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10 Tips To Bring Lasting Positivity To Your Everyday Life

Written by: Vicki Renz, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Vicki Renz

Let me ask you this? Does all the hype around "think positive" kind of bug you? We hear it so often nowadays "just be positive" or "keep calm and drink tea"... but how is that actually going to make you feel good again?

Young woman with arms in the air giving thumbs up.

What happens if I have negative thoughts?

Should we just be going around thinking grateful thoughts the whole day? Buy a pair of rose tinted glasses and view the world from a color of love? Phew, that's a massive ask.

What happens when other thoughts creep in?

You know the kinds of thoughts I am talking about: when you look in the mirror and don’t like the reflection looking back at you, when you say something and play it over and over on replay in your head, thinking how ridiculous you must have sounded.

Are positive thoughts enough on their own?

Ok, wanna know my take on this?

Gratefulness and positivity are a part of high vibration of course, yet it is naturally human to have negative thoughts flowing through our heads, simply from daily experiences: delays, others around us, events happening in the world. Let’s face it, the world we live in is constantly being affected by positive and negative events that influence us.

That’s the flow of life, like a heartbeat; up and down.

In fact it is perfectly natural for us to flow from a state of positive and negative. After all, isn’t that how the Earth continues to spin? The North and South Poles. The flow of positive to negative charge.

Feeling lighter even through darker days

There are many further parts to an overall feeling of high vibe, especially when we feel like we are struggling within. My personal story is of fertility struggles, feeling like I was cursed due to recurrent miscarriages. My womb just didn’t feel like part of me.

Yet, despite thorough medical analysis and being labelled with “unexplained infertility”, I learned to lift my energy so that the darker days felt lighter. I was determined to heal my womb and to overcome infertility.

Thanks to energy healing techniques I had learned on my life journey so far, I knew that committing to overall daily positivity would help me to heal my womb and eventually heal my fertility struggles. I love sharing what helped me because I know these practices will also bring you lasting positivity.

10 Tips for overall daily positivity

Here are 10 incredible tips which I invite you to do in your life to really uplift how you feel. Through committing to daily positivity practice, you naturally bring your vibration up, which is amazing for how you are vibrating at a cellular level.

Further, it is scientifically proven that when our cells are optimally vibrating, our body is in tune and optimally functioning. For ladies struggling with fertility, these practices have a profoundly positive effect on your inner feminine, your womb, tuning your fertility to an optimal vibration of flow.

  1. Wake up with a heart womb connection – place your hands over your heart and your womb, breathe love into your womb

  2. Feel gratitude, I mean really FEEL it, whilst you are breathing in, there are so many great things that you have in your life. Feel the energy of gratitude inside of your body.

  3. Eat nutritiously, it personally makes a massive difference to me when I start my day with a litre of water with lemon juice, eat fruit & veg and stay gluten free. I feel myself vibrating with naturally positivity because my organs feel free rather than sluggish.

  4. Spend time in nature – a biggie! Get outside, breathe, connect with the earth, go barefoot as much as possible. Our bodies need to ground and connect with the natural electrons from the earth, especially in the modern world where we are constantly bombarded with electronic magnetic fields of energy.

  5. Learn something new every day, it feels so great to feed our brain, creating and reinforcing neural pathways which keep us alert and continually evolving.

  6. Have a good laugh – with a friend, or watch a short, funny video! Laughter produces endorphins which make us feel soooo good.

  7. Know your values and be true to them – so many of us give large parts of ourselves away to others rather than keeping our boundaries. When you are clear on your values, you become way more clear in yourself as a person, naturally setting your energetic boundaries.

  8. Say something loving to yourself when you look in the mirror (every single time!).

  9. Do something that fills you with joy: dance, sing, draw, read.

  10. End your day feeling good about all of the positives (I am very sure you can find many small positives from each day). Take a moment to be still, connecting with your heart and your womb, breathing.

Compounding consistency makes the difference

All of these small steps really add up. Feel great about yourself, love yourself, feel immense self-worth.

You've got this...and the best thing is; when you are high vibe, this resonates at cellular level and is a massive part of shifting heavy energies and healing.

Are you struggling with your fertility and seeking deep healing to reconnect you with your natural fertile flow?

Vicki has published her book “Unblock Your Womb with the Five Steps Technique”, packed with energizing daily practices and her Five Steps Womb Healing technique to bring you the same transformational results that she experienced during her fertility journey.

Available to download as a PDF e-Book here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and visit my website for more info!

Vicki Renz Brainz Magazine

Vicki Renz, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Oh My Mama Body supports women to understand their body through fertility and beyond. Over the past 20 years, Vicki has developed her energy healing techniques, shaping them specifically into supporting women to reconnect with their womb, to rediscover their incredible inner feminine creativity and to reclaim their most fertile, flowing and confident self.

Vicki Renz is a shamanic womb healer, channeller and popular YouTuber. She channels powerful healings and guides women to deeply connect with their womb to release the energetic root cause behind their fertility blockages, awakening them to their natural flow and creative core.

Struggling with recurrent miscarriage and unexplained fertility in her 30's, she used her own healing techniques to heal and become a mother of two.

Vicki felt an urgent calling to awaken others to the energies within their womb and assist them with unlocking and rediscovering their feminine intuition and guidance so that they can abundantly flow.

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