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5 Ways To Develop And Strengthen Your Intuition

Written by: Marie Christine, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Intuition is a powerful tool that can help improve your life in many ways. By learning to listen to your intuition, you can make better decisions, achieve goals faster, and live a more fulfilling life.

Young woman hand reaching for the mountains during sunset and beautiful landscape

We all have intuition, but some are more in touch with it than others. Fortunately, becoming an adept intuitive is a learned skill; therefore, the more you practice it, the better you will become. The following are five ways to start developing and strengthening your intuition today.

1. Meditation

One of the best ways to hear with your intuition is through meditation. Meditation quiets the mind and emotions, which allows your internal environment to become centered and focused. This inner stillness helps you to tap into your intuition more easily. Intuitive knowledge comes from a place beyond mental and emotional processes, making meditation a perfect complement to allow your intuitive intelligence to come forward.

Any type of meditation that quiets your mind will be an excellent support for accessing your intuition. Pick your favorite one, and experiment with intuitive listening. Especially look for inspiration and ah-ha moments as you quietly listen within.

2. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to get in touch with your body and release any tension you may be holding onto. Exercise helps reduce stress and increase the clarity of thought, making it easier to hear your intuition. Intentional movement of the body naturally focuses the mind and helps release trapped emotions, which are crucial for hearing the still inner voice that guides you.

Before you begin your workout routine:

  1. Set an intention to get intuitive clarity on a current situation.

  2. As you move around, be aware of intuitive inspiration.

  3. Once you receive an intuitive understanding of something, record it into your phone as soon as possible. It is common to quickly forget intuitive insights, so this step is critical for accurately remembering this valuable information.

3. Dreams

Paying attention to your dreams can also be a helpful way to connect with your intuition. Dreams sometimes contain beneficial messages from the subconscious mind and higher self. You can receive these messages by setting an intention before bed that, in your dream, you would like to receive intuitive guidance regarding a particular situation. Then as soon as you awake, write down what happened in your dream and follow through on any useful action items received.

Tip: When setting the intention for intuitive guidance while sleeping, ask that you clearly remember and understand your dream's meaning.

4. Connect with Nature

Spending time in nature can help you feel more grounded and connected to the world. Earth's awe-inspiring beauty will naturally bring you into the present moment, making it easier to tune into your intuition.

When used with intention, the four natural elements of water, air, earth, and fire can reveal powerful, intuitive knowledge. Next time you take a bath, are wrapped in a warm wind, hold a genuine crystal, or stare intently at a campfire, quiet your mind and listen for your inner wisdom to come through.

5. Intuitive Readings

Seeking an intuitive reading from a trusted psychic can help you hear your intuition. An experienced reader will tune into your energy and assist you in receiving messages from the higher self. It is a game-changer to have an expert intuitive help you weed out what is helpful for you to focus on and what is not.

I provide clients with intuitive clarity and support in my 1-1 sessions. If interested, subscribe to my email list and receive a discount on your first intuitive reading.

I also teach skills on how to do an intuitive reading on yourself. In my Intuition Builder App, you will learn extrasensory techniques specifically designed to connect with your higher self for intuitive guidance.

It is a worthwhile investment of your time to learn and practice the invaluable life skill of intuitive listening. Because when listening to your intuition, you tap into a powerful knowledge and wisdom source which will support you in achieving goals and creating a thriving lifestyle.

As you can see, there are many ways to connect with your intuition. Regardless of your chosen method, consistently setting aside time to connect with your intuition can be a powerful way to receive much-needed guidance and focus in an ever-changing world.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Marie Christine, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marie Christine, M.A. in Spiritual Psychology, is an Intuitive Coach and the creator of the Intuition Builder app. With over 12 years of intuitive experience, Marie helps her clients connect with their inner wisdom through powerful 1-1 online sessions. Marie is passionate about sharing her intuitive skill set so that others may learn how to use their intuition for guidance and support in everyday life. Expert in her field, Marie teaches her intuitive skill set in conscious-expanding courses found in her Intuition Builder app.


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