Clair is a dedicated women’s empowerment coach, specializing in helping women heal and rebuild their lives after narcissistic abuse. With a deeply personal journey of breaking free from toxic patterns, Clair combines her expertise with heartfelt understanding. Her mission is to guide women in transforming their wounds into wisdom, rediscovering their self-worth, and stepping boldly into the radiant, empowered lives they deserve.

Clair Lamb, Woman's Empowerment Coach
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Two years ago, I literally threw everything up in the air, took a huge leap of faith, and moved out of London to Somerset. I love being in the countryside, as it resets me when I’m feeling a bit low on energy or need a mindset shift. Taking a walk in the woodland or along the beach really lifts my mood, and I’m so lucky to be close to both.
When I’m not working, I love doing something creative. You’ll probably find me crocheting blankets, and I’ve recently discovered needle felting. I have to pick my moments, though, as I have two curious cats who think the wool is a game for them, which makes the process take a little longer these days!
What inspired you to transition from the corporate world to becoming a women's empowerment coach?
I was propelled onto a spiritual path a few years ago when I began going through a spiritual awakening. I discovered Reiki, which is the modality most people begin with when they are on a spiritual journey. However, I found that although I always felt better after a session, it just wasn’t getting to the root of what I was dealing with, and I kept needing more sessions.
I always liken it to putting a bandage on a broken arm, it will heal the cut but not the bone. That’s when I was guided onto the path of Theta Healing, which can address the subconscious patterns that cause pain and keep us stuck in negative cycles.
I discovered I have a talent for helping others and feel particularly drawn to working with women, as we carry a rich and complex history that has shaped us in ways we may not always recognize. Societal restrictions, for example, still unconsciously affect us today. It’s incredibly fulfilling to help uncover and address these layers, empowering women to embrace their strength and resilience. The corporate world no longer felt aligned once I began walking this path.
What are some common limiting beliefs you've seen women carry, and how do you guide them to release these beliefs?
Having worked with many women, particularly those who have experienced toxic relationships, I’ve noticed a common thread: most of them grew up in an environment with an overbearing parent. This can create a pattern of people-pleasing because they were too afraid to speak their truth, perfectionism because nothing they ever did felt good enough, and often they go on to attract similar relationships because they have never been shown a healthy version of what a loving relationship looks like.
There are often similar beliefs they all carry, and I help draw these out, heal them at their source, and replace them with new empowering beliefs.
How do you address the impact of generational trauma in your coaching, and why do you think this is a critical part of healing?
Generational trauma often manifests as deeply rooted patterns of behavior, beliefs, and emotional responses passed down through families. I address this by helping clients uncover the subconscious influences that stem from their family history and cultural conditioning.
Generational trauma can shape self-worth, emotional resilience, and relationship dynamics. By identifying and releasing these inherited patterns, my clients break cycles of pain and create space for their own authentic identity to emerge. It is said that when we heal the family line, we heal it for seven generations forward and seven generations back. This prevents these patterns from being passed down, creating a ripple effect of change for future generations.
What advice would you give to women who are just starting their journey to reclaim their self-worth and inner power?
Due to the extent of the trauma that the women I work with have experienced, many have completely lost their sense of self. Each woman may have her own version of what self-worth and inner power look like, so my individualized coaching sessions help them redefine this, set new goals, and reclaim the power that has been taken from them through overbearing relationships or family dynamics.
My advice to them is that no one is too broken to heal with the right mentor or coach, and they are no less deserving than anyone else. I’ve had to do this for myself, and I know it’s possible for them too.
If you could change one thing about your industry, what would it be and why?
For generations, women have been taught to tear each other down and view one another as competition. The media reinforces this by telling us that if we don’t look, act, or be a certain way, we don’t fit in. As a result, we play small to blend in and shrink ourselves to meet criteria, losing our own identity in the process.
My message is that there is a Goddess in every woman, we’ve just forgotten who we are. Using my techniques to help uncover and release the patterns that have formed these beliefs, I help women reconnect to their inner Goddess, their true Divine nature, and who they truly are without the layers of outdated patterns and beliefs shaping their self-image.
For further details, all of my social links can be found here.
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