Written by: Tina Paulus-Krause, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

I’ve fallen into the trap (again) of taking on too much. Here I am again overcommitted.
We all have one thing in common. We have 24 hours in a day.
In the 24 hours we have, work consumes much of our time and energy. I love the weekends because they give me a chance to recharge and get myself ready for the next week. I’ve created really good habits, including using Sundays to prep my food for the week and doing meditation and exercise, a consistent part of my routine.

Because these new habits made such a positive difference for me and because I still get off track, I created a Top 10 list of daily “non-negotiables”.
I hate to say no. I want to help everything and everyone. I want to be involved in it all. And, in the pursuit of it, I over-extend and end up letting people I love down.
Ouch. Not my best self.
I decided I needed to unplug for the weekend and get back to the center. Over time, I have started to really understand just how important this is.
I started my weekend off with yoga, and it wasn’t 5 minutes into the practice I realized that yoga was precisely what I was missing. I had been so “busy” that I slacked off. I spent the rest of the day reading, meditating, and journaling.
Here’s the thing. I don’t ever want to lose sight of the important things or the good habits I’ve worked hard to create. These habits have changed my life. They keep me centered and whole.
Every single person on this planet has one thing in common. We have 24 hours on any given day for as long as we are alive. When I think about living life on those terms, it changes my perspective.
My list of non-negotiables has been a valuable tool. When something is not going right or feeling “off,” I go to this list. As I look down the list, I always know right away what is missing that is making me feel “off”.
Non-negotiables on my top ten include drinking plenty of water, eating clean, saying positive affirmations, and doing yoga. I know that when I honor my non-negotiable list, I am creating happiness and operating from a solid place.
When I was not feeling grounded, I remember my list, and what was missing was yoga and meditation, neither of which I had done all week due to being “busy.”
Busy is an excuse. It’s not about being “busy.” It’s about priority and choice. We all define our priorities with the choices we make.
Stick to my non-negotiable list…always! It’s what keeps me in balance and showing up as my best self.
Stop overcommitting.
Shake it off and do better next time. We are all constantly evolving.
We all have 24 hours in a day.
What Are Your Non-negotiables?
If you haven’t written them down, please do that right now. You owe it to yourself…and to those you who love you.
In Love, Light, and Leadership,

Tina Paulus-Krause, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tina is a captivating speaker, author of The Strength of our Anchors and the host of an award winning online show called Your Leadership Legacy.
After 22 years in corporate, Tina took the leap and founded a leadership development company dedicated to helping leaders become stronger, healthier, evolved leaders. Her passion is transformational training, coaching and speaking, helping leaders transform their teams into the future of work.
After a complete transformation of her own, Tina learned how to powerfully reprogram long held beliefs, change toxic habits and create sustainable results. Tina has made it her mission help leaders and teams dig deep and learn to empower themselves to reach their fullest potential.