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4 Absolutely Essential Steps For Spiritual Growth

With 13+ years of deeply researching esoteric studies like Hermeticism, Tarot, and Numerology, Jassiri Nassor guides transformative self-discovery journeys. His background in education enhances his ability to help others overcome obstacles and unlock their true potential.

Executive Contributor Jassiri Nassor

You are confused aren't you? In today’s “competitive” market for the attention of people who are seeking truth and genuine spiritual growth, the amount of information that is available is stifling. Add to the fact that this search for direction and answers is usually taking place in the midst of career, family and life responsibilities, then it makes for a situation where people do not have the space to sit quietly and study the way people did thousands of years ago. Thus, the dependence on quick bites of information and on people who seem to have “figured it out” or at least “have the look” can be a set up for nothing more than taking on the ideas of another person, instead of taking on the ideas of the truth. Your truth and self discovery.

Photo of stairs with red neon lights

In this guide, we’ll have a glimpse at six key understandings that are sure to enhance what you believe to be your spiritual journey and separate the real from the illusion. Let’s go on a journey to unlock a better understanding.

1. Establishing the spiritual baseline

This explanation is not what you think it will be so brace yourself. First of all spirituality is very much about making you feel better about yourself through opening a path for you to have a very personal connection and interactive relationship with what we as people call God, Allah ܐܲܠܵܗܵܐ, Krishna, Buddha, Sophia, Yashua יהושוע, The Force or any other name that describes this powerful energy. Indeed it is not only admirable but necessary for an individual to pursue and feel their purpose in this life in its totality by connecting with the element of the ALL that exists within us, in order to understand and connect with the energy of the all that is all around us.


Define your purpose

Identify your vision for self and life. The core of the activities that bring you the most joy, that were fun for you as a child are a good starting place. However, some of us liked eating crayons and dirt as a child would that qualify as a purpose? I suggest numerology and astrology as tools to assist in laying out a thorough assessment of what your potential talents and gifts are as well as the lessons that you are here to learn in the form of challenges. You should look at this information and seriously contemplate what you agree with and what you do not. I am quite confident that you find more than a little of this information quite informative and that it points you in the right direction of your spiritual growth.


Set SMART goals

When setting goals for yourself, remix that meaning. Instead of ( SMART) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Try this approach: Seeing, Myself, As, Real and Transparent which provides a clear, extremely personal roadmap for success and enhances your ability to track progress effectively devoid of Bull.

  • Seeing: Clearly seeing yourself as you really are in the mirror, when no one is around, when there is no one to impress. Who are you internally? Are you an adult inside and out or are you a functioning adult who still has childhood or teenage issues that you have not dealt with? Write down in a notebook the elements of yourself that you are not proud of (The First Step Of Your Spiritual Journey Begins With The You That You Are Not Proud Of). Write down all the disappointment and pain that you have experienced in your life and then after you let it all out write down all that you have accomplished in spite of these challenges. That is called seeing the real YOU that can push forward in the face of difficulties. If problems still linger as sometimes they do, set a goal for overcoming them with realistic steps. Seek professional help if needed in order to address what could be a very real mental health issue.

  • Myself: Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward your spiritual goals. Do you have deep spiritual goals or is it just a need to network at the local yoga class and wear crystal beads as a fashion accessory? A truly spiritual person will be ethical and responsible and will listen to his or her conscience, which pricks us when we are not abiding by the rules of decency and simply pretending. What could be some of those rules? True spiritual attributes lie in the practice of unselfish behavior, right-thinking, being kind, thoughtful to others, pleasant, loving and as pure of heart, mind and spirit as possible. Clearly that can be difficult in this world but, being truly spiritual leads to this type of behavior naturally if it is indeed real change that is sought. There are many people who are such the direct opposite of the mentioned behavior that it can seem like a battle to maintain such a pure mindset but perfection is not the goal the persistent attempt is. Shopping at Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s, eating kale and all organic does not in and of itself make one spiritual, there is work involved in the transformation of self. I recommend a book entitled “A Course In Spiritual Philosophy” by Madam Amanda Valiant for more of an examination of what is considered true spiritual attributes. No one is perfect, the momentum is in the effort towards positive change.

  • As: The Etymological definition of As "quite so, wholly so," as in, the NEW YOU "as if that really could happen" as in, you remaining focused when people doubt your ability to change "as if it were so" as in you staying the course when self doubt appears "to burn, glow" similar to metaphorically “the phoenix rising from the ashes,” which is symbolic of true change and transformation. Set goals that are realistic and attainable within your resources and constraints. Yet once again the main resource is you.

  • Real: In the field of psychology there is a term known as Spiritual Bypassing created by pioneering author, clinical psychologist, Buddhist and psychotherapist, John Welwood. He described this problem as “ a widespread tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks. When we are spiritually bypassing, we often use the goal of awakening or liberation to rationalize what I call premature transcendence.” Thus, when I mention real as it relates to authentic spiritual work, I care not for the appearance of spirituality I look at the actual changes and work that has taken place which is represented by the outward words and actions of an individual. Do you aspire to be real or put on a good show?

  • Transparent: The original meaning of the word “transparent” is defined as "presenting no obstacle to the passage of light, so that what is behind can be distinctly seen," Thus, when you have achieved the goal of change that is desired do not be afraid to reveal your past and what you had to experience in order to become this new person who is walking the path of purpose. True growth does not present an obstacle to inner light.

2. Now for the hard part

Your spirituality is not just meant for you to feel good about yourself and experience fun times with your like minded friends. Your morality is necessary for you to truly be a spiritually grounded person. How do you treat people that you do not know or who do not have “the look” that makes you feel comfortable?


Spirituality is not a selfish lifestyle

It is not a “show off/look at me” lifestyle where you are seeking approval “social proof” to validate your actions from people you do not know. What actions will you engage in when no one is around and when you are not posting? Do you treat a homeless person as well as you treat a dog? Analyze your actions and look within.


Spiritual action

If you see someone doing something wrong do you say something about it or do you look away or look down and simply say nothing and hope the problem goes away and “affirm” that you will not be bothered? Spiritual action is not simply doing what is convenient for you, it is being of help to others. How much effort would it take to counsel a child in your neighborhood who just fell off a bike and is sitting on the street crying? How much effort would it take to pick up an item on the floor that a person just dropped and put it in their hand? Too many people are disconnected from basic morality and humanity. The spiritual person should know and do better.

Analyze behavior patterns

Examine your behavior to identify your patterns which can inform you if you are in fact growing as a spiritual person or simply being as such only when it is convenient and then reverting back to old habits and familiar spaces when around familiar people. Are you having an internal struggle between letting go of the old you and fully embracing the changes that you want to make because of what you feel are the expectations of others to be the same old person? What if you don’t want to get drunk with “friends” anymore? You are going to have to make a choice and more than likely you know what the right choice is.


3. Does the world need your energy?

I often “side eye” this comment. Due to the fact that before an individual takes on the task of “saving the world” I often wonder what is the relationship that such a person has with their family members, friends and most importantly himself. The world that needs the most attention is usually the one you occupy that has the people you interact with daily as key role players. You cannot in good conscience take on the issues of the world outside of your space until you deal with your personal issues. Even if you believe you have the perfect life that is good but, could you be of assistance in helping someone else in your community have the same opportunities and success that you are enjoying?

Develop a spirit of discernment

Though you personally are on a path of change, happiness and a consistent positive vibration everyone you cross paths with is not. Deciding to tell someone at work about a Reiki session that you had may not be the best move to make, especially if the person that you share your experience with is a very serious Christian devoted to their faith and unfamiliar and unconcerned with any other form of spiritual development. Such a conversation could cause serious problems. You may have to share your positive energy and yet withhold the “source” until you can place yourself in a workspace where you are around people who share the same experiences and perspectives.


The leveraging of social media

Spiritual coaches love utilizing social media platforms to engage the audience that they have grown and to attract new followers. Yet, many choose to only speak of the positive aspects of spiritual awakening. There can be a lot of pain involved with becoming a very new person. You may lose friends, family members may not be comfortable around you because of the positive energy also known as aura that you give off. Your spiritual growth could also lead to a divorce of all things. This may sound unreal but, growing in spirituality can create new and beautiful life experiences or create pure hell on the way to getting there.


Seek opportunities to reflect

Consider taking time for yourself. You are making a very serious effort to learn, grow and possibly find groups of people to be around that are on their own spiritual journey. That is very admirable however, there is always time needed to be alone. On this path there is a need to think about information that is studied and to evaluate what has been the effect of this knowledge in your life. There is a need to consider if the advice you received in a YouTube video, social media post or Brainz article actually helped you. The need to sit in quite, study information in the form of books or articles is important. Self-study allows you to become your own authority and not simply a follower. What works for someone else may not work for you. That applies to spiritual growth as well as in other phases of your life.


4. What if

Unfortunately, the world is not completely made up of “shiny happy people holding hands.” It would be a wonderful experience for negative people to know when they are doing an activity or speaking words that cause harm to another person. But, that is just wishful thinking. They should be able to feel it in their stomach, the misfortune that they “will upon” another. Yet, it must be understood that there are people who simply live a life prioritizing their own personal satisfaction over all else and they have no problem finding others who share their philosophy of life. So to stress over a person and exert energy attempting to convince such an individual that they need to change is useless. A person will only change when they individually are ready to seek change not because another simply is communicating the need for change. To wait for this change to happen is self-defeating.


Exceptionally self-servicing

There are people walking this planet who go above and beyond to show that they are disconnected from their soul. These people are connected to the most low level energy that can be imagined and even lower than that. They literally ain’t fill in the blank as you wish. An extension of your spirituality to such people would be a waste of time and energy. Everyone is not worthy of your positive energy. Your spiritual discernment as it develops will alert you of such people and it is in your best interest to pay attention and decide accordingly.

Research conducted by BMC Psychology on “Grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, identity integration and self-control related to criminal behavior concluded in a study that grandiose narcissism as a pathological characteristic manifests itself in exaggerated self-esteem, grandiosity and an unrealistic sense of superiority, as well as admiration seeking, entitlement and arrogance.

Programed for a different type of purpose

Inspit of so much negativity taking place in the world there are more people who choose to live a positive life over negative. Unfortunately, negative people are seen as being much more aggressive and willing to impose their will than positive individuals. The social media content that grabs the largest amount of views and the stories that grab the most attention on your local and international news outlets has proven that their knack for attention grabbing. Nevertheless, spirituality is very powerful and persuasive even if not directly imposed on a negative individual or circumstance. The purpose of negativity is to test the will of the spiritual individual as a means of refinement. Spiritually attuned people owe it to themselves and those around them to be realistic in the explanation of this path and to speak up to the negative when it is reasonable, needed and of course not in a life threatening situation if possible.


Spiritual guidance ask and use it

Regular commitment to meditation or taking a quiet moment does not need to last 30 minutes or an hour. 5 minutes of focused quiet and the seeking of guidance in what to do in situations of concern, can lead to outcomes that are based in right thinking and not emotion. There is a concentrated effort to have people act out of emotion and fear rather than, as thoughtful people who are utilizing discernment. Spirituality can and will have an effect upon an individual that allows for behavior and self care that is different from most, if it is allowed to take its full root. That behavior can not only be life changing but life saving. Direct communication via channels that give you a thought that can be as simple as “turn left here” instead of driving your normal route could have enormous positive consequences. Actively listen to your spirit's suggestions and complaints, and thus take prompt action to address those issues leading to improvement in personal areas that require work. By demonstrating responsiveness to your spirit, it will continue to show you a much easier and natural path rather than having to keep learning from mistakes.


Thank you for reading.


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Jassiri Nassor, Spiritual Life Coach

Jassiri Nassor, an expert in esoteric studies and spiritual exploration, embarked on a transformative journey over 13 years ago. Through deep dives into Hermeticism, Tarot, Numerology, and more, Nassor gained profound insights into ancient wisdom. With a background in education and a passion for guiding others, Nassor's mission is clear: illuminating paths to personal enlightenment and self-discovery. Explore Nassor's articles to embark on your own transformative journey today.

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