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10 Best Writer’s Block Busters For When You’re Truly Stuck

Written by: Mags Thomson, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Sometimes when you sit down to write a beautiful blog post, or maybe even your own book, you can’t seem to get the cursor moving. It blinks blinks blinks at you and possibly drives you to despair. I have pulled 10 of my absolute favorite writer’s blockbusters, right from the House of Hives Author Portal! These will definitely get you back in the flow of things and stop the blinking cursor from affecting your health and happiness.

Writer’s Block - Man laying on the floor having writer's block

1. Get Into The Habit Of Writing

Set yourself the challenge to write a little every day. Not on your project necessarily, but just write something. Start journaling every morning or evening, depending on your preference. Or commit to writing a gratitude list every evening before going to bed. Just make putting words on paper part of your daily routine somehow.

2. Take Notes

Get into the habit of carrying a notebook around with you, or install a note-taking app like Evernote onto your phone. That way, when you have an idea or see something that inspires you, you can take note of it. This will then allow you to refer back to the thought when you get to your desk to write.

3. Read Something

Are you finding it hard to write, then start by reading. Enjoying the story of another author can give you just that spark you need to get the words onto paper for yourself. Make sure to read something in the genre and language that you want to write in so you get yourself in the right headspace.

4. Braindump

Grab a pen and paper and set a timer to 20 minutes. Use that time to just write down any thought, idea, or stoke of inspiration you feel. Don’t think about it and where it would fit into your story or book, or blog idea; just get the ideas out. You can sort through these later.

5. Just Say The Word

Sometimes it helps to talk instead of write. Grab your phone and start recording your voice. Whether this just helps you organize your thoughts, or you have the file transcribed later ( is a great service for that), it may just get your juices flowing again.

6. Set Time Aside, And Do It

Sometimes it helps to be a bit firm with yourself. Plan some time when you are going to write, and then just do it. Start with 30 minutes or an hour, and see how you get on. Stop thinking about how good it is or whether it’s exactly right. Just get some words on paper.

7. Get Those Creative Juices Flowing

Sometimes we get so caught up in what we’re trying to produce that we completely shut down our creative thinking. Get those juices flowing again by being creative in other areas. Start drawing or painting, make some music, or cook something new and challenging. Do you have kids? Get them involved. They are usually creative geniuses!

8. Create The Right Space

In order to get writing, create a good space to write in. Make yourself a cup of tea, if you like that. Clear your desk of distractions. Play some music, if that’s how you like to work. Just make sure you can work in a space that feels relaxed and supportive to you.

9. Get Moving

Dance through the house, go for a run or a walk. Just get your body moving in a way that feels enjoyable and comfortable for you. Getting out of your head and into your body.

10. Write About Your Writer’s Block

If all else fails, write about this feeling of being blocked. What are you feeling and why? What is holding you back? Sometimes writing this out and acknowledging your feelings can be just the thing to get you back to yourself.

Are you ready to tap into your most unique selling point?

I help heart-centered entrepreneurs like yourself cut through the noise and overwhelm of social media by tapping into their most unique selling point, their personal stories. By working on collaborative publications together with like-minded entrepreneurs and with the support of my team and me, you will create authentic quality connections to new audiences.

I’ll help you move through the writing process with ease, support you with limiting beliefs around visibility, and empower you to fully develop your voice of credibility, establish yourself as the go-to authority in your field and grow your business exponentially.

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Mags Thomson, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Mags helps heart-centred entrepreneurs like yourself, cut through the noise and overwhelm of social media by tapping into their most unique selling point, their personal story. By working on collaborative publications together with like-minded entrepreneurs and with the support of Mags and her team, you will create authentic quality connections to new audiences.

Mags will help you move through the writing process with ease, support you with limiting beliefs around visibility and empower you to fully develop your voice of credibility, establish yourself as the go-to authority in your field and grow your business exponentially.

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