energetic law.

3. State affirmations

Use affirmations, short, concise, positive statements, in the present tense. Writing them in a journal adds sensory power to your request. Adding a phrase like, “I ask that this or something better be received,” at the end of an affirmation opens the door to manifest what you truly deserve, even if you're not yet aware of it.

4. Visualize

Employ creative visualization techniques such as vision boards or meditation to form a clear mental picture of what you want to receive.

It’s of utmost importance to never use LOA techniques to manipulate others. Keep your affirmations and visualizations as general as possible, never including someone else, even if you think it would benefit them.

Here’s the difference: “I deserve to effortlessly attract a new relationship with someone who appreciates me for who I am” versus “John Smith is asking me out today and will fall madly in love with me and buy me a new car!” Very different energy!

Subconscious reflections

The Universe is a “yes machine,” agreeing with the often-subconscious inner fabric of your beliefs, thoughts, and expectations. In other words, what shows up is a reflection of your true, yet often denied, intent.

You might be following all the laws of LOA, phrasing affirmations correctly, writing them down, feeling them, creating vision boards, and more, but you will ultimately attract a perfect match for what your thoughts are actually sending out.

Whatever you attract reflects your hidden negative beliefs, how much you honestly feel you deserve, your fears, and your insecurities. Notice those manifestation results and see how they relate to what you truly believe, think, fear, feel, and expect. Be honest with yourself.

If you desire something but subconsciously expect something else, this inner duality will manifest the stronger of the two thoughts. Usually, the expectation ends up being the winner. In other words, even with all the positive thinking in the world, if a deeper part of you expects things to go wrong, they will.

The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool to reflect your hidden beliefs by helping you notice, not suppress, what comes to mind. Identify and acknowledge the negative thoughts that arise, but choose not to give them power by believing they are true.

A good way to quell negative thoughts is to say: “Thank you for sharing, negative thoughts, but I know you are not the truth!”

Use those spontaneous thoughts as springboards to help you discover why you are thinking that way and what’s being triggered. This allows space for negativity to surface and be processed, preventing it from being suppressed, which can lead to other problems manifesting.

Be your best self

The best way to practice the Law of Attraction is to mindfully choose to awaken and evolve each day. How? By taking positive, intuitive-led action, even when it feels scary. By practicing compassionate forgiveness. By addressing areas of your life where guilt lays dormant. By anticipating future remorse and avoiding the temptation to cave into fears.

Most importantly, by coming from love, recognizing when you aren’t, and admitting what’s being reflected to you about yourself that has been suppressed and denied.

Committing to live this way will help you genuinely believe you are worthy of life’s goodness, and life will deliver. It’s the Law.

Remember: Anything is possible; nothing is too big or too small to request from the intelligent, responsive Universe of energy.

Let go, trust, and deserve!

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!


Royce Morales, Transformational Facilitator, Teacher, Podcast Host, Speaker, Author, Columnist

Royce Morales is a renowned trailblazer and creator of an innovative, spiritually-based approach to inner transformation. Her program, Perfect Life Awakening, emerged from a lifetime of frustration searching for inner work that worked. She discovered that by revealing specific subconscious origins of self-sabotage and removing its persistent influence, life can shift.

She developed a clearing technique that releases programmed, false beliefs from this as well as previous lives. Negative patterns and hidden fears resolve so paralyzing issues lose their impact. This exclusive, time-tested work takes students from triggered to empowered, uncovering their authentic, purpose-driven life.

PLA also provides applicable tools to navigate daily life – ways to rapidly shift from anger to calm, fear to acceptance, judgement to connection. The work emphasizes awareness of, trusting and following one’s innate intuitive wisdom, then taking bold, inspired, real-world action.

The Perfect Life Awakening courses take place remotely and are presented in small groups to provide individual attention. Royce offers private inner discovery sessions to facilitate deeper work, utilizing her proprietary spiritual clearing technique called Spiritual Cognition Integration.

Royce is the author of three books about her teachings: Want – True Love, Past Lives and Other Complications; Know: A Spiritual Wake-up Call and Back: Rebirth After Stroke, all available on Amazon.

Go to Royce’s YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her teachings. She posts weekly blogs and writes articles for several other publications.

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