Written by: Tara Best, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Did you know that thinking positively can actually help boost your physical health? A study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2017 found that the 70,000 women they followed from 20004 to 2012 were at lower risk of dying from strokes, heart disease, several types of cancer and respiratory infections if they were optimistic. That on top of all the mental health benefits to taking a rosy outlook on life. But if you’re busy, stressed, or down in the dumps, how can you, injecting some positivity into your daily life to empower yourself and banish negativity?

Here are 3 small steps you can take today which will help you start down the path towards empowering positivity. They are habits that I have developed and stick to religiously since I discovered how powerful my mindset is and how important it is to work on it. Try them, and let me know how you get on!
1. Positive Self-Talk
Would you tell your best friend they're not good at what they do? Unworthy? A failure? I'd guess not. Yet it's amazing how often we'll say negative things like this to ourselves, especially when we’re stressed or down.
The thing is, the unconscious part of your mind doesn't know the difference between reality and what you tell it, so if you're always beating yourself up and telling yourself that you're no good, too busy, or not coping, that’s what you're going to believe. The good news is, the same applies to found positivity! So, if you can start to incorporate affirmations into your routine, those powerful "I am" statements, then you'll start to show up in a more positive light. So try to change "Things are going wrong today" to "It’s going to be a great day!" or "I'm not coping" to "I can handle whatever comes my way" Tell yourself these affirmations daily (and really begin to FEEL what you're saying) and you'll begin to change how you feel.
2. A Morning Routine
Start your day the RIGHT way! Your mind is like a sponge in the first hour of the day so I want to encourage you to think about what it is that you're filling it up with. Are you scrolling social? Reading emails? Watching the news? Or are you listening to motivational YouTube videos, starting your day with gratitude, affirmations, that? And setting your intention for the day?
Create a bespoke morning routine that works for your lifestyle My morning routine is generally 20-30 minutes long, but if you've only got 5 minutes while the kettle boils, I would still aim to not be on your phone and to be doing things that set yourself up for success. Plus, you're 40% less productive if you check your email and social media in the first hour of the day!
3. Make Time for Happy Moments
You might have heard people online saying how important it is to prioritize self-care. That’s 100% true, but it can sound like you need to make time for big things like a spa day or meal out. But small changes have an impact too. Things like popping some lippy on, playing your favorite music, opening windows, or lighting candles can change how we feel. If you feel jaded at work, don’t scroll social media on your break. Instead, head outside for a walk and maybe even leave the phone behind. The sunshine can be such a good mood enhancer - I sometimes permit myself to have an hour off if I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed and instead go and read in the garden. Small changes make such a big difference!
I truly hope you can fit these into your day, as I know they help people start seeing life from a more positive place. After all, what’s the alternative? Staying stressed and down in the dumps is no way to live, so make these changes today and see how you get on. See, you loved these tips and find that you are seeing a shift towards empowered positivity. Why not join my next G.O.A.L.S Methodfree found virtual retreat? Over 7 days of live teachings and amazing content, we remove limiting beliefs, learn how to set goals, and make plans to smash them. It’s the ultimate blend of mindset and marketing, and I know you’ll love it! It kicks off on the 11th of October, so follow me on Facebook or Instagram to be the first to hear when it’s time to sign up.
For more mindset and productivity tips and some brilliant marketing inspiration, make sure you listen to my podcast Tara Talks, follow me on Instagram, and check out my website.

Tara Best, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Tara Best of Tara Punter Coaching and Tara Punter PR is incredibly passionate about all things mindset and marketing and helping business owners thrive while taking control of those limiting beliefs likely to hold them back in business. As a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Coach, NLP Practitioner, Practitioner of Time Line Therapy, and Hypnotherapist, she has the tools required to help clients rewire their subconscious mind, to help them create unlimited success. She combines this with her marketing and public relations expertise to truly help her audience thrive. Best is also the voice behind the popular podcast Tara Talks and soon to be a published author.