Written by: Christine Deschemin, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

A lack of motivation, procrastination, and poor concentration can all affect how productive you are at work. You might find yourself daydreaming or losing focus while struggling to stay engaged. With a few changes to the way you approach tasks, you can stay on task, get more done, and transform your workday for maximum productivity.

1. Streamline
Switching from one task to another with any frequency is a major productivity killer. Streamlining those tasks simplifies and eliminates unnecessary steps to make your workday more efficient.
When you streamline, you smooth out your workday and make it less stressful. Start by evaluating your current routine to identify what is and is not a priority. Related processes can be combined into a single batch and then prioritized from most to least important. Delegate and automate tasks whenever possible to reduce the overall burden on you and your team.
In many cases, this can be a trial-and-error process, so analyze, evaluate, and refine it as needed to ensure that your streamlining is continuing to work for everyone involved.
2. Take advantage of your commute
The time spent traveling to and from work need not be wasted. With a little planning and forethought, you can transform it from stress-filled or chaotic to peaceful and a beneficial part of your self-care routine. Leave your work at the office and use your commute to relax and focus on yourself. If you drive to work, consider listening to the latest audiobook on your “must-read” list or try some meditations designed to use while driving.
If you use public transportation, consider texting a loved one. Working from home offers even more options. You can skip the commute entirely and take advantage of the time saved to get some circulation-boosting yoga or Tai Chi into your day. You can do a little healthy meal planning to boost your brainpower.
3. Hypnotherapy
An increasing number of corporate wellness programs are offering hypnosis programs to relax, destress, and help their employees embrace wellness. Even if yours does not offer hypnotherapy just yet, you can still take advantage of this powerful form of therapy through a hypnosis app.
You can use it at home or in your office to let go of your fear of failure or success, perfectionism, procrastination, anxiety, and anything else that may be holding you back from achieving your dreams. You can even use hypnosis to nurture greater self-esteem and embrace confidence. Performance hypnosis has been used by many high achievers.
4. Turn off distractions
Are you a multitasker? It is easy to get into the habit of answering emails, texting, finishing that report, and completing other tasks. However, it might not be the most effective use of your time. One study showed that multi-media multi-tasking could reduce gray matter in the anterior cingulate cortex, and some individuals exhibited more socio-emotional difficulties and performed worse on cognitive control tasks as a result.
Instead of trying to do everything at once, turn your notifications off, put your phone on “do not disturb,” and prioritize your most important jobs. As you finish one task, move to the next. Finish your day with the least important tasks. If your mind starts drifting, it might be time to take a small break to regroup.
5. Cultivate the state of flow
A flow state is considered the state of peak performance. You have likely been in this state before without necessarily realizing it. When you are in the state flow, you are completely immersed in the job at hand and everything around you simply fades into the background. Time seems to stand still. You have greater concentration and focus. You might even seem immune to distractions. State flow is a powerful state, but it can be hard to achieve outside of self-hypnosis.
Once you master the art of self-hypnosis, however, you can achieve a flow state on your own and at will to harness the power of your mind and work with maximum concentration and focus whenever and however you need. Make hypnosis for success a part of your daily routine!
6. Get plenty of sleep
Did you know your workday begins not when you step into your office but the night before with your bedtime routine? A good night’s sleep can ensure you are prepared to focus, but if you are tossing, turning, staring at the clock for hours, or waking frequently throughout the night, you might be sabotaging your workday before it even begins. It might be time to re-evaluate your bedtime routine.
One study found that using digital media before bedtime can affect your sleep time. Students who used digital media for longer periods had reduced sleep time and delayed bedtimes. The correlation was strongest in students who surfed the web, worked, or listened to music. If you use digital media before bedtime, you might need to unplug it before bedtime to get the rest you need. You may also want to unwind with a relaxing book, lowered lights, relaxing decor, and low lights. You can also use a self-hypnosis app.
7. Organize your space and manage your time better
Whether you are working from home or back in the office, an organized workspace will make a major difference in how productive you are. Clutter can distract you and keep you from focusing on the job at hand. Figure out exactly what you need to get your work done. Anything else needs to go. The things you do need will need to find a home. Once you designate a spot for them, place them in their spot. You can use an organizer tray, drawer, or similar container.
You will need to organize not only your physical space but also your time. When do you feel most energetic? Some of us are most energetic, awake, and ready to work in the morning while others get a burst of energy in the afternoon or later in the day. Work smarter by finding your peak productive period, getting in your rhythm, and sticking with it. Schedule breaks to replenish your energy and restore your mental focus.
If your current regimen is depleting you, it is time to switch it up. If it is energizing you, then you know you are on track for success! Contact us today to find out more.

Christine Deschemin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Christine Deschemin is a certified hypnotherapist and founder of the Renewed Edge Hypnotherapy Centre in Hong Kong. With a keen interest in resilience, she leverages her experience as an athlete and as a former engineer and banker in high-stress environments with her executive and sports clients. In March 2020, she released the UpNow hypnosis app to bring the benefits of self-hypnosis to the fingertips of anyone in need. The self-hypnosis downloads can be accessed online and offline to make mental health aids very affordable.
In addition to her many scholastic achievements, Christine Deschemin has a Master of Science from the Ecole Polytechnique (France) and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She is fluent in four languages.