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From Silence To Song: Joy Adler's Comeback Story

Joy Adler is an accomplished holistic health, healing, and wellness leader with over three decades of experience. She founded Alternative Healing Arts in 1993, integrating psychology, energy work, and the arts to help individuals overcome trauma and achieve optimal well-being. Joy is an award-winning singer/songwriter and sound healer, whose music plays a central role in her healing practices. Her journey has been deeply influenced by her training with Native American shamans, where she reclaimed her voice and spiritual path.

Joy serves as the Dean of both the master´s program Advanced Studies, at The Barbara Brennan School of Healing in Florida and their school in New York, mentoring the next generation of healers. She continues to perform with her group, The Souls of Evolution, as well as leading spiritual musical retreats to sacred sites. Her work combines her vast experience in energy healing, sound therapy, and education, offering transformative experiences through music and teaching. Joy´s commitment to healing extends beyond her practice, as she shares her knowledge through workshops, writings, and upcoming books, helping others reclaim their paths and voices.

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Brainz podcast

Brainz Podcast With Joy Adler - How Music And Sound Influence The Healing Process

Joy Adler is an accomplished holistic health, healing, and wellness leader with over three decades of experience. She founded Alternative Healing Arts in 1993, integrating psychology, energy work, and the arts to help individuals overcome trauma and achieve optimal well-being. Joy is an award-winning singer/songwriter and sound healer, whose music plays a central role in her healing practices. Her journey has been deeply influenced by her training with Native American shamans, where she reclaimed her voice and spiritual path.

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