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10 Questions To Determine Your Brain Dominance

Written by Elaine Marie Christine, Best-Selling Author

Elaine Marie Christine has a mission to bring peace to every mind. She is the founder of Aquaterra since 2005, the number 1 best-selling author of The Peace Prophecy trilogy, and host of the Peacemakers podcast.

Executive Contributor Elaine Marie Christine

How does your mind wobble? This ten-question quiz can help you to determine the dominance of your brain hemispheres. Did you know the Earth wobbles on its axis as it spins around? Like the Earth, your mind wobbles as you think.

illustration of a brain as if  with a microchip component

Brain dominance story

In 1999, I was in Phoenix, Arizona, presenting my one-day Managing Risk tutorial for the Society of Women Engineers. At the convention, I tested over one hundred people with my Brain Dominance Quiz to determine how the mind might wobble. The women were given an open-ended question and wrote down an answer.

I required sufficient data to analyze and draw reliable conclusions for my research. I was confident that this was a statistically valid sample size with participation from over 100 female engineers. When I sorted the responses by brain dominance, I was amazed to learn their answers spanned a polarity from risk-seeking to risk-averse. In my study of the decision-making process, I found that risk is a key to human consciousness!

What is brain dominance?

Brain dominance shows the potential power of using your whole brain, both the logical left brain and the creative right brain. Brain dominance is how you discover your natural strength and allow your innate character to shine. You can determine your brain dominance by choosing between pairs of opposites.

The Brain Dominance Quiz indicates a preference for using the practical left or ingenious right brain hemisphere. You can take the Brain Dominance Quiz for self-discovery, to understand how to better communicate with others, and to gain insight into career paths.

The brain dominance quiz

The Brain Dominance Quiz is a ten-question survey. Choose between pairs of opposites to measure preference and determine how much you use your left and right brain hemispheres. There are no right or wrong answers! Score 10 points for each ‘a’ answer indicating left brain and ‘b’ for right brain dominance. If you cannot decide, then score 5 points each.

1. Past or future

I more often think about the a.) past or b.) future. If you think more about the past, you like history and tradition. You hold on to memories of times gone by and may enjoy writing your memoirs in a journal to record the story of your life. If you think more about the future, you like to envision possibilities to create opportunities and dream of things yet to come. You may enjoy creating a treasure map or vision board of the desires you wish to manifest.

2. Averse or seeking

My actions show that I am risk a.) averse or b.) seeking. If you are risk-averse, you like certainty and control. You do not take chances. If you are risk-seeking, you like possibility and adventure. You take chances.

3. Sequence or parallel

I tend to work on tasks in a.) sequence or b.) parallel. If you work on tasks in sequence, you work on them one at a time. You more often complete a job before beginning another. If you work on tasks in parallel, you work on several jobs at the same time. You like to multitask and your projects may be in various stages of completion.

4. Improve or innovate

To advance, I would rather a.) improve or b.) innovate. If you would rather improve, you like to take it step by step. Your progress is evolutionary. If you would rather innovate, you like to take a leap. Your forward movement is revolutionary.

5. Find answers or ask questions

Others would say that I often a.) find answers or b.) ask questions. If you often find answers, you are methodical and like to solve problems. If you often ask questions, you are curious and like to explore the unknown.

6. Production or design

The job that I would rather do is a.) production or b.) design. If the job you would rather do is production, you could be a builder following the plans. If the job you would rather do is design, you could be an architect drawing the plans.

7. Tangible or possible

I am more interested in what is a.) tangible or b.) possible. If you are interested in what is tangible, you have to see it in order to believe it. If you are interested in what is possible, you have to believe it in order to see it.

8. Practical or ingenious

I like to think that I am a.) practical or b.) ingenious. If you are more practical, you are sensible and realistic. If you are more ingenious, you are inspired and artistic.

9. Traditional or original

My thinking is usually considered a.) traditional or b.) original. If your thinking is traditional, you are more conventional and predictable. If your thinking is original, you are more unique and inventive.

10. Conservative or liberal

My thoughts about society are a.) conservative or b.) liberal. If your thoughts about society are conservative, you are more careful and cautious. If your thoughts about society are liberal, you are more flexible and tolerant.

Brain dominance resources

Download and print the Brain Dominance Quiz in PDF format. Choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ for each phrase that best describes your behavior. You can also take the Brain Dominance Quiz online and decide which brain hemisphere you prefer. Record your percentage of left/right brain dominance. For more self-discovery and help to shine your divine human potential, see Elaine’s book on Amazon, The Peace Prophecy Star Child.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube. Visit my website for more info!

Read more from Elaine Marie Christine


Elaine Marie Christine, Best-Selling Author

Elaine Marie Christine is a Mindfulness Expert, number 1 Best Selling author, and International Keynote Speaker. She earned an MBA, Master in CS (1983), and PhD in Computer Science with a minor in Artificial Intelligence from the Florida Institute of Technology (1995). Her landmark text, Managing Risk, was published by Addison Wesley Longman (1998). She is the tech-savvy Sole Proprietor and Owner at Aquaterra, publishing digital content (since 2005). Dr. Elaine Christine was inducted into Who’s Who in America (2021).



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